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Total number of records for Asthma in Blood Plasma of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 183
Record no | Disease | Organism | Sample | Gene Name | Techniques | Omics | Study | Comments | Pubmed ID |
1 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CP | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Copper protein synthesized by the liver and activated by macrophages. Plays a role in iron metabolism and upregulated in adults suffering from asthma. | 21471098 |
2 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HP | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Expressed by eosinophils.Involved in tissue remodelling and fibrosis. Upregulated in asthma. | 21471098 |
3 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HPX | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Acute phase protein which is synthesized by the liver and have important antiinflammatory properties through inhibition of oxidative stress. | 21471098 |
4 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | F2 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Decreased in asthamtics | 21471098 |
5 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | FGG | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
6 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | SERPIND1 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
7 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | PROS1 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
8 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | ITIH4 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
9 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | SERPINF2 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
10 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HRG | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
11 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | SERPINC1 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Significantly increased in asthma patients | 21471098 |
12 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | GSN | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in coagulation cascade | 21471098 |
13 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CFH | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Involved in complement pathways | 21471098 |
14 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CFB | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in complement pathways | 21471098 |
15 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | C3 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in complement pathways | 21471098 |
16 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | C4A | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | Involved in complement pathways | 21471098 |
17 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IGHA1 | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | IGHA1 was over expressed in asthma and COPD patients as compared to healthy controls. | 21471098 |
18 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IGHM | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput | IGHM was differentially expressed in asthma and COPD patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 21471098 |
19 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | A2M | MALDI Tof | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Interacts and captures any proteinases which are encountered as foreign proteins thus providing a humoral defense barrier against pathogens. | 21471098 |
20 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | FGG | 2D gel and MALDI TOF and Western blot | Proteomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Participates in inflammation by binding to leukocyte integrin aMb2 (CD11b/CD18,Mac-1, CR3) | 19076930 |
21 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | C3 | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Downregulated in immediate phase reaction of allergic patients | 19076930 |
22 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | C4A | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Upregulated in immediate phase reaction of allergic patients | 19076930 |
23 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | C3D | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Upregulated in immediate phase reaction of allergic patients | 19076930 |
24 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | TTR | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Upregulated in immediate phase reaction of allergic patients | 19076930 |
25 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | ALB | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Serum albumin was significantly higher in the IPR positive asthmatic group than in the IPR negative group. | 19076930 |
26 | Asthma challenged with inhaled allergens | Human | Blood Plasma | APOE | 2D gel and MALDI TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Upregulated in immediate phase reaction of allergic patients | 19076930 |
27 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | FGA | 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Expression of this protein is decreased in Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared to aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA). | 24120690 |
28 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | APOH | 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF and ELISA | Proteomics, Others | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Expression of this protein is decreased in Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared to aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA). | 24120690 |
29 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | C3 | 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Expression of this protein is increased in Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared to aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA). | 24120690 |
30 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | C4A | 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Expression of this protein is increased in Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared to aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA). | 24120690 |
31 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | KNG1 | 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF | Proteomics | High Throughput | Expression of this protein is increased in Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared to aspirin-tolerant asthma (ATA). | 24120690 |
32 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CRP | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | It is one of the most characteristic surrogate markers of systemic inflammation. Significantly higher plasma CRP levels was found at acute exacerbation and remained elevated during remission compared with healthy controls. This reflects chronic systemic inflammation in asthma. | 24073339 |
33 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | MMP9 | ELISA and zymography | Others | Low Throughput | Level of this marker was significantly higher in acute exacerbation and decreased in remission but remained significantly higher compared to healthy controls. | 24073339 |
34 | Asthma and aspirin tolerance | Human | Blood Plasma | RNASE2 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | This protein is present in higher levels in subjects with aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD) as compared with aspirin tolerant asthma (ATA )subjects. | 23805255 |
35 | Asthma. | Human | Blood Plasma | ELANE | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Elevated in asthmatic patients. | 18504410 |
36 | Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema. | Human | EDTA added Blood Plasma | LEP | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | High leptin were associated with increased persistence of asthma. | 18331416 |
37 | Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema. | Human | EDTA added Blood Plasma | ADIPOQ | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Low adiponectin is associated with rhinoconjunctivitis and hay fever in girls and higher prevalence of asthma in general. | 18331416 |
38 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-1 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Blood plasma level of miR-1 was found to decrease in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
39 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-125b | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Blood plasma level of miR-125b was found to increase in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
40 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR126 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Increased blood plasma level of miR-126 was found in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
41 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR21 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Increased blood plasma level of miR-21 was found in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
42 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | let-7b | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Increased blood plasma level of let-7b was found in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
43 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | let-7c | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Increased blood plasma level of let-7c was found in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
44 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | let-7e | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | Increased blood plasma level of let-7e was found in both allergic rhinitis and asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
45 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-16 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-16 was up regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
46 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR223 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-223 was up regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
47 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR148A | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-148a was up regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
48 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR146A | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-146a was up regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
49 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-299-5p | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-299-5p was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
50 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR570 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-570 was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
51 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR150 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-150 was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to allergic rhinitis patients and healthy subjects. | 27025347 |
52 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR106A | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-106a was significantly down regulated in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthmatic patients compared with that in healthy subjects, however, their down regulation was more exaggerated among allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics. | 27025347 |
53 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR155 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-155 was significantly down regulated in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthmatic patients compared with that in healthy subjects, however, their down regulation was more exaggerated among allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics. | 27025347 |
54 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR145 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-145 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit increased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
55 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-422 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-422 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit increased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
56 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR133B | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-133b exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
57 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-133a | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-133a exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
58 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR26B | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-26b exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
59 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-330-5p | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-330-5p exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
60 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-29 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-29 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
61 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR1291 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-1291 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
62 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR144 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-144 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
63 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR206 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-206 showed similar expression levels between the healthy and asthmatic cohorts. miR-206 was up regulated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics and healthy individuals. | 27025347 |
64 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR328 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-328 showed similar expression levels between the healthy and asthmatic cohorts. miR-328 was up regulated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics and healthy individuals. | 27025347 |
65 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-338-3p | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-338-3p showed similar expression levels between the healthy and asthmatic cohorts. miR-338-3p was down regulated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics and healthy individuals. | 27025347 |
66 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR26A1 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-26a showed similar expression levels between the healthy and asthmatic cohorts. miR-26a was down regulated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to asthmatics and healthy individuals. | 27025347 |
67 | Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | MIR1248 | RT-PCR Array | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-1248 exhibited similar expression trend between allergic rhinitis patients and asthmatics but was found to exhibit decreased plasma levels as compared to healthy controls. | 27025347 |
68 | Asthma (Children) | Human | Blood Plasma | TSLP | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Children with allergy and asthma had higher TSLP than children without allergy and asthma (healthy children), while nonallergic children with asthma had no difference in the level of TSLP when compared to healthy children. | 26999524 |
69 | Pediatric asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IFNG | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Significant decrease in plasma γ-IFN was found in pediatric asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30406061 |
70 | Pediatric asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL12 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Significant decrease in plasma IL12 was found in pediatric asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30406061 |
71 | Pediatric asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Increase in plasma IL4 was found in pediatric asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30406061 |
72 | Pediatric asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL6 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Increase in plasma IL6 was found in pediatric asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30406061 |
73 | Pediatric asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Increase in plasma TNFalpha was found in pediatric asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30406061 |
74 | Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis combined with Asthma group | Human | Blood Plasma, CD8 T cells, Eosinophils | IFN-λ2 | ELISA, Flow Cytometry | Others | Low Throughput | The elevated plasma levels of IFN-λ2 in the patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma and allergic rhinitis combined with asthma as compared to the control, and positive correlations of plasma IFN-λ2 with tryptase in Allergic Rhinits and asthma indicate that IFN-λ2 is likely to contribute to the pathogenesis of allergic airway disorders. Upregulated IFN-λ2 expression was observed in CD8 T cells and eosinophils of allergic airway disorders indicating that they are the potential sources of IFN-λ2. | 27057098 |
75 | Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis combined with Asthma group | Human | Blood Plasma | IL4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma levels of IL4 was increased in the patients with asthma as compared to the control, but not in allergic rhinitis combined with asthma or allergic rhinitis alone. | 27057098 |
76 | Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis combined with Asthma group | Human | Blood Plasma | IL10 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma levels of IL10 was decreased in the patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma and allergic rhinitis combined with asthma as compared to the control. | 27057098 |
77 | Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis combined with Asthma group | Human | Blood Plasma | IL12 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma levels of IL12 was decreased in the patients with allergic rhinitis, asthma and allergic rhinitis combined with asthma as compared to the control. | 27057098 |
78 | Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis combined with Asthma group | Human | Blood Plasma | Tryptase | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma levels of tryptase were increased in the patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma as compared to the control, but not in allergic rhinitis combined with asthma. | 27057098 |
79 | T2 High and T2 Low Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CCL11 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma CCL11 level was increased in T2-high as compared to T2-low asthmatic patients. | 30578390 |
80 | T2 High and T2 Low Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CCL26 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma CCL26 level was significantly increased in T2-high as compared to T2-low asthmatic patients. CCL26 expression was highest in patients with high FeNO and blood eosinophils. | 30578390 |
81 | Bronchial Asthma | Human | Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Blood Plasma | TF | Western Blotting, ELISA | Proteomics, Others | Low Throughput | Compared with healthy controls, the levels of TF protein was increased in asthmatic patients. | 30293344 |
82 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | TNFalpha levels were generally higher in atopic compared with non-atopic children. Children with persistent asthma showed significantly higher TNFalpha levels compared with those with no persistent asthma. | 27001655 |
83 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | PGE2 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The levels of PGE2 in asthma patients group were significantly higher than those in healthy group. | 30172255 |
84 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TXB2 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The levels of TXB2 in asthma patients group were significantly higher than those in healthy group. | 30172255 |
85 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | PGE1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The levels of PGE1 in asthma patients group were significantly higher than those in healthy group. | 30172255 |
86 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | PGF2α | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The levels of PGF2α in asthma patients group were significantly lower than those in healthy group. | 30172255 |
87 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | 6-k-PGF1α | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The levels of 6-k-PGF1α in asthma patients group were significantly lower than those in healthy group. | 30172255 |
88 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | TNFalpha level was higher in asthmatics and associated with the total amount of thrombin. Plasma TNFalpha were higher in persistent and sporadic asthmatics. | 28429138 |
89 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | Prothrombin | Biochemical Test | Others | Low Throughput | Enhanced thrombin generation in asthma might be a reason of systemic inflammatory state and is at least partially, driven by inflammatory cytokines such as IL6 and TNFalpha. | 28429138 |
90 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL6 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL6 level was higher in asthmatics and associated with the total amount of thrombin. Plasma IL6 were higher in persistent and sporadic asthmatics. | 28429138 |
91 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL5RA | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Children with moderate–severe asthma exacerbations had lower IL5RA levels and children with earlier age of asthma onset had higher IL5RA. | 28574721 |
92 | Asthma | Human | Peripheral Blood Monocytes, Neutrophils, B cells, Blood Plasma | IL18 | Flow Cytometry, ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma IL18 level was elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. Enhanced expression of IL18 was also noted in asthmatic neutrophils and B cells. | 28922563 |
93 | Asthma | Human | Peripheral Blood Monocytes, Neutrophils, B cells, Blood Plasma | IL18BP | Flow Cytometry, ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma IL18BP level was elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. Majority of the peripheral blood monocytes, neutrophils and B cells were found to express IL18BP in aathmatic patients. | 28922563 |
94 | Bronchial Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CLDN4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Claudin-4 in blood from asthmatic patients was increased compared with that from healthy control subjects. Plasma claudin-4 levels were significantly higher in exacerbated patients than in control patients with bronchial asthma. The plasma claudin-4 level was correlated with eosinophils, total IgE, FEV1% pred, and FEV1/FVC. | 29178675 |
95 | Asthma (in pregnant women) | Human | Blood Plasma | OPN | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Increase of osteopontin level in pregnancy was independent of concomitant asthma suggesting that it has an important role during gestation. | 29200898 |
96 | Asthma (in pregnant women) | Human | Blood Plasma | CLU | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Clusterin level decreases in healthy pregnancy but not in asthmatic pregnancy and correlates directly with lung function. | 29200898 |
97 | Neutrophilic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | sRAGE | ELISA, Sanger Sequencing method | Others, Genomics | Low Throughput | Plasma sRAGE levels were decreased in neutrophilic asthmatics and increased in non-neutrophilic asthmatics as compared with healthy controls. Plasma sRAGE levels were positively correlated with FEV1% predicted (FEV1% Pre) in neutrophilic asthmatics. Plasma sRAGE may be a biomarker of asthma severity and may be associated with G82S gene variants in neutrophilic asthmatics. | 29257350 |
98 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Blood Plasma, Sputum | RIGI | Flow Cytometry | Others | Low Throughput | At exacerbation, the RIGI expression was higher in classical Dendritic Cells and peripheral Dendritic Cells but not in monocytes from asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+) than in patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-). | 29137638 |
99 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | IL5 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Virus infected asthma patients had significantly higher IL5 levels in sputum and plasma than in asthma patients without any viral infection. These levels were associated with higher percentages of sputum eosinophils. Sputum IL5 concentrations were lower in asthma patients with viral infection at both steady and exacerbation state (V+V+) than in patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-) at both periods. | 29137638 |
100 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | CXCL8 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Compared to steady state, CXCL8 level in the sputum of virus infected asthmatic patients were significantly higher during exacerbation. | 29137638 |
101 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Blood Plasma, Sputum | TLR3 | Flow Cytometry | Others | Low Throughput | At exacerbation and steady state, classical Dendritic Cells and monocytes in asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+), expressed significantly more TLR3 than that in patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-). | 29137638 |
102 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | IL22 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma IL22 levels were significantly lower in virus infected asthma patients at steady state. Higher IL22 levels were detected in sputum of asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+) at steady state. | 29137638 |
103 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Blood Plasma, Sputum | IL1B | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Compared to Virus uninfected asthma patients, IL1B was increased in unstimulated PBMC of Virus infected asthma patients. During exacerbation and at steady state, sputum concentrations of IL1B were higher in asthma patients with viral infection at both steady and exacerbation state (V+V+) than in patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-). | 29137638 |
104 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | IFNG | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Compared to asthma patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-), sputum IFNG levels at exacerbation were lower in asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+). In plasma, IFNG levels were lower in V+V+. | 29137638 |
105 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | IL6 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Compared to steady state, IL6 level in the sputum of virus infected asthmatic patients were significantly higher during exacerbation. Plasma IL6 concentrations were greater in asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+) than in patients with viral infection at exacerbation only (V+V-) during exacerbation. | 29137638 |
106 | Allergic Asthma (Virus triggered exacerbation in allergic asthma children) | Human | Blood Plasma, Sputum | IL29 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | In plasma, IL29 levels were greater in asthma patients with viral infection both at steady state and exacerbation (V+V+). | 29137638 |
107 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL17A | Human Cytokine Antibody Array, ELISA | Others | High Throughput, Low Throughput | Plasma IL17A level was signifcantly increased in asthmatics when compared with controls. | 29138487 |
108 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL9 | Human Cytokine Antibody Array, ELISA | Others | High Throughput, Low Throughput | Plasma IL9 level was signifcantly increased in asthmatics when compared with controls. | 29138487 |
109 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CCL11 | Human Cytokine Antibody Array, ELISA | Others | High Throughput, Low Throughput | The plasma expressions of CCL11 in asthmatics was signifcantly lower than that in healthy controls. | 29138487 |
110 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CFD | Human Cytokine Antibody Array, ELISA | Others | High Throughput, Low Throughput | The plasma expressions of adipsin in asthmatics was signifcantly lower than that in healthy controls. | 29138487 |
111 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | YKL40 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | YKL40 could be used in identifying clinical phenotypes associated with poor prognosis in adult-onset asthma. | 30954645 |
112 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL6 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL6 was significantly up regulated in obese asthmatics as compared to the other categories of asthma patients. | 30954645 |
113 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-21 | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | miR-21 was upregulated in asthmatic children. miR-21 plays a role in eosinophilic endotypic classification of asthma. miR-21 levels positively correlated with IL-13 levels and eosinophil percentage. | 29635981 |
114 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-146a | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | miR-146a was upregulated in asthmatic children. miR-146a plays a role in eosinophilic endotypic classification of asthma. miR-146a only correlated to eosinophil percentage. | 29635981 |
115 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL13 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL13 level was significantly up regulated in asthmatic children as compared to healthy controls. | 29635981 |
116 | Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS), Asthma, COPD | Human | Blood Plasma | YKL40 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Compared with the plasma YKL40 levels in healthy control subjects, levels were significantly elevated in patients with asthma and those with features of ACO and were highest in patients with COPD. There was no significant difference in the levels between the asthma and ACO groups. Plasma YKL40 was negatively correlated with lung function and with the bronchodilator response. | 29580282 |
117 | Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS), Asthma, COPD | Human | Blood Plasma | NGAL | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | NGAL may be a valuable biomarker for differentiating between patients with features of ACO and asthma patients. Plasma NGAL was positively correlated with the extent of emphysema. | 29580282 |
118 | Asthma | Human | Bronchial Brushings, Induced Sputum, Blood Plasma | miR-221-3p | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Epithelial, sputum, and plasma miR-221-3p expression was significantly decreased in subjects with asthma. Decreased epithelial miR-221-3p may protect against airway eosinophilic inflammation by upregulating anti-inflammatory chemokine CXCL17. | 29644894 |
119 | Asthma (in pregnant women) | Human | Blood Plasma | POSTN | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Periostin levels of the asthmatic and healthy pregnant groups were similar and were higher than asthmatic and healthy non pregnants. In Asthmatic Pregnant women, periostin correlated negatively with FEV1 and airway resistance. Although periostin correlates with lung function in asthmatic pregnancy, periostin as a biomarker has to be handled with caution in pregnant patients due to the influence of pregnancy on its plasma level. | 27340880 |
120 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CCL5 | Antibody Suspension Bead Array, ELISA | Proteomics, Others | High Throughput, Low Throughput | Significantly lower levels of both CCL5 was found in children with persistent asthma. | 27145233 |
121 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HPGDS | Antibody Suspension Bead Array | Proteomics | Low Throughput | Significantly lower levels of both HPGDS was found in children with persistent asthma. | 27145233 |
122 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | NPSR1 | Antibody Suspension Bead Array | Proteomics | Low Throughput | NPSR1 was found at higher levels in children with mild intermittent asthma compared to healthy controls. | 27145233 |
123 | Asthma | Human | Epithelial Brushings, Blood Plasma | miR-181b-5p | Microarray, qRT-PCR | Genomics | High Throughput, Low Throughput | Epithelial miR-181b-5p expression was decreased in subjects with asthma. Epithelial miR-181b-5p levels were inversely correlated with sputum and bronchial submucosal eosinophilia. Plasma miR-181b-5p was decreased and correlated with epithelial miR-181b-5p in subjects with asthma. Epithelial and plasma miR-181b-5p are potential biomarkers for airway eosinophilia in asthma. | 27192552 |
124 | Atopic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL18 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL18 levels in the plasma of moderate and severe but not mild asthma were elevated in comparison with healthy control subjects. | 27069315 |
125 | Atopic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TPSAB1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Tryptase levels in the plasma of moderate and severe asthma were higher than that of Healthy control subjects. | 27069315 |
126 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-155 | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | miR-155 expression was significantly increased in the plasma of asthmatic children than in control children. The relative level of miR-155 was associated with degree of asthma severity. Plasma miRNA-155 was correlated positively with IL13 levels and correlated negatively with FEV1and FVC. miR-155 could be used as a serological non-invasive biomarker for diagnosis of asthma and degree of severity. | 30981701 |
127 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | Let-7a | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Let-7a expression was significantly lower in asthmatics than in control children. The relative level of Let-7a was associated with degree of asthma severity. Let-7a was correlated negatively with IL13 and correlated positively with FEV1 and FVC. Let-7a could be used as a serological non-invasive biomarker for diagnosis of asthma and degree of severity. | 30981701 |
128 | Pediatric Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma) | Human | Blood Plasma | IFNG | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IFNG was significantly reduced in blood plasma of asthmatic subjects as compared to control subjects. | 27277384 |
129 | Pediatric Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL12 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL12 was significantly reduced in blood plasma of asthmatic subjects as compared to control subjects. | 27277384 |
130 | Pediatric Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL10 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL10 was significantly reduced in blood plasma of asthmatic subjects as compared to control subjects. | 27277384 |
131 | Pediatric Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma) | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | TNFalpha was significantly reduced in blood plasma of asthmatic subjects as compared to control subjects. | 27277384 |
132 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | PTX3 | Immunoassay | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma PTX3 level was significantly increased in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls. PTX3 could be considered useful to demonstrate the presence of a low grade inflammatory status and a low grade fibrinolytic activity in children with asthma. | 30723958 |
133 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | sCD14 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | sCD14 level is negatively associated with asthma severity, suggesting a protective role for sCD14 in the development of asthma in adults. Plasma sCD14 level might be a potential biomarker in prediction of asthma severity in adults. | 30691461 |
134 | Allergic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | FGF21 | Proximity Ligation Assay panels | Proteomics | High Throughput | FGF‐21 levels correlate positively with the frequency of circulating mast cell progenitors in allergic asthmatic patients. | 30892731 |
135 | Chronic Persistent Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TGFB | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | TGFB level was significantly decreased in patients with asthma compared with the controls. | 27216911 |
136 | Chronic Persistent Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL17 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL17 level was highly elevated in patients with asthma compared with the controls. | 27216911 |
137 | Childhood Acute Stage Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The expression levels of IL4 was significantly higher in asthmatic children as compared to the control group. | 30046607 |
138 | Childhood Acute Stage Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL5 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The expression levels of IL5 was significantly higher in asthmatic children as compared to the control group. | 30046607 |
139 | Childhood Acute Stage Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL8 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The expression levels of IL8 was significantly higher in asthmatic children as compared to the control group. | 30046607 |
140 | Childhood Acute Stage Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The expression levels of TNFalpha was significantly higher in asthmatic children as compared to the control group. | 30046607 |
141 | Childhood Acute Stage Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IFNG | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The expression levels of IFNG was significantly lower in asthmatic children as compared to the control group. | 30046607 |
142 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL4 expression was significantly increased in the mild asthma and severe asthma groups when compared to normal control. Highest expression of IL4 was noted in severe asthmatics. | 30088373 |
143 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL5 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL5 expression was significantly increased in the mild asthma and severe asthma groups when compared to normal control. Highest expression of IL4 was noted in severe asthmatics. | 30088373 |
144 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL13 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL13 expression was significantly increased in the mild asthma and severe asthma groups when compared to normal controls. Highest expression of IL4 was noted in severe asthmatics. | 30088373 |
145 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma, CD4 T cells | IL17A | ELISA, qRT-PCR | Others, Genomics | Low Throughput | Increased expression of IL17A was noted in asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30088373 |
146 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma, CD4 T cells | TGFB1 | ELISA, qRT-PCR | Others, Genomics | Low Throughput | Increased expression of TGFB1 was noted in asthma patients as compared to control group. | 30088373 |
147 | Childhood Allergic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | B7-H3 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Children with asthma exacerbation had significantly higher level of plasma B7-H3 compared to controls. | 30075787 |
148 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma, Induced Sputum | miR-199a-5p | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | The miRNA-199a-5p levels in plasma and sputum were increased significantly in patients with neutrophilic asthma compared to healthy subjects. Plasma miR-199a-5p was negatively correlated with pulmonary function. | 29505605 |
149 | Bronchial Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | ANG1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Expression of ANG1 was elevated in asthmatic patients as compared to control group. Plasma ANG1 concentrations were correlated with the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) to forced vital capacity (FVC). | 26776887 |
150 | Bronchial Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | ANG2 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Expression of ANG2 was significantly reduced in asthmatic patients as compared to control group. Plasma ANG2 levels were correlated with FEV1 percentage of predicted, FEV1/FVC, and total immunoglobulin E values. | 26776887 |
151 | Obese Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma, Induced Sputum | IL17 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Obesity promotes increased sputum and plasma IL17 expression in stable asthma patients. IL17 contributes to worse disease control in obese asthma through enhancing airway neutrophilia and depression and may implicate in asthma exacerbations. | 27888992 |
152 | Severe Allergic Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CCL27 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | CCL27 plasma concentrations were higher in allergic patients with severe asthma, when compared to healthy individuals. | 30475388 |
153 | Atopic Asthma (Controlled crossover allergen challenge) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL25 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL25 plasma levels was increased significantly in response to the allergen but not the diluent challenge. | 27685606 |
154 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | RETN | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma resistin and resistin:adiponectin ratio were higher in asthma compared to controls and were higher again in subjects with a severe versus mild-to-moderate asthma pattern. Resistin is a predictor of asthma risk and resistin:adiponectin is a predictor of FEV1 in asthma. | 27079485 |
155 | Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | LRG1 | Flow Cytometry, ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | LRG1 expression in plasma of patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma were markedly lower than that of healthy control subjects. LRG1 may be a key regulatory factor of allergic responses. | 27378305 |
156 | Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | TGFBR2 | Flow Cytometry, ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Soluble TGFBR2 expression in plasma of patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma were markedly lower than that of healthy control subjects. | 27378305 |
157 | Asthma, Allergic Rhinitis | Human | Blood Plasma | TPSAB1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Soluble tryptase expression in plasma of patients with Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma were markedly elevated than that of healthy control subjects. | 27378305 |
158 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL6 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma IL6 is increased in a subset of asthmatics characterized by obesity, metabolic dysfunction and severe asthma. | 27283230 |
159 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | CD93 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | sCD93 level was significantly elevated in asthmatic group as compared to control group. The serum level of soluble CD93 is increased in patients with asthma exacerbation. It showed that serum levels of sCD93 decreased with treatment of asthma attack. | 27334785 |
160 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | ANXA1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Plasma ANXA1 levels in asthmatic patients were higher than those in healthy control subjects. Plasma ANXA1 levels were significantly lower in exacerbated patients compared with stable asthma patients. ANXA1 may be a potential marker and therapeutic target for asthma. | 29301525 |
161 | Childhood Asthma | Human | CD4 T cells, Blood Plasma | miR-192 | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | miR-192 expression was down regulated in childhood asthmatics as compared to healthy controls. | 29490514 |
162 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | IL21 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL21 expression was significantly increased in plasma of asthmatics as compared to that of healthy controls. | 29490514 |
163 | Asthma, COPD, Asthma COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL4 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL4 level was significantly lower in the COPD group and ACOS group than those in the asthma group. | 27501772 |
164 | Asthma, COPD, Asthma COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL8 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL8 level was significantly higher in the COPD group and ACOS group than those in the asthma group. | 27501772 |
165 | Asthma, COPD, Asthma COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) | Human | Blood Plasma | IL10 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | IL10 was positively related with FEV1, FEV1%pred, and FEV1/FVC in Asthma, COPD and ACOS patients. | 27501772 |
166 | Asthma, COPD, Asthma COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) | Human | Blood Plasma | TNFalpha | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | TNFalpha level in the asthma group was higher than in the COPD group and ACOS group. | 27501772 |
167 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HBD1 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma level of HBD1 was significantly elevated in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy controls. | 28437599 |
168 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HBD2 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma level of HBD2 was significantly reduced in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy controls. | 28437599 |
169 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | HBD3 | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The plasma level of HBD3 was significantly elevated in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy controls. | 28437599 |
170 | Asthma-COPD Overlap Syndrome (ACOS) | Human | Blood Plasma | NGAL | Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) | Others | Low Throughput | NGAL levels were significantly higher in ACO compared to non-ACO COPD in female subjects. After adjusting for gender as a confounding factor, the ability to distinguish ACO was better at higher levels of NGAL. | 30233879 |
171 | Childhood Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-146a | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | The expression level of miR-146a was upregulated in the children with asthma as compared with the healthy children. | 27446287 |
172 | Asthma | Human | Bronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, Sputum, Blood Plasma | ITLN1 | Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, ELISA | Others, Genomics, Others | Low Throughput | The expression of ITLN1 is increased in the airway and plasma of subjects with asthma and is correlated with induced sputum eosinophils. | 28224996 |
173 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-155 | qRT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Plasma miR-155 levels were elevated in severe asthmatics when compared with nonasthmatics or mild-to-moderate asthmatics. These increased plasma miR-155 levels were also observed in asthmatics with cockroach allergy compared with those without cockroach allergy. | 29967100 |
174 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | LBP | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | The level of circulating LBP was significantly higher in asthma patients in phase 1 compared with the control in phase 1. The level of LBP was significantly reduced in the asthma patients in phase 2 compared to that in phase 1. Its level was still significantly higher in asthma patients than that in controls. | 28444548 |
175 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | NE | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | NE levels were significantly higher in asthma patients when compared to that in the controls. | 28444548 |
176 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-425-5p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | Asthma patients receiving antileukotriene therapy showed decreased values for miR-223-3p/miR-425-5p as compared to those not receiving antileukotriene therapy. | 28513859 |
177 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-223-3p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | Asthma patients receiving antileukotriene therapy showed decreased values for miR-223-3p/miR-425-5p as compared to those not receiving antileukotriene therapy. | 28513859 |
178 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-15a-5p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-15a-5p/miR-342-3p was inversely correlated to FVC % predicted in asthmatics. Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly lower values for miR-15a-5p/miR-342-3p compared to those not on oral steroids. Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly higher values for miR-21-5p/miR-15a-5p, miR-27a-3p/miR-15a-5p and miR-29c-3p/miR-15a-5p compared to those not on oral steroids. | 28513859 |
179 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-29c-3p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly higher values for miR-29c-3p/miR-15a-5p compared to those not on oral steroids. | 28513859 |
180 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-342-3p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | miR-15a-5p/miR-342-3p was inversely correlated to FVC % predicted in asthmatics. Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly lower values for miR-15a-5p/miR-342-3p compared to those not on oral steroids. | 28513859 |
181 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-27a-3p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly higher values for miR-27a-3p/miR-15a-5p compared to those not on oral steroids. | 28513859 |
182 | Asthma | Human | Blood Plasma | miR-21-5p | qRT-PCR assay panel | Genomics | High Throughput | Asthma patients taking oral steroids had significantly higher values for miR-21-5p/miR-15a-5p compared to those not on oral steroids. | 28513859 |
183 | Asthma (In Type 2 diabetes (T2D)) | Human | Blood Plasma | MCP1 | Milliplex MAP human Cytokine/Chemokine Magnetic Bead Panel Multiplex Immunoassay | Others | High Throughput | The systemic MCP1 levels were significantly elevated in type-2 diabetes (T2D) patients with asthma as compared with those without asthma and/or diabetes. These changes correlated differentially with important biomarkers of inflammation and airway remodeling (like VEGF, IFNA2, IL10 and fractalkine). | 27709105 |