Enteropathogen Protein Protein Interaction Prediction, abbreviated as "EnPPIpred", is a web server that predict intra-species protein protein interactions (PPIs) of entheropathogen. EnPPIpred provide two options to its users:
(a) Submission and (b) Browse
- Step 1: Organism Selection.
- Step 2: Fill the information of Protein A and Protein B. No field will be blank. Otherwise it may give an error message.
- Step 3: Filled all information along with threshold value.
- Step 4: After pressing the submit button , Prediction server will give the result. If two proteins donot belong to same organism or species. It may give error message.
- Step 5: Browse option for 5 different organism.
- Step 6: After selecting second option i.e. Salmonella Typhi. The browse result will be displayed. Please select only one protein each from Protein A & one and more proteins from Protein B. Only the most recent selection of Protein A will be treated as input.
- Step 7: After pressing submit button user will see the last selected values of two proteins or more proteins.
- Step 8: After pressing submit button, result will be appear in the screen and User can Download the result.