SDLDpred - Symptom-based Drugs of Lifestyle-related Diseases prediction
SDLDpred is a web-based tool to predict drugs of lifestyle-related diseases using symptoms as features. It uses an unsupervised machine learning model trained using Bisecting K-Means algorithm to perform the prediction. The model was trained with disease-symptom and drug-disease association data of 143 lifestyle-related diseases, 1271 drugs and 305 symptoms. To know more about SDLDpred, go to About page. For help, please refer to Help page.
Cite as: Bhattacharjee, S., Saha, B., & Saha, S. (2024). Symptom-based drug prediction of lifestyle-related chronic diseases using unsupervised machine learning techniques. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 174, 108413.
Please contact Dr. Sudipto Saha (, regarding any further queries.