Browse Result
Total number of records for Atopic Eczema in Blood Plasma of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 2
Record no | Disease | Organism | Sample | Gene Name | Techniques | Omics | Study | Comments | Pubmed ID |
1 | Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema. | Human | EDTA added Blood Plasma | LEP | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | High leptin were associated with increased persistence of asthma. | 18331416 |
2 | Asthma, Rhinoconjunctivitis and Atopic Eczema. | Human | EDTA added Blood Plasma | ADIPOQ | ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Low adiponectin is associated with rhinoconjunctivitis and hay fever in girls and higher prevalence of asthma in general. | 18331416 |