118 records found in the R1 cell line

RecordSource Gene NameOrganismTarget Gene NameMethodsPubMed ID
1MycMus musculusBard1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
2MycMus musculusBaxChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
3MycMus musculusBrca2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
4MycMus musculusBrmd1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
5MycMus musculusCdc26ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
6MycMus musculusCdca7ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
7MycMus musculusCdk4ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
8MycMus musculusCdk6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
9MycMus musculusCdk7ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
10MycMus musculusCdkap1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
11MycMus musculusCdk13ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
12MycMus musculusDnmt3lChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
13MycMus musculusEedChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
14MycMus musculusFbxl13ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
15MycMus musculusFbxo15ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
16MycMus musculusFgfr1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
17MycMus musculusFoxa2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
18MycMus musculusGdf3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
19MycMus musculusHdgfChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
20MycMus musculusHellsChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
21MycMus musculusHes1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
22MycMus musculusHmga1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
23MycMus musculusHmgb2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
24MycMus musculusJak1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
25MycMus musculusKdm6bChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
26MycMus musculusKlf5ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
27MycMus musculusKlf7ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
28MycMus musculusKlf9ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
29MycMus musculusMazChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
30MycMus musculusMbd3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
31MycMus musculusMycnChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
32MycMus musculusPhc1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
33MycMus musculusPou5f1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
34MycMus musculusRestChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
35MycMus musculusSmarcad1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
36MycMus musculusSocs5ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
37MycMus musculusSox2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
38MycMus musculusStat3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
39MycMus musculusPou5f1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
40MycMus musculusNanogCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
41MycMus musculusErasCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
42MycMus musculusRestCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
43MycMus musculusGdf3Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
44MycMus musculusZfp42Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
45MycMus musculusSocs3Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
46MycMus musculusCd9Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
47MycMus musculusBmp4Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
48MycMus musculusUtf1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
49MycMus musculusTdgf1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
50Stat3Mus musculusEgr2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
51Stat3Mus musculusEmoesChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
52Stat3Mus musculusFbxo15ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
53Stat3Mus musculusFoxa2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
54Stat3Mus musculusFoxb2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
55Stat3Mus musculusFoxc2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
56Stat3Mus musculusFoxd1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
57Stat3Mus musculusFoxd2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
58Stat3Mus musculusGata2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
59Stat3Mus musculusGata3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
60Stat3Mus musculusGata6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
61Stat3Mus musculusHoxa10ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
62Stat3Mus musculusHoxa11ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
63Stat3Mus musculusHoxa3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
64Stat3Mus musculusHoxa7ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
65Stat3Mus musculusHoxb13ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
66Stat3Mus musculusHoxb4ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
67Stat3Mus musculusHoxb6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
68Stat3Mus musculusHoxb8ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
69Stat3Mus musculusHoxb9ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
70Stat3Mus musculusHoxc13ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
71Stat3Mus musculusHoxc6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
72Stat3Mus musculusHoxc8ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
73Stat3Mus musculusHoxd10ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
74Stat3Mus musculusHoxd13ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
75Stat3Mus musculusHoxd9ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
76Stat3Mus musculusPax1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
77Stat3Mus musculusPax5ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
78Stat3Mus musculusPax6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
79Stat3Mus musculusPax7ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
80Stat3Mus musculusPax9ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
81Stat3Mus musculusPou4f2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
82Stat3Mus musculusPou4f3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
83Stat3Mus musculusRestChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
84Stat3Mus musculusSmad2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
85Stat3Mus musculusSmarca1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
86Stat3Mus musculusSmarcd2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
87Stat3Mus musculusSocs3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
88Stat3Mus musculusSox15ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
89Stat3Mus musculusSox21ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
90Stat3Mus musculusStat1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
91Stat3Mus musculusStat2ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
92Stat3Mus musculusStat3ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
93Stat3Mus musculusWnt2bChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
94Stat3Mus musculusWnt6ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
95Stat3Mus musculusWnt7bChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
96Stat3Mus musculusWt1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
97Stat3Mus musculusZic1ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
98Stat3Mus musculusPou5f1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
99Stat3Mus musculusNanogCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
100Stat3Mus musculusErasCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
101Stat3Mus musculusRestCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
102Stat3Mus musculusGdf3Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
103Stat3Mus musculusZfp42Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
104Stat3Mus musculusSocs3Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
105Stat3Mus musculusCd9Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
106Stat3Mus musculusBmp4Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
107Stat3Mus musculusUtf1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
108Stat3Mus musculusTdgf1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
109Stat3Mus musculusTCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
110Stat3Mus musculusEomesCell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
111Stat3Mus musculusFoxa2Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
112Stat3Mus musculusGata6Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
113Stat3Mus musculusLhx1Cell Culture in absense of LIF and ChIP-chip and qRT- PCR19079543
114Suz12Mus musculusCav1ChIP and qRT-PCR29242593
115Suz12Mus musculusCdh2ChIP and qRT-PCR29242593
116Suz12Mus musculusTgfbr1ChIP and qRT-PCR29242593
117Suz12Mus musculusTgfbr2ChIP and qRT-PCR29242593
118Suz12Mus musculusTgfbr3ChIP and qRT-PCR29242593

© 2019 Saha Lab @ Bose Institute, Kolkata. All rights reserved

For queries, suggestions and submission of interactions please contact Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in)

Last updated on 22nd November, 2019

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