mitoPADdb - Mitochondrial Proteins Associated with Diseases database
The browse page allows users to access the data in five ways.
N.B.- Users should follow the instructions to browse the five different options either by selecting from the left panel or by scrolling up/down the page.
In this option, users can get protein/gene information curated in this database. First, users need to select one alphabet (A-Z), and it will open a list of genes (with UniProt accession ID and Disease Associations), and will show the number of genes found in the database starting with that alphabet at the top. Users can get the details of protein/gene information available in mitoPADdb by clicking the UniProt accession ID provided.
Here, users can explore connections among pathways, genes, and diseases from KEGG or MitoCarta 3.0. First, users need to select KEGG or MitoCarta 3.0, and it will provide a list of pathways included in that database. Second, users need to double-click on a pathway to get a list of genes associated with a pathway. Further, users need to double-click on a gene to get a list of diseases associated with that gene.
In this option, users can browse disease category information curated in mitoPADdb. First, users need to select a disease category from a list of 15 disease categories, It will show a list of disease terms like Disease ID and Disease name associated with the category along with the number of hits found in that disease category. Further, users can obtain the details of the disease compiled in the database by clicking on a Disease ID.
In this option, users can visualize the heatmap of differential transcript expression of mitochondrial protein-encoding (MPE) genes provided in a disease category and, can also obtain a list of all Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) studies of that disease category. First, users need to select a disease category to obtain a table of attributes e.g., study IDs, Disease name, Sample, Log2 Fold Change Subjects with sample size, Condition/State, and GEO Accession. To visualize the heatmap, users need to click on the "Get expression heatmap" button available at the top and bottom of the table. In the heatmap, the X-axis and Y-axis represent expression studies and gene symbols respectively. Further, for visualization of the heatmap of selected genes starting with a particular alphabet, users need to select an alphabet (A-Z) from the list of buttons provided. In case, there is no genes available on the selected alphabet, a message will show that "No genes starting with alphabet". Here, the Log2 Fold Change values [diseased vs control] were used to draw the expression heatmap.
In this option, users can visualize the heatmap of differential transcript expression of all mitochondrial protein-encoding (MPE) genes (number of genes = 810) available in the database across all GEO studies (number of studies = 317) by selecting two disease categories at a time. First, users need to select two different disease categories from the drop-down lists for Disease Category 1 and Disease Category 2. Further, users need to click on the "Get heatmap" button provided on the right. In the heatmap, the X-axis represents expression studies, and the Y-axis represents gene symbols, which is shown alphabet-wise. By default, the heatmap page will open for the genes starting with the alphabet "A", users need to select other alphabets (A-Z) to obtain the heatmap of their choice of genes.
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