PluriPred : A webserver for predicting pluripotent proteins






What is Pluripotent protein?

Pluripotent proteins/genes are those proteins/genes, which have important role for maintaing self-renewal property of pluripotent stem cells or differentiation into all kind of adult cell types.

How to use PluriPred

PluriPred is a simple web based tool to use. What users have to do are given below:

Home page/Submission page

  • Go to home page which is also our submission page. Figure 1 shows a sample home page and how to give input.
  • Copy-paste sequence of protein(s) in FASTA format in the text area or upload a file containing it. You can upload an example of FASTA sequences by cliking EXAMPLE in the home page.
  • In threshold text box the default value is the threshold where best result was given in 5 fold cross validation. Users can change the the value according to their requirments.
  • In SVM method users can select one of the two methods which using amino acid and dipeptide as features or amino acid and triad as features. The default selected method is amino acid and triad features.
  • Users can select BLAST for getting the result of the hybrid model. Otherwise users will get the results of only SVM model. The BLAST is selected by default as hybrid model gives better performance than only SVM method. The default significant E-value is 0.01 as it gave better performance in 5 fold cross validation though users can change significant E-value according to their requirments.
  • Click Submit for getting result

Figure 1: Home/submission page with an example of sequences in FASTA format.

Browse page

How users will give input from browse page is shown below in figure 2.

Figure 2: Browse page from where users may give proteins' amino acid sequences in FASTA format.

Result page

Once users click on the submit button after proper filling of the input of the home page, they will see the results in the result page. Results of the input proteins' FASTA sequences will be shown in a tabular form as well as in ghraphical form. Users can also download the results by going to download page by clicking download results in result page.

Results in tabular format

Results of the input proteins' amino acid sequences in FASTA format in tabular format is shown below in figure 3.

Figure 3: Results of the example input proteins' amino acid sequences in FASTA format in tabular form.

Results in graphical format

Results of the input proteins' amino acid sequences in FASTA format in graphical format is shown below in figure 4.

Figure 4: Results of the example input proteins' amino acid sequences in FASTA format in ghraphical form.

© Bose Institute, Kolkata, 2015. All rights reserved. For any queries regarding PluriPred, contact Dr. Sudipto Saha at