Browse Result
Total number of records for Asthma in Bronchial Epithelial Cells of Mouse in DAAB (Version-2) database: 10
Record no | Disease | Organism | Sample | Gene Name | Techniques | Omics | Study | Comments | Pubmed ID |
1 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | AMCase | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Suppressed after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
2 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | Ym2 | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Suppressed after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
3 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | Chil1 | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Suppressed after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
4 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | E-selectin | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Strongly downregulated after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
5 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | Muc5ac | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Strongly downregulated after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
6 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | i-NOS | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Strongly downregulated after andrographolide treatment. | 19201922 |
7 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | Il6 | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Andrographolide blocked the upregulation of IL6. | 19201922 |
8 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | IL8 | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Andrographolide blocked the upregulation of IL8. | 19201922 |
9 | Asthma (Effect of andrographolide on NF kappa beta pathway in asthma). | Mouse (Female BALB/c) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells | RANTES | RT-PCR | Genomics | Low Throughput | Andrographolide suppresed the mRNA expression of RANTES in TNFÎħ induced cells. | 19201922 |
10 | Asthma | Mouse (BALB/c mice) | Bronchial Epithelial Cells (BECs), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) | Ezr | Immunohistochemistry, ELISA | Others | Low Throughput | Ezrin expression was localized to the apical membrane of bronchial epithelial cells and clearly reduced in asthma mice. Ezrin levels were also suppressed in the BALF of asthmatic mice compared to controls. | 30290132 |