Browse Result

Total number of records for Atopic Eczema in Blood Plasma of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 2


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema.HumanEDTA added Blood PlasmaLEPELISAOthersLow ThroughputHigh leptin were associated with increased persistence of asthma.18331416
2Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema.HumanEDTA added Blood PlasmaADIPOQELISAOthersLow ThroughputLow adiponectin is associated with rhinoconjunctivitis and hay fever in girls and higher prevalence of asthma in general.18331416