What is DAAB?
What Information can I obtain from DAAB?
What is importance of DAAB?
How do I search for a query in the DAAB search page?
How do I report a bug in DAAB?
Are there any suggested readings related to the contents of this database?
How often is the database updated?
What is DAAB?
DAAB is a manually curated database containing detail molecular information (sequences, publications, studies, resources and experimental methods) of biomarkers specific to Allergy and atopic asthma. These biomarkers have been compiled by reviewing several literatures including many high-throughput ’OMICS‘ (genomics, proteomics or epigenetics) experiments. These biomarkers are usually genes or proteins which have changed their expression pattern or sequence structure in atopic or asthmatic individual. In the present version of DAAB Biomarkers have been compiled from limited number of important literatures and thus it is not exhaustive. Continuous curation is being done to make this database extensive.
What Information can I obtain from DAAB?
1. Sequence information on Allergy and Asthma Biomarkers are available in a single format.
2. Users can verify and retrieve additional information on individual biomarker by digging the corresponding literature in pubmed.
3. Brief information on What possible role do these biomarkers play in asthma and allergy pathogenesis can be obtained from DAAB.
4. Protein-BLAST programme available in this database will allow users to find out sequence level homology of an new gene identified as atopic asthma biomarker with already existing entries in DAAB.
5. Which approach has been used to identify a particular biomarker can also be obtained.
What is importance of DAAB?
1. These Biomarkers are important dataset for performing ’System level integrated approach‘ to identify the altered pathway in a disease such as asthma or allergy.
2. BLAST tool for scientific enquiry - A new biomarker obtained from a study on a particular model can be searched for its homologous or analogous entries in DAAB.
3. Therapeutic targets can be identified from this database.
How do I search for a query in the DAAB search page?
Search page

Search result

Blast Search

Blast search result

How do I report a bug in DAAB?
Please email Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in) with any bugs that you think need attention, with as much detail as possible, including the DAAB ACCESS NO, nature of the bug and your suggestions (if any) for fixing it.
Are there any suggested readings related to the contents of this database?
We are in a process of adding new features to the database. We encourage users to send back their feedback and suggestions so as to improve the content and features of DAAB. Please email Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in) & Dr. Swati Gupta Bhattacharya (swati@jcbose.ac.in)with any new feature(s) or query that you would like to see included, with as much detail as possible.
How often is the database updated?
This is the first version of the database. It is expected to be updated every six months.