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Total number of records for Asthma in Bronchial Biopsy of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 145


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatment.HumanBronchial BiopsyANXA5iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MS.ProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in fibrosis and inflammation.21939520
2Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyA2MiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is a type of cytokione present in extracellular space.21939520
3Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyALDOAiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene shows down regulation of protein expression after budesonide treatment on asthmatics.21939520
4Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyATP5BiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene shows down regulation of protein expression after budesonide treatment on asthmatics.21939520
5Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyDPYSL5iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt plays a role in growth and guidance. It is upregulated after budesonide treatment.21939520
6Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyRPS20iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is upregulated after budesonide treatment. It is located in cytoplasm.21939520
7Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsySERPINB3iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is upregulated after budesonide treatment. It is located in extracellular space.21939520
8Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyVIMiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is a mesenchymal marker protein. It mediates reduced remodelling in response to budesonide as epithelial to mesenchymal transition has been seen to contribute to remodelling.21939520
9Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyDPTiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in collagen fibrillogenesis.21939520
10Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyHIST1H2AHiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is downregulated in untreated asthma patients.21939520
11Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyLMNAiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in fibrosis. It is downregulated in untreated asthma patients.21939520
12Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyPPIAiTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in chemotaxix.21939520
13Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyRPL7iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in translational protein elongation.21939520
14Asthma and effect of glucocorticoid treatmentHumanBronchial BiopsyRPL8iTRAQ labelling followed by nano LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is involved in protein synthesis.21939520
15AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyALOX15microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt s new potential candidate of asthma pathogenesis.15038835
16AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyNOS2Amicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputNOS2A was increased in pre ICS asthma group as compared to control group and post ICS asthma group.15038835
17AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyIL2RBmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is an immune signalling molecule. (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
18AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyCOL11A1microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is an extracellular protein involved in remodelling.15038835
19AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyMUC5ACmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputMucus production and goblet cell hyperplasia (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
20AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyMUC2microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputMucus production and goblet cell hyperplasia (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
21AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyAATFmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma15038835
22AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyIGKCmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
23AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyIGLJ3microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
24AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyGNB2microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIntracellular signaling molecule (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
25AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyTYROBPmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is involved in inflammatory signaling and found to be down regulated in this study.15038835
26AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyCPA3microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt encodes for a proteolytic enzyme from mast cell and upregulated in asthma (data collected from supplementary table).15038835
27AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyNKG7microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputModulates natural killer cell for development of eosinophilia (data collected from supplementary table)15038835
28AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyCYBBmicroarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputBiomarker of allergic inflammation (data collected from supplementary table).15038835
29AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyTCF21microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is involved in immune signaling.15038835
30AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyGAS1microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputGAS1 was reduced in asthma as compared to that in normal condition.15038835
31AsthmaHumanTissue from Bronchial BiopsyRBP4microarray-Affymetrix HG-U95Av2 GeneChipsGenomicsHigh ThroughputRBP4 was reduced in asthma as compared to that in normal condition.15038835
32Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyALOX15MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
33Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCX3CR1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
34Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyNOS2AMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. It is an immune signalling molecule.19842841
35Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMUC2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. Involved in mucus production.19842841
36Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMUC5ACMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. Involved in mucus production.19842841
37Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCEACAM5MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
38Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIGHG1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
39Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIGKCMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
40Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCTSCMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. It is a proteolytic enzyme.19842841
41Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsySERPINB2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. It is a proteolytic enzyme.19842841
42Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsySERPINB4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma. It is a proteolytic enzyme.19842841
43Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyLGALS7MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
44Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyNQO1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
45Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyTCF21MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
46Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyS100PMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
47Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyPOSTNMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
48Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyC7MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.19842841
49AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Airway Smooth Muscle (ASM) CellsPAR-2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe proportion of ASM area stained for PAR-2 was greater in patients with severe asthma compared with that in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma and control subjects.Higher degrees of PAR-2 expression in the ASM of patients with severe compared with those with mild-to-moderate asthma and control subjects. Aberrant PAR-2 expression and activation represent an important physiopathologic mechanism involved in the excessive and irreversible ASM expansion in patients with severe asthma.27001157
50Severe Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIL13 mRNA expression was found to be significantly higher in severe allergic asthmatics who responded to Omalizumab as compared with those of Non-Responders or Mild Asthma. 30107059
51Severe Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL9qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIL9 mRNA expression was found to be significantly higher in severe allergic asthmatics who responded to Omalizumab as compared with those of Non-Responders or Mild Asthma. 30107059
52Severe Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL33qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHigher IL33 mRNA expression was found in severe allergic asthmatics who responded to Omalizumab as compared with those of Non-Responders or Mild Asthma. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the up regulation of IL33 protein in bronchial tissues of Responders compared with those of Non-Responders. Western blot analysis also revealed higher protein level of IL33 in Responders as compared with Non-Responders.30107059
53Severe Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL25qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHigher IL25 mRNA expression was found in severe allergic asthmatics who responded to Omalizumab as compared with those of Non-Responders or Mild Asthma. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the up regulation of IL25 protein in bronchial tissues in Responders compared with those of Non-Responders. Western blot analysis also revealed higher protein level of IL25 in Responders as compared with Non-Responders.30107059
54Severe Allergic AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyTSLPqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHigher TSLP mRNA expression was found in severe allergic asthmatics who responded to Omalizumab as compared with those of Non-Responders or Mild Asthma. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed the up regulation of TSLP protein in bronchial tissues in Responders compared with those of Non-Responders. Western blot also revealed a similar trend in expression of TSLP in Responders as compared with Non-Responders.30107059
55AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL25ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAllergen inhalation challenge increased expression of IL25 in the bronchial mucosa in atopic asthmatics to a degree correlating with increase late-phase airway obstruction.30185520
56AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL33ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAllergen inhalation challenge increased expression of IL33 in the bronchial mucosa in atopic asthmatics to a degree correlating with increase late-phase airway obstruction.30185520
57AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyTSLPImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAllergen inhalation challenge increased expression of TSLP in the bronchial mucosa in atopic asthmatics to a degree correlating with increase late-phase airway obstruction.30185520
58AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyTSLPqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe relative expression of TSLP was significantly higher in subjects with asthma compared to healthy controls. Airway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled mannitol is associated with an altered submucosal mast cell profile in asthmatic individuals. This mast cell profile is associated with increased levels of TSLP. 26252943
59AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCPA3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAirway hyperresponsiveness to inhaled mannitol is associated with an altered submucosal mast cell profile in asthmatic individuals. This mast cell profile is associated with increased levels of CPA3. 26252943
60AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, FibroblastsB2RImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputBronchial B2R expression is constitutively elevated in allergic asthma and is further increased after allergen exposure. Constitutive B2R protein expression was higher in human asthmatic fibroblasts than in human normal fibroblasts.26588817
61AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyNFKBImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputNuclear NFKB expression was higher in asthmatics after allergen challenge than in controls.26588817
62Severe AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Bronchial BiopsyINHBAELISA, ImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputActivin-A expression was significantly elevated in serum, BALF and bronchial tissue of the asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. Activin-A has anti-angiogenic effects in vitro that are not propagated in vivo, where reduced basal expression of its receptors is observed particularly in severe asthma.26869672
63Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyALK4ImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputALK4 expression was significantly reduced in epithelial and sub epithelial cells only in severe asthma compared to healthy controls. ALK4 inversely correlated with angiogenesis.26869672
64Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyAct-RIIAImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputThe median number of cells expressing Act-RIIA immunoreactivity was significantly reduced in the bronchial epithelium and lamina propria in mild to moderate asthmatics and severely asthmatic subjects compared to healthy controls. Act-RIIA inversely correlated with angiogenesis.26869672
65AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsyp22-PHOXImmunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputIncreased expression and localisation of p22‐PHOX was observed in biopsies of asthmatic patients. p22-PHOX might serve as a promising therapeutic target for the management of asthma. 28510479
66AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL1BqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCompared with subjects without asthma, the patients with asthma significantly emerged IL1B up-regulation in mRNA levels. IL1B expression was higher in severe asthma group than that in control and moderate asthma group. IL1B upregulates MUC5AC expression via NFKB-induced HIF-1A in asthma.29031476
67AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MUC5ACqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputHypersecretion and overexpression of MUC5AC were detected in all patients with asthma compared with control group.29031476
68AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL33qRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIn mild untreated asthma, the expression of IL33 in bronchial mucosa is related to innate immune activation and allergic sensitization to HDM and correlates with FeNO.26748611
69AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsySOCS1Microarray, qRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputSOCS1 gene expression was significantly lower in the airways of severe asthmatics compared with mild/moderate asthmatics and healthy controls. SOCS1 mRNA level was inversely associated with airway eosinophilia and other measures of T-helper type 2 (Th2) inflammation. 27338192
70AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, SerumuPARImmunohistochemistry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputElevated airway and blood serum uPAR is a feature of asthma and that blood serum uPAR is particularly related to severe, nonatopic asthma.27624865
71Mild to Moderate Asthma, Severe AsthmaHumanEndobronchial BiopsypIgRImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputDown regulation of pIgR protein was observed in the bronchial epithelium from patients with asthma as compared to that in healthy controls.29652177
72AsthmaHumanEpithelial Brushings, Endobronchial BiopsyPLA2R1Microarray, qRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputPLA2R1 is the most differentially expressed in epithelial brushings of children with and without Asthma. PLA2R1 is increased in the airway epithelium in asthma and serves as a regulator of airway hyperresponsiveness, airway permeability, antigen sensitization and airway inflammation.27448109
73Asthma (Comparison between Smokers and Non Smokers)HumanEndobronchial BiopsyIL17AImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputExpression of IL17A was significantly elevated in the bronchial mucosa of the asthmatic smokers compared to the non-smokers.28211191
74Asthma (Comparison between Smokers and Non Smokers)HumanEndobronchial BiopsyIL8ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputExpression of IL8 was significantly elevated in the bronchial mucosa of the asthmatic smokers compared to the non-smokers.28211191
75Asthma (Comparison between Smokers and Non Smokers)HumanEndobronchial BiopsyIL6ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputExpression of IL6 was significantly elevated in the bronchial mucosa of the asthmatic smokers compared to the non-smokers.28211191
76AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMMP10Microarray, ImmunohistochemistryTranscriptomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputMMP10 was significantly overexpressed in biopsies with high mucosal eosinophils (HE) compared to low mucosal eosinophil (LE) numbers. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed increased expression of MMP10 in bronchial epithelial cells and in subepithelial inflammatory and resident cells in asthmatic biopsies. 30667542
77AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMETMicroarray, ImmunohistochemistryTranscriptomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputMET was significantly overexpressed in biopsies with high mucosal eosinophils (HE) compared to low mucosal eosinophil (LE) numbers. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed increased expression of MET in bronchial epithelial cells and in subepithelial inflammatory and resident cells in asthmatic biopsies. 30667542
78Asthma, COPDHumanExhaled Breath Condensate (EBC), Bronchial Biopsy POSTNELISA, ImmunostainingOthersLow ThroughputEBC periostin levels and tissue periostin expression are higher in patients with asthma than in those with COPD. EBC periostin levels may serve as a potential surrogate marker for tissue periostin expression.26895432
79AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyIL31RAImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIL31RA was significantly elevated in patients with asthma compared with controls. 26956917
80AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyOSMRImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOSMR was significantly elevated in patients with asthma compared with controls. 26956917
81Poorly Controlled AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCSF3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCSF3 expression was significantly increased in poorly controlled neutrophilic asthma as compared to poorly controlled non neutrophilic asthma.30312710
82Poorly Controlled AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCSF3RqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCSF3R expression was significantly increased in poorly controlled neutrophilic asthma as compared to poorly controlled non neutrophilic asthma.30312710
83Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyIFNAImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBronchial epithelial IFNA protein expression is deficient in asthma patients and is related to Rhinovirus induced clinical illness severity. 29698627
84Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyIFNBImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBronchial epithelial IFNB protein expression is deficient in asthma patients and is related to Rhinovirus induced clinical illness severity. 29698627
85Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyTLR3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTLR3 staining intensity at baseline was not different in asthma as compared with controls. Rhinoviral infection induced TLR3 in vivo.29698627
86Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyMDA5ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMDA5 staining intensity at baseline was not different in asthma as compared with controls. Rhinoviral infection induced MDA5 in vivo.29698627
87Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyPRRImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputPRR expression was not deficient in asthmatics. Rhinoviral infection induced PRR in vivo.29698627
88Atopic Asthma (Rhinovirus Induced Asthma Exacerbations)HumanBronchial BiopsyRIG-IImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputRIG-I staining intensity at baseline was not different in asthma as compared with controls. Rhinoviral infection induced RIG-I in vitro.29698627
89Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial BrushingsCYP1B1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCYP1B1 was over-expressed in bronchial brushings of current smoker severe asthmatics compared to other groups.29650557
90Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial BrushingsALDH3A1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputALDH3A1 was over-expressed in bronchial brushings of current smoker severe asthmatics compared to other groups.29650557
91Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial BrushingsNQO1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputNQO1 was over-expressed in bronchial brushings of current smoker severe asthmatics compared to other groups.29650557
92Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial BrushingsAKR1C1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputAKR1C1 was over-expressed in bronchial brushings of current smoker severe asthmatics compared to other groups.29650557
93Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial BrushingsHSPA5MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputHSPA5 was significantly upregulated in current smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics in bronchial brushings and biopsies.29650557
94Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumCPA3MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCPA3 was differentially expressed in ex smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
95Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumCST1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCST1 was differentially expressed in ex smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
96Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumIGKCMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIGKC was differentially expressed in ex smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
97Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumMUC2MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputMUC2 was differentially expressed in ex smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
98Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumTPSAB1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputTPSAB1 was differentially expressed in ex smoker severe asthmatics compared to non smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
99Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumFDCSPMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputFDCSP was significantly up regulated in ex smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
100Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumPPBPTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputPPBP was significantly up regulated in ex smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
101Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumPOSTNTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputPOSTN was significantly down regulated in ex smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
102Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumIGLC1TranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIGLC1 was significantly down regulated in ex smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
103Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, SputumIGLVTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIGLV was significantly down regulated in ex smoker severe asthmatics.29650557
104Atopic Asthma (Following Allergen Challenge)HumanBronchial Biopsyp38ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBiopsies collected post-allergen had an increased percentage of epithelial cells expressing phospho-p38.29651336
105Atopic Asthma (Following Allergen Challenge)HumanBronchial BiopsySTAT5ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBiopsies collected post-allergen had increased numbers of sub-epithelial cells expressing phospho-STAT5.29651336
106Atopic Asthma (Following Allergen Challenge)HumanBronchial BiopsyRPS6ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBiopsies collected post-allergen had increased numbers of sub-epithelial cells expressing phospho-RPS6.29651336
107AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsymiR-142-3pqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-142-3p was significantly increased in early onset asthma patients as compared to late onset asthma patients. miR-142-3p was significantly decreased in severe asthma patients as compared to mild asthma patients.29722559
108AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyDKK1 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDKK1 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
109AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyDVL1 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDVL1 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
110AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyFBXW4 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFBXW4 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
111AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyFZD8 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFZD8 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
112AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyJUN qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputJUN was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
113AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMMP7 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMMP7 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
114AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyMYC qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMYC was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
115AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyRHOU qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRHOU was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
116AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWIF1 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWIF1 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
117AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWNT16 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWNT16 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
118AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWNT3 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWNT3 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
119AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWNT5A qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWNT5A was significantly reduced in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
120AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWNT6 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWNT6 was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
121AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyWNT9A qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWNT9A was significantly elevated in late onset asthma patients as compared to early onset asthma patients.29722559
122AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyNOS2Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputNOS2 was upregulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. NOS2 may serve as a potential target for asthma diagnosis and treatment.30186379
123AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCXCL9Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCXCL9 was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. CXCL9 may serve as a potential target for asthma diagnosis and treatment.30186379
124AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCCL21Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCCL21 was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. CCL21 may serve as a potential target for asthma diagnosis and treatment.30186379
125AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyPTPRCMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputPTPRC was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. PTPRC may serve as a potential target for asthma diagnosis and treatment.30186379
126AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyFN1Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputFN1 was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. 30186379
127AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCD8AMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCD8A is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
128AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCCL19Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCCL19 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
129AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCCL5Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCCL5 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
130AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCXCR4Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCXCR4 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
131AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCXCR6Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCXCR6 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
132AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCXCL6Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCXCL6 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
133AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCD2Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCD2 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
134AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyITKMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputITK is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
135AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyADCY7Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputADCY7 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
136AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCOL3A1Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCOL3A1 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
137AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCD247Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputCD247 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
138AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyPENKMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputPENK is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
139AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyH2AFVMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputH2AFV is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
140AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyPOSTNMicroarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputPOSTN is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
141AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyKLRB1Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputKLRB1 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
142AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsySERPING1Microarray Data AnalysisBioinformaticsHigh ThroughputSERPING1 is an important hub in protein protein interaction network for asthma.30186379
143AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Bronchial Brushings, Sputum, Blood PlasmaITLN1Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, ELISAOthers, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression of ITLN1 is increased in the airway and plasma of subjects with asthma and is correlated with induced sputum eosinophils.28224996
144Severe AsthmaHumanBronchial BiopsyCEACAM6Immunohistochemistry, MicroarrayOthers, TranscriptomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputCEACAM6 protein expression in bronchial biopsies was increased in airway epithelial cells and lamina propria inflammatory cells in severe asthma compared with healthy control subjects. CEACAM6 in the lamina propria was localized to neutrophils predominantly. The percentage of neutrophils expressing CEACAM6 was significantly increased in severe asthma, suggesting the presence of an altered neutrophil phenotype. CEACAM6 expression is increased in severe asthma and primarily associated with airway epithelial cells and tissue neutrophils. CEACAM6 may contribute to the pathology of treatment-resist28275137
145AsthmaHuman Airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) (Stimulated with IL1B), Bronchial BiopsyCCL20Microarray, ELISATranscriptomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputIL1B induced increased CCL20 expression and protein release in ASMCs from moderate asthmatics as compared to mild asthmatics and healthy controls. Elevated CCL20 production by ASMCs, possibly resulting from dysregulated expression of the anti-inflammatory miR-146a-5p, may contribute to enhanced mucus production in asthma.29946002