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Total number of records for Asthma in Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 295


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ACELC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is a serum protein and upregulated after allergen challenge.15951573
2Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A8LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
3AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CD14LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is upregulated after segmental allergen challenge in allergic asthma.15951573
4AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A9LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputExpression significantly increased after allergen challenge.15951573
5Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A12LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis neutrophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
6AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MST1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after allergen challenge.15951573
7AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MPOLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthmatic airways after allergen challenge15951573
8AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CLCLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is an eosinophil granule specific protein produced after eosinophil activation in airways15951573
9AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CFHLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputCFH was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
10AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CFBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputCFB was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
11AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ITIH1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputITIH1 was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
12AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CATLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputCAT was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
13AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PON1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputPON1 was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
14AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)BPIFA1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputHost defense proteins involved in innate immunity against pathogens15951573
15AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SFTPBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputSynthesized by lung Epithelial Cells and participates in early defense against pathogens15951573
16AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ORM1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputAn acute phase protein15951573
17AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputAPOB was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
18AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOA1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputAPOA1 was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
19AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputA serum protein which is a biomarkers of allergic inflammation15951573
20AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TUBA1ALC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputStructural protein involved in airway remodelling15951573
21AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IGHMLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in immune response(present in supplimentary table)15951573
22AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)DSPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputDSP was differentially expressed after allergen challenge.15951573
23AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PIRLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputPIR was down regulated after allergen challenge.15951573
24AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and MacrophagesTGFB1real-time PCR and immunoassay and fluorescent microscopyGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputChildren with severe asthma have increased airway TGFβ1 expression and activation associated with an increased airway oxidant burden. Oxidant stress may mediate the effects of TGFβ1 and promote airway remodeling in children with severe asthma.22206775
25AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL13ImmunoassayOthersLow ThroughputTGF-β1 activation was also greater in children with severe asthma and was associated with higher IL-13 concentrations.22206775
26Asthma and obesityHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and PlasmaADIPOQELISAOthersLow ThroughputIncreasing BMI was marginally and inversely associated with BAL adiponectin.21332421
27Asthma and obesityHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and PlasmaLEPELISAOthersLow ThroughputObesity was associated with higher BAL and plasma leptin levels in asthmatics and controls.21332421
28Asthma.HumanFibroblasts from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RHOAMALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular migration and overexpressed in mild asthma.16430780
29Asthma.HumanFibroblasts from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RAC1MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed in mild asthma.16430780
30Asthma.HumanFibroblasts from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FN1MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh Throughput5 fold increase was observed in mild asthma patients.16430780
31Asthma.HumanFibroblasts from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SRSF3MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh Throughput1.4 fold increase was observed in patients suffering from mild asthma.16430780
32Asthma.HumanFibroblasts from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ACTA2MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed in mild asthma.16430780
33Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MST1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
34Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IGFBP2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
35Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IGFBP3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
36Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)OGNLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
37Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL17LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis chemokine is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
38Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ADIPOQLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
39Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IGFBP6LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis growth factor is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
40Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MMP9LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis neutrophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
41Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LCN2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis neutrophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
42Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GPLD1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
43Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CLCLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis eosinophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
44Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PRG2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis eosinophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
45Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CRISP3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis neutrophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
46Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RNASE3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis eosinophilic granule protein is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
47Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CFHLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
48Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CFBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
49Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C6LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
50Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C8ALC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
51Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C8GLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
52Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CFDLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
53Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C1QCLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis complement factor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
54Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ITIH1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
55Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SERPINA3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
56Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SERPINA4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
57Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SERPINF1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
58Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CTSDLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
59Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PSME1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
60Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FETUBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
61Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ITIH3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
62Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CPB2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
63Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CAMPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
64Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PSME2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
65Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CPN1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
66Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TIMP1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease inhibitor is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
67Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MASP2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is upregulated in allergic asthma.15951573
68Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CATLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
69Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PKMLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
70Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TKTLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
71Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PON1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
72Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LDHBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
73Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ASAH1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
74Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GAPDHLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
75Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CD5LLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
76Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NME2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
77Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ADH5LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
78Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ADH1BLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
79Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GSRLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
80Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TXNLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
81Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NAGKLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
82Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PDXKLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
83Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GPX3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
84Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PYGLLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
85Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GPX4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
86Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TXNDC17LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
87Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PCBD1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
88Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PTGDSLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
89Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ANGLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
90Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CDALC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
91Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)BPIFB1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
92Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CHI3L2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
93Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)AZGP1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
94Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CHI3L1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
95Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SFTPBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
96Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PGLYRP1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
97Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)THBS1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
98Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MBL2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
99Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LBPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
100Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FCN3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
101Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)BPIFA1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
102Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ITLN1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
103Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FCN2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis local matrix protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
104Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ORM1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
105Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SAA4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
106Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APCSLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
107Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
108Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CRPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis acute phase protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
109Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
110Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOA4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
111Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOELC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
112Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CLULC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
113Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOHLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
114Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOL1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
115Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APODLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
116Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOA2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
117Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOMLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
118Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOC1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
119Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOC2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
120Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOC3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
121Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)APOC4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis apolipoprotein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
122Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
123Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PLGLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
124Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GCLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
125Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FGALC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
126Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LTFLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
127Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)AMBPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
128Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HRGLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
129Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FBLN1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
130Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)AHSGLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
131Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SERPINA7LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
132Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)F9LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
133Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)F10LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
134Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MBLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
135Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)THBS4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis serum protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
136Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TUBB4BLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
137Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LRG1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
138Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)COTL1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
139Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ZG16BLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
140Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ARPC4LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
141Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ARPC1BLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
142Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)DSPLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
143Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ACTR3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis cytoskeletal protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
144Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ANXA3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
145Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ARF3LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
146Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SHBGLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
147Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RANLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
148Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RSU1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
149Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HMGB1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
150Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RPS12LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
151Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ANXA11LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
152Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HSPE1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
153Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GNB2L1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
154Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)DYNLRB1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
155Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CNTN1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
156Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SEPP1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
157Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MNDALC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
158Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HNRNPCLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
159Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SUB1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is up regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
160Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SUSD2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
161Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GPR116LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
162Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SPINT1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
163Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CD55LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
164Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PTPRSLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
165Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PLXND1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
166Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CNTN6LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
167Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CNTN1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
168Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ACELC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
169Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NTMLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
170Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SLC34A2LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
171Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NRP1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
172Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PIRLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
173Asthma induced by allergen challengeHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)OSCARLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is down regulated in allergic asthma.15951573
174AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL33Meso Scale Discovery systemOthersLow ThroughputIL-33 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. It was significantly elevated in asthmatics treated with ICS, with or without additional oral corticosteroids, compared with those not so treated. It was slightly, but significantly elevated in asthmatics not treated with steroids compared with control subjects. BALF concentrations of IL-33 correlated inversely with lung function (FEV1%).29453280
175AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TSLPELISAOthersLow ThroughputTSLP was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. It was significantly elevated in BALF of patients treated with ICS or without oral corticosteroid compared with those not so treated. The median BALF concentration of TSLP was significantly elevated in asthmatics not treated with steroids compared with control subjects. BALF concentrations of TSLP correlated inversely with lung function (FEV1%).29453280
176AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL4Meso Scale Discovery systemOthersLow ThroughputIL-4 was significantly greater in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with. It was significantly elevated in ICS-treated asthmatics compared with asthmatics not treated with steroids. IL-4 was significantly higher in BALF from asthmatics not treated with steroids than in control subjects.29453280
177AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL5Meso Scale Discovery systemOthersLow ThroughputIL-5 was significantly greater in BALF from asthmatics compared with controls. It was significantly elevated in ICS-treated asthmatics compared with asthmatics not treated with steroids.29453280
178AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL13Meso Scale Discovery systemOthersLow ThroughputIL-13 was significantly greater in BALF from asthmatics compared to controls. It was significantly elevated in ICS-treated asthmatics compared with asthmatics not treated with steroids. IL-13 was significantly higher in asthmatics not treated with steroids than in control subjects. IL-13 concentration in BALF correlated inversely with FEV1%.29453280
179AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EGFMultiplex multianalyte technologyOthersHigh ThroughputA significant increase in BALF levels of EGF in patients with mild-tomoderate asthma in relation to control subjects.The level progressively gor downregulated in patients with severe asthma.27001157
180AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)bFGFMultiplex multianalyte technologyOthersHigh ThroughputA significant increase in BALF levels of bFGF in patients with mild-tomoderate asthma in relation to control subjects.The level progressively gor downregulated in patients with severe asthma.27001157
181AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PDGF-BBMultiplex multianalyte technologyOthersHigh ThroughputA significant increase in BALF levels of PDGF-BB in patients with mild-tomoderate asthma in relation to control subjects.The level progressively gor downregulated in patients with severe asthma.27001157
182AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TryptaseImmunoCAP AssayOthersLow ThroughputA greater prevalence of patients with detectable BALF levels of tryptase was found in patients with severe compared with those with mild-to-moderate asthma.27001157
183AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TrypsinELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF levels of trypsin tended to increase in severe asthma patients in ASM Quartile 3 and Quartile 4 compared with those in the other patient groups and control group.27001157
184AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TFELISAOthersLow ThroughputTF was significantly augmented in BAL fluid of patients with severe asthma belonging to all ASM quartiles compared with control subjects.27001157
185AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KLK14ELISAOthersLow ThroughputKLK14 level in BALF of severe asthmatics was higher as compared with control subjects.27001157
186Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LTB4Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputLTB4 concentrations were elevated in BAL fluid from patients with severe asthma, including those with isolated eosinophilic inflammation, and these eosinophils displayed LTA4H via Immunohistochemistry.30352167
187AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)sHLA-GELISAOthersLow ThroughputElevated levels of soluble humanleukocyte antigen-G in the airways are a marker for a low-inflammatory endotype of asthma.28363527
188AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ADAM33Western Blotting, FRET peptide cleavage assayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputADAM33 level and activity increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of asthmatic patients as compared to healthy controls.27489884
189Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CXCL10qRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughput CXCL10 expression is elevated in severe asthma and associated with poor asthma control. High CXCL10 gene expression was associated with a mast cell signature in humans.28679952
190AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumMCP1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe serum and BALF level of MCP1 were significantly elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29755573
191AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIL6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe serum and BALF level of IL6 were elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls. Serum IL6 showed a negative correlation with Der p1 specific IgE (class) in the total asthmatic group based on Pearson’s correlation coefficients.29755573
192AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIL8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe serum and BALF level of IL8 were elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29755573
193AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumRANTESELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe serum and BALF level of RANTES were significantly elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29755573
194AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumMIP-1alphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum MIP-1alpha was significantly lower in asthmatic group as compared to normal controls. BALF level of MIP-1alpha was significantly raised in asthmatic group as compared to normal control group.29755573
195AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumTARCELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum TARC level was lowered while TARC level in BALF was raised in asthmatics as compared to normal controls. TARC levels in serum were strongly elevated in the elderly adult group relative to the young adults and the middle aged adult groups. TARC in serum was related to total IgE in serum in the elderly adult group.29755573
196AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIL4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe serum and BALF level of IL4 were elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29755573
197AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIFNGELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum and BALF level of IFNG were slightly increased in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29755573
198Severe AsthmaHumanLung Tissues, Bronchial Epithelial Cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Airway Epithelial Cell CultureSEMA3EImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, ELISAOthers, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputSemaphorin 3E is diminished in the airways of severe allergic asthmatic patients. This study suggests a potential role of Semaphorin3E in the pathogenesis of asthma severity.28506853
199Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL7Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIL17 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
200Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL1RALuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIL1RA level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
201Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EGFLuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputEGF level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
202Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TGFALuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputTGFα level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
203Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL11Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputCCL11 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
204Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL15Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputCCL15 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
205Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL17Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputCCL17 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
206Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TRAILLuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputTRAIL level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
207Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL1BLuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIL1B level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
208Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL5Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIL5 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
209Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CX3CL1Luminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputCX3CL1 level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
210Asthma (Fungi induced asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GM-CSFLuminex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputGM-CSF level was significantly higher in BALF of fungal asthmatics as compared to non fungal asthmatics.29907867
211AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SP-DELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSP-D concentrations in BAL samples declined and serum concentrations increased in patients with treatment-resistant severe asthma. Because reduced BAL concentrations of SP-D are reflected by elevated serum SP-D concentrations, measures of serum SP-D may serve as a potential biomarker of airway events underlying treatment-resistant asthma. The structural integrity of SP-D in the BAL and serum samples of patients with severe asthma was found to be compromised.26836907
212AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MPOELISAOthersLow ThroughputBAL concentrations of MPO were increased in patients with severe asthma compared with patients with mild asthma and healthy control subjects.26836907
213AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ECPELISAOthersLow ThroughputBAL concentrations of ECP were increased in patients with severe asthma compared with patients with mild asthma and healthy control subjects.26836907
214AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBAL concentrations of IL8 were increased in patients with severe asthma compared with patients with mild asthma and healthy control subjects.26836907
215AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NEELISAOthersLow ThroughputNeutrophil elastase levels were significantly increased in BAL specimens from patients with severe asthma compared with specimens from healthy control subjects and patients with mild asthma.26836907
216AsthmaHumanAlveolar Macrophages from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CD163Confocal Immunofluorescence MicroscopyOthersLow ThroughputAlveolar Macrophages derived from Asthmatic Patients Have Reduced Cell Surface Expression of CD163 as compared to that from healthy subjects.26376364
217AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SputumFXIIIqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputFXIII expression was upregulated in the airways of asthmatic patients after allergen exposure. Expression in the sputum of asthmatic patients correlated with the type 2 immune response and airflow limitation. Excessive activity of FXIII could contribute to the pathophysiology of airway obstruction in asthmatic patients.26525229
218Asthma (Alveolar Proteinosis)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SP-A2GenotypingGenomicsLow ThroughputGenetic variation in SP-A2 at position SP-A2 Gln223Lys is an important mediator of eosinophil activities, which may lead to a more severe asthma phenotype.27027938
219Severe AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Bronchial BiopsyINHBAELISA, ImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputActivin-A expression was significantly elevated in serum, BALF and bronchial tissue of the asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects. Activin-A has anti-angiogenic effects in vitro that are not propagated in vivo, where reduced basal expression of its receptors is observed particularly in severe asthma.26869672
220Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentration of IL18 was significantly lower in the BALF of severely asthmatic patients compared to healthy controls.26869672
221Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VEGFELISAOthersLow ThroughputVEGF level was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.26869672
222Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)sVEGFR1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentration of sVEGFR1 was significantly lower in the BALF of severely asthmatic patients compared to healthy controls.26869672
223AsthmaHumanSputum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, BAL cellsFSTL1Proteomic Array, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCRProteomics, Others, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputFSTL1 is >200 fold more highly expressed in the asthma compared to the control subjects. Segmental allergen challenge induced increased levels of BAL FSTL1. BAL macrophages both expressed FSTL1 and could be induced by FSTL1 to express MMP9 suggesting a potential role of FSTL1 in remodeling.27001159
224AsthmaHumanRespiratory Tract Lining Fluids (RTLFs), Bronchial Wash, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SP-ALC-MS/MS, ELISAProteomics, Others High Throughput, Low ThroughputThe asthmatic coronal proteome and respiratory tract lining fluids (RTLFs) displayed a reduced contribution SP-A as compared to that in healthy subjects.28647590
225AsthmaHumanRespiratory Tract Lining Fluids (RTLFs), Bronchial Wash, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)α1ATLC-MS/MS, ELISAProteomics, Others High Throughput, Low Throughput1.7 fold increase in α1-antitrypsin was observed in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls. 28647590
226AsthmaHumanRespiratory Tract Lining Fluids (RTLFs), Bronchial Wash, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IgALC-MS/MS, ELISAProteomics, Others High Throughput, Low ThroughputIgA was elevated in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28647590
227AsthmaHumanRespiratory Tract Lining Fluids (RTLFs), Bronchial Wash, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TFLC-MS/MS, ELISAProteomics, Others High Throughput, Low ThroughputTransferrin appeared to be most depressed within the mild asthmatic corona by 0.16 fold. 28647590
228AsthmaHumanRespiratory Tract Lining Fluids (RTLFs), Bronchial Wash, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LYZLC-MS/MS, ELISAProteomics, Others High Throughput, Low ThroughputLysozyme appeared to be most depressed within the mild asthmatic corona by 0.34-fold.28647590
229Asthma, COPDHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIL6 in BALF of COPD was higher than in asthmatics. IL6/IL13 ratio measured in BALF was higher in COPD patients than in asthmatics and therefore, it could effectively differentiate the two diseases.28791839
230Asthma, COPDHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIL13 in BALF of COPD was slightly higher than in asthmatics. IL6/IL13 ratio measured in BALF was higher in COPD patients than in asthmatics and therefore, it could effectively differentiate the two diseases.28791839
231Allergic Asthma (Inhaled Allergen Challenge)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Bronchial Brushings, Plasma, UrineCC16ELISA, Immunocytochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputAn inhaled allergen challenge in asthmatic subjects leads to an increase in plasma CC16, with increasing CC16 levels in BAL fluid of some subjects but without any signs of altered CC16 mRNA expression in brush samples or urinary CC16. Levels of CC16 in plasma and in the alveolar fraction of BAL correlated significantly after the challenge. CC16 serves as a a biomarker of epithelial dysfunction.28862880
232Asthma (Steroid Naïve Asthma)HumanBronchial Epithelial Cells (BECs), Lung Biopsy, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumITLN1qRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputITLN1 mRNA expression in freshly isolated BECs was significantly higher in the Steroid Naive (SN) Asthma group than in Steroid treated asthmatics and healthy controls in both distal and proximal airway samples. ITLN1 mRNA was also positively correlated with iNOS, CCL26, periostin and DPP4 mRNA. ITLN1 protein was increased in goblet cells in SN-Asthmatics and increased in SN-Asthmatic BAL fluid.28775743
233AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FSTL1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputPlasma FSTL1 levels were higher in asthmatics than in controls. FSTL1 levels in asthmatics were linked with increased smooth muscle mass and thickened Reticular Basement Membrane. FSTL1 may contribute to airway remodeling in asthmatics.28845090
234AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL1Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentrations of IL1 were significantly elevated in BALF from subjects with asthma compared with controls. The concentrations of IL1 were significantly higher in mild and moderate/severe asthma than those of controls.28836545
235AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TNFalphaMeso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentrations of TNFalpha was significantly increased in the BALF of mild and moderate/severe asthmatics compared with those of controls. The median concentrations of TNFalpha were significantly greater in BALF from moderate/severe asthma than those of mild asthma. TNFalpha concentration was negatively associated with the severity of the disease (lung function forced expiratory volume in 1 s). 28836545
236AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL6Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentrations of IL6 were significantly elevated in BALF of mild and moderate/severe asthma compared with those in controls. The median concentrations of IL6 were also greater in BALF of moderate/severe asthma than those in mild asthma.28836545
237AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CXCL8Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentrations of CXCL8 (IL-8) were significantly higher in BALF of mild and moderate/severe asthma compared with those of controls. The median concentrations of CXCL8 were significantly greater in BALF of moderate/severe asthma than those of mild asthma. CXCL8 concentration was negatively associated with the severity of the disease (lung function forced expiratory volume in 1 s).28836545
238AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CXCL10Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputThe median concentrations of CXCL10 (IP-10) were significantly elevated in BALF of moderate/severe asthma compared with those of controls and with mild asthmatics.28836545
239AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL4Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputConcentrations CCL4 was significantly greater in BALF from total asthmatics as compared with controls. CCL4 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of mild asthma compared with those of controls.28836545
240AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL11Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputConcentrations CCL11 was significantly greater in BALF from total asthmatics as compared with controls. CCL11 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of mild asthma compared with those of controls. Concentrations of CCL11 were significantly higher in BALF of moderate/severe asthma than those of mild asthma.28836545
241AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL17Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputConcentrations CCL17 was significantly greater in BALF from total asthmatics as compared with controls. CCL17 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of mild asthma compared with those of controls. 28836545
242AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL22Meso Scale Discovery SystemOthersLow ThroughputCCL22 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of mild asthma compared with those of controls. 28836545
243Asthma and Viral Airway PathologyHuman, Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Bronchial Brushings, Nasal Washes, Lungs, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)BMAL1qRT-PCR, Luminex Multiplex AssayOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputBMAL1 is found to link the circadian clock to viral airway pathology and asthma phenotypes.28401936
244Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Human, Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL37qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHuman Interleukin-37 alleviates airway inflammation and remodeling in asthmatic mice via inhibiting the cctivation of Nfkb and Stat3 Signalings.29268192
245Allergic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)DEL-1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputDel-1 was markedly lower in BALF of asthmatic patients compared with healthy controls.29437247
246Allergic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIL17 expression was greater in BALF from allergic asthma compared with control subjects.29437247
247AsthmaHumanBronchial Biopsy, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MUC5ACqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputHypersecretion and overexpression of MUC5AC were detected in all patients with asthma compared with control group.29031476
248AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CC16ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCC16 level was reduced in serum and BALF of asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.27315766
249Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GCSFBioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) had significantly decreased concentrations of GCSF compared to asthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) and controls.29053714
250Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IFNGBioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) had significantly decreased concentrations of IFNG compared to asthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) and controls.29053714
251Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL17FBioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) had significantly decreased concentrations of IL17F compared to asthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) and controls.29053714
252Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL2Bioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) had significantly decreased concentrations of IL2 compared to asthma patients with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) and controls. IL2 was associated significantly with obstructive airway status.29053714
253Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL10Bioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) had significantly decreased concentrations of IL10 compared to asthma patients with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) and controls.29053714
254Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CCL4Bioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) had significantly increased concentrations of CCL4 compared to with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) and controls. CCL4 was associated significantly with obstructive airway status.29053714
255Atopic AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TNFalphaBioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow ThroughputAsthma patients with significantly more obstruction and lower FEV1 (AP2) had significantly increased concentrations of TNFalpha compared to with mild or moderate obstruction (AP1) and controls.29053714
256AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)α-MSHELISAOthersLow Throughputα-MSH levels in BALF of asthmatic individuals were significantly higher compared to healthy controls.30980429
257Asthma (In Infants)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Let-7aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe increased expression of miRNA-let 7a was associated with the asthma of infants.30789054
258Asthma (In Infants)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Let-7bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe increased expression of miRNA-let 7b was associated with the asthma of infants.30789054
259Asthma (In Infants)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Let-7cqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe increased expression of miRNA-let 7c was associated with the asthma of infants.30789054
260AsthmaHumanMacrophages from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) (Stimulated by HDM)APOEELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM induces APOE secretion from BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects. HDM derived cysteine and serine proteases induce secretion of APOE from BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects through PAR-2. APOE at concentrations that exceed those normally found in lung epithelial lining fluid (ELF) from healthy subjects both primes and activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects to induce IL1B secretion. Similar observations were made in HDM and APOE stimulated female BALB/c mice.30872118
261AsthmaHumanMacrophages from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) (Stimulated by HDM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Macrophage Cell LysateIL1BELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM induces increased IL1B secretion from BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects, compared with cells that were treated with media alone. HDM also induced increased pro IL1B expression in BALF macrophage cell lysate.30872118
262AsthmaHumanMacrophages from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) (Stimulated by HDM)TNFalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM induces increased TNFalpha secretion from BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects.30872118
263AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Macrophage Cell LysateNLRP3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM induces increased NLRP3 expression in cell lysate of BALF macrophages from asthmatic subjects, compared with cells that were treated with media alone.30872118
264AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Macrophage Cell LysateCASP1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM induced processing of the full-length pro–caspase-1 to generate the active caspase-1 in BALF macrophage cell lysate from asthmatics.30872118
265AsthmaHumanSerum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Bronchial TissueIL31ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputSerum and BALF IL31 levels were significantly elevated in patients with asthma compared with controls. Expression of IL31 was more prominent in the bronchial tissue in severe compared to mild asthma and controls.26956917
266Obese AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SP-AWestern Blotting, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputSignificantly less SP-A was detected in samples from Obese Asthmatics as compared with those from control subjects.28624607
267Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TSLPELISAOthersLow ThroughputTSLP level in BALF of asthmatics was significantly elevated as compared to healthy controls. BAL fluid TSLP levels correlated with steroid resistance of ILC2s (Type 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells). 28433687
268Severe AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SAAELISAOthersLow ThroughputBronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) SAA level was increased in severe asthmatics relative to non severe asthmatics.28724795
269AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL33Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of IL33 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. It was significantly elevated in asthmatic patients treated with ICS, with or without additional oral corticosteroids, compared with those not so treated.29453280
270AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TSLPMeso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of TSLP was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. It was significantly elevated in asthmatic patients treated with ICS, with or without additional oral corticosteroids, compared with those not so treated.29453280
271AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL4Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of IL4 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. The median concentration of IL4 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients not treated with steroids as compared with controls. 29453280
272AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL5Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of IL5 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls.29453280
273AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL13Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of IL13 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls. The median concentration of IL13 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients not treated with steroids as compared with controls. 29453280
274AsthmaHumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL12p70Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh Throughput The median concentration of IL12p70 was significantly elevated in BALF from asthmatic patients compared with controls.29453280
275Atopic Asthma (Following Allergen Challenge)HumanSputum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL5Meso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh ThroughputIL5 level was increased post allergen challenge.29651336
276Atopic Asthma (Following Allergen Challenge)HumanSputum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ECPMeso Scale Discovery System (ELISA)OthersHigh ThroughputECP level was increased post allergen challenge.29651336
277AsthmaHumanLung Lysate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage fluid (BALF), SerumINPP4AWestern Blotting, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputINPP4A expression was significantly reduced in lung lysate, BALF and serum of asthma patients as compared to that from healthy controls.30335467
278AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)BcL2L12qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputBcL2L12 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects. BcL2L12 was corelated with FEV1 and TH2 cytokines in BAL fluid CD4 T cells of asthmatic patients.30227178
279AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL4Flow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIL4 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
280AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL5Flow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIL5 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
281AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL13Flow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIL13 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
282AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IFNGFlow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIFNG expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
283AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TNFFlow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputTNF expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
284AsthmaHumanCD4 T cells from Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL17Flow Cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIL17 expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic patients as compared to healthy subjects.30227178
285Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL1BELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated IL1B in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
286Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated IL6 in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
287Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL23ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated IL23 in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
288Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C3aELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated C3a in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
289Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SAAELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated SAA in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
290Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL1AELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17 low asthma had elevated IL1A in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 predominant asthma. 27702673
291Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MPOELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17 low asthma had elevated MPO in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 predominant asthma. 27702673
292Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17 low asthma had elevated IL8 in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 predominant asthma. 27702673
293Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IL17AELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17-predominant asthma had elevated IL17A in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 low asthma. 27702673
294Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)G-CSFELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17 low asthma had elevated G-CSF in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 predominant asthma. 27702673
295Asthma (Th2 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Predominant Asthma, Th2/Th17 Low Asthma)HumanBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GM-CSFELISAOthersLow ThroughputTh2/Th17 low asthma had elevated GM-CSF in BAL as compared to Th2 predominant asthma and Th2/Th17 predominant asthma. 27702673