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Total number of records for Asthma in Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) of Mouse in DAAB (Version-2) database: 1010


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A8MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in leukocyte differentiation inflammation and wound healing. Downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
2Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa5MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
3Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a9MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in leukocyte differentiation inflammation and wound healing. Downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
4Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseSerum and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hpx2D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIn this study hemopexin is upregulated in the serum and BAL fluid of asthmatic mice. It may lead to a stronger activation of CD4 T cells. CD4 T cells are a typical T cell subset related to asthma and increased in auricular lymph nodes of TDI-treated mice.20860378
5Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gc2D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputDBP interacts with neutrophils to enhance the chemotactic activity of complement derived C5 peptides. Neutrophils are significantly increased in the BAL fluid of TDI-treated mice and also the complement system is known to be associated with the pathogenesis of asthma.20860378
6Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cfb2D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is indispensable in eliciting airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation in mice sensitized and challenged with allergen. It contributes to airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in chemically induced asthma.20860378
7Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ftl12D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is involved in iron metabolism. It is the primary intracellular iron-storage protein and prevents toxic effects of free iron while transferrin is an antioxidant capable of binding iron in plasma. Levels of ferritin is increased in patients with asthma.20860378
8Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Trf2D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is involved in iron metabolism. This protein has been found to be upregulated in the BAL fluid chemically induced asthmatic mice.20860378
9Asthma induced by chemicalsMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hp2D DIGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is strongly up-regulated in BAL fluid of chemically induced asthmatic mice. It is involved in immune response modulation. It is synthesized during granulocyte differentiation and released after neutrophil activation to dampen potential damage to the surrounding tissue.20860378
10Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tuba1c2D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputTubulin might contribute to the etiology of asthma by impairing ciliary motion and affecting cytoskeletal signaling.15378748
11Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pm20d12D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is downregulated after dexamethasoner treatment of asthmatic mice.15378748
12Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pdia32D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt codes for cellular metabolism-related proteins.15378748
13Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Dpysl22D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein contributes to free radical-mediated protein modification in asthma.15378748
14Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ehd42D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt promotes the assembly of type VI collagen tetramers or stabilize type V collagen filaments. Thus it is related to the Extra Cellular Matrix formation and tissue fibrosis.15378748
15Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Fga2D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis protein is downregulated after dexamethasoner treatment of asthmatic mice.15378748
16Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Inmt2D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene contributes to Selenium metabolism.15378748
17Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gm55062D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is responsible for free radical-mediated protein modification in asthma.15378748
18Allergen induced Asthma and Dexamethasone treatmentMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Plg2D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is converted to plasmin. Plasmin in turn activates Matrix Metallo-proteases directly to degrade ECM components or degrade ECM by inhibiting MMP inhibitors.15378748
19Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hp2D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputTwo isoforms of this proteins were upregulated and downregulated respectively after allergen challenge.20029843
20Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pigr2D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis protein was found to be significantly upregulated in asthma.20029843
21Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Txn12D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is down regulated in asthma inflammation.20029843
22Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cotl12D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is upregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
23Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Sftpa12D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is upregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
24Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ftl12D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is downregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
25Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chi3l42D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is involved in allergic inflammation through the IL-4/STAT 6 signal transduction pathway.20029843
26Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tcn22D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is upregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
27Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Plg2D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is downregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
28Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Lcn22D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis gene is expressed and secreted by immune cells. It is well known for its function as a shuttle for iron and siderophores. Elevated tissue NGAL expression has been documented under diverse infectious and inflammatory conditions such as asthma.20029843
29Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chi3l12D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is involved in allergic inflammation through the IL-4/STAT 6 signal transduction pathway.20029843
30Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C32D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputC3 is an acute-phase reactant; an increase in C3 synthesis is induced during acute pulmonary inflammation.20029843
31Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chia2D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputChitinase 3-like protein 3 (Ym1)20029843
32Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Alb2D PAGE andLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is upregulated in allergic asthma.20029843
33Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chi3l32D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is involved in allergic inflammation through the IL-4/STAT 6 signal transduction pathway.20029843
34Asthma exacerbation and role of ambient particulate matterMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Sftpd2D PAGE andLC-MS/MS followed by western blot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is known to play an important role in the innate immunity of mucosal surfaces and especially in lungs by protecting against inhaled microorganisms and allergen challenges. It is important in regulating allergic responses.20029843
35Allergen induced AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Arl22D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is upregulated in allergic asthma.15378764
36Allergen induced AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hmox12D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is down regulated in asthma inflammation.15378764
37Allergen induced AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Vcam12D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputIt is upregulated in asthma inflammation.15378764
38Allergen induced AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa12D PAGE and MALDI-TOF-MS followed by immunoblot and real time PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt inhibits cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) but in allergic asthma it undergoes proteolytic degradation. Its downregulation in 2D PAGE was not significant. However I western blot and real time PCR it showed significant downregulation as a result of degradation.15378764
39Allergen induced AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pla2g4aImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputAllergen-induced oxidative stress results in proteolysis of annexin-1 and consequent up-regulation of cPLA2 activity and leukotriene production in this study.15378764
40Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChi3l4LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputMembers of the chitinase family and have chemotactic activity for eosinophils.22837640
41Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEar11LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputResponsible for eosinophil activation anf highly upregulated in allergic mouse however did not reducea fter Dexamethasone treatment22837640
42Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueRetnlbLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPlays a role in airway fibrosis and found to be highly upregulated in allergic mouse and were not modulated after dexamethasone treatment.22837640
43Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueClca3LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputExpressed early in asthma pathogenesis.22837640
44Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissuePrg2LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputEosinophil activating gene and highly upregulated in BAL cells of mouse but downregulated after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
45Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEpxLC MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputHighly upregulated in mRNA of BAL cells of mouse22837640
46Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueMmp12LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputInvolved in cellular inflammation in the lung.22837640
47Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChiaLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed in allergic lung but were downregulated after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
48Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChi3l3LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
49Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueReg3gLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputRegulates keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation after skin injury.22837640
50Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueKlk1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSerine protease involved in producing mediators of airway hyperresponsiveness22837640
51Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEgfrLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIs a receptor for epithelial growth factor family proteins and expressed in airway epithelium22837640
52Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissuePigrLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDelivers IgA on the mucosal surface. Reduced after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
53Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueLcn2LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly lowered after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
54Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueGp39LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly lowered after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
55Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueIcam1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly increased in protein but not in mRNA level and involved in adhesion of leukocytes that are chemotaxing22837640
56Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueScgb1a1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed in allergic lung but mRNA reduced after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
57Epithelial injury in AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Alox12Western blot, ELISA, histopathologyOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCauses epithelial injury in asthma pathogenesis23528921
58AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and PlasmaAdh5Biomarker immunoassay and Tracheal ring bioassayOthersHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputAdministration of GSNOR inhibitor N6022 results in attenuation of both bronchoconstriction and inflammation of asthma.24405692
59Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ImmunoassayOthersLow ThroughputFisetin dose-dependently inhibited ovalbumin-induced increases in this marker.22290391
60Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ImmunoassayOthersLow ThroughputFisetin dose-dependently inhibited ovalbumin-induced increases in this marker.22290391
61Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ImmunoassayOthersLow ThroughputFisetin dose-dependently inhibited ovalbumin-induced increases in this marker.22290391
62Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Lcp1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
63Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Arpc4MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
64Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CapzbMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
65Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MsnMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in F actin reorganisation which is essential for cellular adhesion migration inflammation and phagocytosis.18594147
66Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Wdr1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
67Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Krt7MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in Chronic asthma. Indicates hyperplasia of mucous glands.18594147
68Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RetnlaMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputContributes to airway remodelling through its antiapoptotic properties. Upregulated in asthma.18594147
69Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chil4MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputPlays a key role in effector immune cell recruitment and airway remodelling. Upregulated in asthmatic mouse.18594147
70Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IgG1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in Chronic asthma. Indicates hyperplasia of mucous glands.18594147
71Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chia1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputHighly expressed in mouse Chronic lung inflammation.18594147
72Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SftpdMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthma.18594147
73Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl15MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in Chronic asthma model.18594147
74Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CfbMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in Chronic asthma model.18594147
75Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ppp2r1aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and differentially expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
76Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Serpinb6aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
77Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PcxMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and downregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
78Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ak1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
79Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Phpt1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
80Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gpx3MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
81Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Sod1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputPlays a critical role in protecting lungs from oxidative damage.Downregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
82Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ube2nMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
83Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ces1dMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
84Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Psmd11MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
85Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Psmb9MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
86Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Apoa1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
87Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Rps12MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
88Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Vat1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
89Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MtpnMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
90Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a11MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
91Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TtrMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
92Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ApcsMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
93Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Col6a1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputAn extracellular matrix protein and upregulated in asthma.18594147
94Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)YwhaeMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model. Involved in the smooth muscle development goblet cell hypertrophy and subepithelial fibrosis.18594147
95Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cox5aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular transport and is downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
96Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Uqcrc1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
97Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TrfMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
98Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ftl1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
99Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)gob-5MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
100Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HpxMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
101Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Capns1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
102Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa3MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
103Asthma induced by Ovalbumin challengeMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfaip6Immunoassay (ELISA and Immunohistochemistry) and Biochemical analysis (Multiplex Cytokine Assay and Fluorophore-assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis)OthersLow ThroughputTSG-6 is dispensable for the induction of Th2 immunity but is essential for the robust increase in pulmonary Hyaluronan deposition and propagation of acute eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation. In TSG-6 knock out mice the lack of TSG-6 results in diminished HA accumulation and decreased inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness.23118230
104Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Igfbp3Immunoblot and immunohistochemistryProteomicsLow ThroughputThis protein was found to be down regulated significantly upon ovalbumin challenge. IGFBP-3 treatment inhibits airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness via an IGF-independent mechanism that involves activation of IGFBP-3R signaling and cross-talk with NF- B signaling.21383009
105Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Icam1ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 treatment blocks TNF- alpha induced ICAM-1 expression in NF-kappa B signaling cascades upon allergen challenge.21383009
106Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NfkbiaImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 degrades IÎşBÎħ through IGFBP-3 receptor (IGFBP-3R)-mediated activation of caspases thereby inhibiting TNF- -induced activation of NF- B signaling cascades.21383009
107Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RelaImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 degrades p65-NFÎş- B through IGFBP-3 receptor (IGFBP-3R)-mediated activation of caspases thereby inhibiting TNF- -induced activation of NF- B signaling cascades.21383009
108Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
109Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
110Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
111AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Trpa1Immunoassay and real time PCROthersLow ThroughputGenetic ablation of TRPA1 inhibited allergen-induced leukocyte infiltration in the airways and abolished airway hyperreactivity.19458046
112Asthma (Chronic Allergic Asthma induced by HDM)Mouse (Sema3e−/− mice 129 P2 strain)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il4 was significantly increased in BAL fluid from HDM-exposed Sema3e−/− mice compared to control group. Increased Th2/Th17-skewed cytokine response in Sema3e−/− mice after HDM chronic exposure was further confirmed by performing intracellular staining of Il4 in CD4+ T cells from the lung draining MLN.29228740
113Asthma (Chronic Allergic Asthma induced by HDM)Mouse (Sema3e−/− mice 129 P2 strain)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il5 was significantly increased in BAL fluid from HDM-exposed Sema3e−/− mice compared to control group. 29228740
114Asthma (Chronic Allergic Asthma induced by HDM)Mouse (Sema3e−/− mice 129 P2 strain)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17AELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration ofIl17A was significantly increased in BAL fluid from HDM-exposed Sema3e−/− mice compared to control group. Increased Th2/Th17-skewed cytokine response in Sema3e−/− mice after HDM chronic exposure was further confirmed by performing intracellular staining of Il17A in CD4+ T cells from the lung draining MLN.29228740
115Asthma (Chronic Allergic Asthma induced by HDM)Mouse (Sema3e−/− mice 129 P2 strain)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM exposure significantly reduced the level of Th1 cytokine, IFN-γ, in the absence of Sema3E. The result was further confirmed by performing intracellular staining IFN-γ in CD4+ T cells from the lung draining MLN.29228740
116Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a4RT-PCR, Western Blot, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputmRNA and protein expression of S100A4 were significantly increased in lung tissues from asthmatic mice compared to PBS control mice. Furthermore, S100A4 levels were higher in BALF from asthmatic mice compared to PBS control mice. 30569582
117Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the BALF of OVA‐ induced asthmatic mice, there was an elevated production of Il4.30569582
118Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the BALF of OVA‐ induced asthmatic mice, there was an elevated production of Il5.30569582
119Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the BALF of OVA‐ induced asthmatic mice, there was an elevated production of Il13.30569582
120Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gm-CSFELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the BALF of OVA‐ induced asthmatic mice, there was an elevated production of Gm-CSF.30569582
121Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the BALF of OVA‐ induced asthmatic mice, there was an elevated production of eotaxin 2.30569582
122Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnf-alphaELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of TNF-alpha in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of TNF-alpha in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
123Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il-1beta in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il-1beta in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
124Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il4 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il4 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
125Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il5 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il5 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
126Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il13 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il13 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice. 30589094
127Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Eotaxin in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Eotaxin in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
128Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIcam1ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Icam1 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Icam1 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
129Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesVcam1ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Vcam1 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Vcam1 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
130Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesNf-kb p65Western Blot, ImmunostainingProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe Nf-kb p65 level was significantly increased in the nuclei, but significantly decreased in the cytosol after OVA challenge. Immunostaining of p65 subunit in lung tissues confirmed the nuclear translocation of p65 subunit.30589094
131Bronchial AsthmaMouse(BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF of the asthma model group was significantly increased compared with the control group.30536454
132Bronchial AsthmaMouse(BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF of the asthma model group was significantly increased compared with the control group.30536454
133Bronchial AsthmaMouse(BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF of the asthma model group was significantly decreased compared with the control group.30536454
134Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il4 as compared to the control group.30341485
135Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il5 as compared to the control group.30341485
136Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il13 as compared to the control group.30341485
137Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnf-alphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the lung tissue and BALF, the levels of Tnf-alpha were significantly elevated by airway challenge with Ovalbumin in asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30341485
138Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Icam1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOvalbumin induced asthmatic groups have a remarkable elevation of Icam1 in BALF as compared to the healthy control group.30341485
139Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOvalbumin induced asthmatic groups have a remarkable elevation of eotaxin in BALF as compared to the healthy control group.30341485
140Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe level of TGFbeta in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) was increased from 126 pg/mL in control mice to 214 pg/mL upon OVA induction in asthmatic mice.30373169
141Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputFor Il13 in BALF, OVA-induced asthmatic mice presented with concentration at 6.82 pg/mL, which was higher than that of the normal control mice (4.94 pg/mL).30373169
142Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il31ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl31 level in BAL fluid was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.30373169
143Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BAL fluid was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.30373169
144Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BAL fluid was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.30373169
145Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl5 level in BAL fluid was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.30373169
146AsthmaMouse ( IL-6 knockout (KO) mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6Cell Count, Histology, Cytokine Profiling by ELISA, IgG1 countOthersLow ThroughputIL-6 signaling in Dendritic Cells is essential for their uptake of allergens, maturation, and initiation of Th2/Th17-mediated airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma, thus providing a new potential target for treating allergic asthma.26232935
147Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb was significantly lower in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice. 25307458
148Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice. 25307458
149Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was elevated in asthmatic mice compared to healthy control mice. 25307458
150Allergic AsthmaMouse (BMAL1-LysM-/- mice )Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumBmal1Cell Count, Histology, Cytokine Profiling by ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIncreased severity of asthma, higher eosinophil numbers and more inflammatory phenotype of asthma was observed in BMAL1-LysM-/- 218 mice. Bmal1 in myeloid cells is a potent negative regulator of allergic asthma. Bmal1 limits myeloid cell responses, which leads to inhibition of allergic asthma. The low expression of BMAL1 at night might explain the increase in asthma during the night.28336811
151Chronic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced asthmatic mice showed increased levels of Il4 in the BALF than their corresponding control groups.30574690
152Chronic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced asthmatic mice showed increased levels of Il5 in the BALF than their corresponding control groups.30574690
153Chronic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced asthmatic mice showed increased levels of Il13 in the BALF than their corresponding control groups.30574690
154AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF of asthma model mice showed high levels of interleukin 4 as compared to the control group.23863957
155AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF of asthma model mice showed high levels of interleukin 5 as compared to the control group.23863957
156Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had reduced expression of Ifng in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
157Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Il4 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
158Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Il5 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
159Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumMmp9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had stronger expression of Mmp9 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
160Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Il10 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
161Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Il13 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
162Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumTgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Tgfb in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
163Allergic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl12ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice that were OVA-sensitized/challenged in the allergic asthma models had higher expression of Il12 in serum and BALF compared with the normal control mice.25440975
164Asthma (Induced by HDM)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of HDM treated mice as compared to the PBS control group.26003185
165Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4V-PLEX pro-inflammatory panelOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group.26502779
166Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5V-PLEX pro-inflammatory panelOthersHigh ThroughputIl5 concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group.26502779
167Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10TH1/TH2 9-Plex cytokine/chemokine multiplex assayOthersLow ThroughputIl10 concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group.26502779
168Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il12TH1/TH2 9-Plex cytokine/chemokine multiplex assayOthersLow ThroughputIl12 concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group. The concentration of Il12 was the highest in tobacco cigerette smoke treated group.26502779
169Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaTH1/TH2 9-Plex cytokine/chemokine multiplex assayOthersLow ThroughputTnf alpha concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group. The concentration of Tnf alpha was the highest in allergen + tobacco cigerette smoke treated group.26502779
170Asthma (Induced by Triple allergen)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcTH1/TH2 9-Plex cytokine/chemokine multiplex assayOthersLow ThroughputKc concentration was most prominently increased in the allergen group of chronic asthma model as compared to control group. The concentration of Kc was the highest in allergen + tobacco cigerette smoke treated group.26502779
171Asthma (Induced by HDM)Mouse (ST2- /- mice and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Homogenates, Lung TissuesSt2Cell Counting, ELISA, Multiplex Bead Based Assay, Immunohistochemistry, Pulmonary MechanicsOthersLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputSt2 Is Important for the development of peripheral airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in HDM indiced mouse model of asthma.26609909
172AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 upregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
173AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng downregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
174AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 upregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
175AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 upregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
176AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 upregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
177AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gm-CSFELISAOthersLow ThroughputGm-CSF upregulation was observed in the five experimental OVA treated asthmatic groups as compared to the control group. 30440113
178AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Il8 was upregulated significantly in the BALF of the asthma group as compared to control group.30292447
179AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Ifng was downregulated significantly in the BALF of the asthma group as compared to control group.30292447
180Allergic AsthmaMouse (TrkBKI mice, BDNFfl/fl/SMMHC11Cre/0 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Airway Smooth Muscle Cells Layer (ASM Layer)BdnfHistology, ELISA, Immunofluorecence, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputSmooth muscle brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to airway hyperreactivity in a mouse model of allergic asthma.30351991
181AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Bronchial Epithelial Cells (BECs), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EzrImmunohistochemistry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputEzrin expression was localized to the apical membrane of bronchial epithelial cells and clearly reduced in asthma mice. Ezrin levels were also suppressed in the BALF of asthmatic mice compared to controls.30290132
182AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was increased in asthmatic mice as compared with healthy controls.30290132
183Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe Wild type mice in all asthma groups had lower Ifng levels in serum and BALF than those in Control group.28342933
184Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe Wild type mice in all asthma groups had higher Il4 levels in serum and BALF than those in Control group.28342933
185Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe Wild type mice in all asthma groups had higher Il13 levels in serum and BALF than those in Control group.28342933
186Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumTnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe Wild type mice in all asthma groups had higher Tnfalpha levels in serum and BALF than those in Control group.28342933
187Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Adam33Western Blotting, FRET peptide cleavage assayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputAdam33 level and activity was increased in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control group.27489884
188Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Il5 was significantly increased in whole lungs and BALF of Wild type mice.27489884
189Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Ccl11 was significantly increased in whole lungs and BALF of Wild type mice.27489884
190Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevels of Il6 in BALF was significantly increased in OVA-induced mice as compared to control mice.30373775
191Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevels of Tnfalpha in BALF was significantly increased in OVA-induced mice as compared to control mice.30373775
192Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputLevels of Il1b in BALF was significantly increased in OVA-induced mice as compared to control mice. OVA induced mice showed higher levels of Il1b mRNA expression than sham mice.30373775
193Allergic Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPdcd5ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputA correlation was found between Pdcd5 expression and severity of asthma in OVA induced asthmatic mice. Pdcd5 may play a role in allergic asthma. 27846830
194Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthers Low Throughput The level of Tgfb1 in BALF of the ovalbumin treated asthma group had significantly increased in comparison with the saline treated control group.30463065
195Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthers Low Throughput The level of Il4 in BALF of the ovalbumin treated asthma group had significantly increased in comparison with the saline treated control group.30463065
196Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthers Low Throughput The level of Il5 in BALF of the ovalbumin treated asthma group had significantly increased in comparison with the saline treated control group.30463065
197Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthers Low Throughput The level of Il13 in BALF of the ovalbumin treated asthma group had significantly increased in comparison with the saline treated control group.30463065
198Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthers Low Throughput The level of Il17 in BALF of the ovalbumin treated asthma group had significantly increased in comparison with the saline treated control group.30463065
199Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers , GenomicsLow Throughput Il4 was found to be increased in the OVA treated asthma group relative to the control group.29086354
200Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers , GenomicsLow Throughput Il5 was found to be increased in the OVA treated asthma group relative to the control group.29086354
201Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngqRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughput Ifng was significantly lower in the OVA treated asthma group than the control group.29086354
202Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughput Il13 was significantly elevated in the OVA treated asthma group than the control group.29086354
203Eosinophilic, Mixed and Neutrophilic AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenatesIl5Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputMice with eosinophilic asthma showed an abundance of Il5. In the neutrophilic inflammation, low level of Il5 was noted. In the mixed inflammation, Il5 level was more than neutrophilic asthma but lesser than eosinophilic asthma.30267575
204Eosinophilic, Mixed and Neutrophilic AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenatesIl17aCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputMice with eosinophilic asthma had practically no Il17a. In the neutrophilic inflammation, high abumdance of Il17a was noted. In the mixed inflammation, Il17a level was less than neutrophilic asthma but more than eosinophilic asthma.30267575
205Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF Il4 in the OVA group was increased in comparison with that of the control.30545126
206Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF Il5 in the OVA group was increased in comparison with that of the control.30545126
207Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF Ifng in the OVA group was lower in comparison with that of the control.30545126
208Neutrophilic Asthma (NA)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17aELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the Il17a levels in BALF of the Neutrophilic Asthmatic mice. Il17a mRNA levels were significantly elevated in lung tissues from OVA-challenged mice as compared to control.29312493
209Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum increase in Il4 level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Cytokine Il4 was negatively correlated with malic acid, and positively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
210Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to low, medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum increase in Il5 level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Cytokine Il5 was negatively correlated with malic acid, and positively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
211Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum increase in Il13 level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Cytokine Il13 was negatively correlated with malic acid, and positively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
212Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl8 expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum increase in Il8 level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Cytokine Il8 was negatively correlated with malic acid, and positively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
213Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum increase in Il1b level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Cytokine Il1b was negatively correlated with malic acid, and positively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
214Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5) as compared to the Control group. Maximum decrease in Ifng level was noted in case of exposure to high concentration of PM 2.5. Ifng was positively correlated with malic acid, and negatively correlated to metabolites like aspartic acid, butanoic acid, glucose, hexadecanoic acid, inosine, isoleucine, serine, uric acid and valine levels. 30572224
215Allergic AsthmaMouse (Dock8-knockout mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SerumDock8Cell Count, Histopathology, Flow cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputDock8-deficiency may correlate to increased susceptibility and pathogenesis of allergic asthma.29702092
216Allergic AsthmaMouse (Dock8-knockout mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SerumIl21Cell Count, Histopathology, Flow cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputNasal treatment with Il21 may offer novel and powerful prophylactic and/or therapeutic moieties to treat Dock8-deficiency-associated allergic asthma.29702092
217Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputEotaxin level in BALF and lung tissues were significantly increased in asthma mice and obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice.30584969
218Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMpoELISAOthersLow ThroughputMpo level in BALF and lung tissues were significantly increased in asthma mice and obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice. The Mpo level was increased significantly in obesity-related asthma mice compared with asthma mice.30584969
219Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumAdipoqELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum and BALF level of adiponectin was significantly decreased in obesity related asthma mice compared with either asthma mice or obesity mice. Adiponectin level in BALF was higher than in blood serum.30584969
220Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumTnf alphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum and BALF level of Tnf alpha was markedly increased in obesity related asthma mice compared with either asthma mice or obesity mice. Tnf alpha level in BALF was higher than in blood serum.30584969
221Asthma (Aspergillus induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIl33 was elevated in the BALF of Aspergillus induced asthmatic mice as compared to PBS treated control mice. It was reduced on application of GW80. The ability of the necroptotic inhibitor GW80 to attenuate pathology in an IL-33-dependent Aspergillus induced asthma model suggests a role for necroptosis in Il33 release in asthma.30576068
222Asthma (Aspergillus induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)pMlklWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputpMlkl was elevated in the BALF of Aspergillus induced asthmatic mice as compared to PBS treated control mice.30576068
223AsthmaMouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Igf1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIgf1 was upregulated in the lung tissues of asthmatic mice and the content of Igf1 in BALF was also elevated in asthmatic mice. Elevated Igf1 in asthmatic mice predominantly originated from Alveolar macrophages (AM). AM derived Igf1 may serve an important role in the regulation of airway inflammation and remodeling in asthmatic mice.30535455
224Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe level of Il4 was significantly increased in BALF of asthma group as compared to the normal control group.30518183
225Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe level of Ifng was slightly decreased in BALF of asthma group as compared to the normal control group.30518183
226Obesity related Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe obese asthma group and non obese asthma group had elevated Il4 levels than controls. Il4 level was higher in obese asthmatics as compared to non obese asthmatic mice.29665658
227Obesity related Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe obese asthma group and non obese asthma group had elevated Il5 levels than controls. Il5 level was higher in obese asthmatics as compared to non obese asthmatic mice.29665658
228Obesity related Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe obese asthma group and non obese asthma group had elevated Il13 levels than controls. Il13 level was higher in non obese asthmatics as compared to obese asthmatic mice.29665658
229Obesity related Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe obese asthma group and non obese asthma group had elevated Il17a levels than controls. Il17a level was higher in obese asthmatics as compared to non obese asthmatic mice.29665658
230Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
231Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
232Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
233Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
234Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl26ELISAOthersLow ThroughputEotaxin 3 level was significantly elevated in the BALF of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
235Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with the normal control group, the asthma model group showed significantly reduced level of Il10.29972129
236Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with the normal control group, the asthma model group showed significantly increased level of Il17.29972129
237Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ror-γtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the normal control group, the asthma model group showed significantly increased level Ror-γt mRNA.29972129
238Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
239Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
240Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
241Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly reduced in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
242Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputAfter OVA challenge, Il4 was significantly increased in BALF compared with that of the control animals.30363922
243Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputAfter OVA challenge, Il13 was significantly increased in BALF compared with that of the control animals.30363922
244Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputAfter OVA challenge, Ifng was significantly increased in BALF compared with that of the control animals.30363922
245Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il4 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
246Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il5 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
247Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il13 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
248Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly decreased expression of Ifng in BALF of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
249Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EpoEosinophil peroxidase assayOthersLow ThroughputEosinophil peroxidase (Epo) activity in BALF was measured as marker of eosinophil recruitment to the lungs and it was significantly elevated in asthmatic groups as compared to normal control group.29959624
250Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly elevated in TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30517707
251Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly elevated in TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30517707
252Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly elevated in TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30517707
253Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level in BALF was significantly elevated in TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30517707
254Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il18ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl18 level in BALF was significantly elevated in TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30517707
255Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Bio-plex immunoassay setOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
256Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Bio-plex immunoassay setOthersHigh ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
257Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17fBio-plex immunoassay setOthersHigh ThroughputIl17f level was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
258Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngBio-plex immunoassay setOthersHigh ThroughputIfng level was decreased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
259Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), BALF cells, Alveolar Macrophages (AM)Ccl24ELISA, qRT-PCR, MicroarrayOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputCcl24 level was significantly increased in BALF, total BALF cells and alveolar macrophages (AM) of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
260Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages (AM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl2Microarray, qRT-PCR, ProcartaPlexMultiplex ImmunoassayGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low Throughput, High ThroughputCcl2 level was significantly increased in BALF and alveolar macrophages (AM) of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
261Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages (AM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl7Microarray, qRT-PCR, Milliplex Magnetic Bead PanelGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low Throughput, High ThroughputCcl7 level was significantly increased in BALF and alveolar macrophages (AM) of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
262Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages (AM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl22Microarray, qRT-PCR, Milliplex Magnetic Bead PanelGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low Throughput, High ThroughputCcl22 level was significantly increased in BALF and alveolar macrophages (AM) of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
263Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages (AM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9Microarray, Milliplex Magnetic Bead PanelGenomics, OthersHigh ThroughputMmp9 level was significantly increased in AM and BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
264Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages (AM), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1Microarray, Milliplex Magnetic Bead PanelGenomics, OthersHigh ThroughputTimp1 level was significantly increased in AM and BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control group.27165276
265Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIncreased levels of Il5 was observed in the BALF of OVA induced asthma mouse model as compared to control group.30191679
266Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIncreased levels of Il13 was observed in the BALF of OVA induced asthma mouse model as compared to control group.30191679
267Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOvalbumin induced asthmatic mice showed significant increases in Il6 level in BALF as compared to healthy mice.30193887
268Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputOvalbumin induced asthmatic mice showed significant increases in Tnf alpha level in BALF as compared to healthy mice.30193887
269Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA sensitisation and challenge significantly increased the level of Il4 in BALF of mice as compared to control mice.26318416
270Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GmcsfLuminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputGm-csf level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
271Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaLuminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputTnf alpha level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
272Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Luminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
273Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Luminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
274Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Luminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
275Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aLuminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputIl17a level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
276Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngLuminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputIfng level in BALF was decreased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
277Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11Luminex Assay (Multiplex ELISA)Others High ThroughputCcl11 level in BALF was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to saline treated control mice.26263242
278Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chi3l3/4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputChi3l3/4 level in BALF was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice.26376364
279Asthma (Derp1 induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl24 level in BALF was elevated in Derp1 sensitized mice as compared to control mice.26376364
280Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateCcl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl24 level in BALF and lung homogenate was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice.26376364
281Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateCcl17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl17 level in BALF and lung homogenate was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice.26376364
282Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level in lung homogenate was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice. Ccl11 level was not elevated in BALF.26376364
283Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateCcl22ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl22 level in lung homogenate was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice. Ccl22 level was not elevated in BALF.26376364
284Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)P2y12Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of P2y12 was increased markedly following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
285Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Il4 in BALF was increased markedly following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice as compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
286Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Il5 in BALF was increased markedly following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice as compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
287Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Il13 in BALF was increased markedly following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice as compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
288Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Ifng in BALF was increased following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice as compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
289Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Ccl5 in BALF was increased markedly following OVA challenge in OVA-sensitized mice as compared to OVA sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
290AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA group exhibited a significant increase in Il4 level in BALF as compared with that of the control group.26542330
291AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA group exhibited a significant increase in Il5 level in BALF as compared with that of the control group.26542330
292AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA group exhibited a significant increase in Il13 level in BALF as compared with that of the control group.26542330
293Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (PD-1H Knock Out mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lungs, Lymphocytes from Lungs and SpleenPD-1HELISA, Histology, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe loss of PD-1H led to elevated production of both innate and Th2 cytokines (IL-5 and IL-13) in the lung, indicating a critical role of PD-1H in suppressing the production of airway inflammatory cytokines. The loss of PD-1H also impaired the expansion of systemic and pulmonary regulatory T cells during asthma induction. PD-1H as a potential target and suggest a possible strategy for the treatment of allergic asthma in humans.28479600
294Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
295Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
296Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
297Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
298Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcELISAOthersLow ThroughputKc level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice. 28528200
299Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl2 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
300Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl3ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl3 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
301Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl4 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
302Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl5 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
303Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
304Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
305Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GmcsfELISAOthersLow ThroughputGmcsf level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
306Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
307Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
308Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
309Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCxcl10 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
310Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
311Severe Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il12ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl12p70 level was significantly elevated in HDM treated severe asthma model group as compared to control group of mice.28528200
312AsthmaMouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was elevated in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.26792699
313Asthma (Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALb/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EpoBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputEpo activity was elevated in Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced asthmatic mice as compared with control mice.26844220
314Asthma (Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALb/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly upregulated in Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced chronic and acute model of asthma as compared with control mice.26844220
315Asthma (Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALb/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly upregulated in Tyrophagus putrescentiae induced chronic and acute model of asthma as compared with control mice.26844220
316Neutrophilic Asthma (NA) (OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ATPLuciferin-Luciferase AssayOthersLow ThroughputAllergen challenge caused an increase of ATP secretion in a murine model of neutrophilic asthma, which correlated well with neutrophil counts and interleukin-17 production. ATP may serve as a marker of neutrophilic asthma.28626774
317Neutrophilic Asthma (NA) (OVA induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group as compared to control group of mice.28626774
318Neutrophilic Asthma (NA) (OVA induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group as compared to control group of mice.28626774
319Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe level of Il10 in BALF and serum of the mice in the asthma group was significantly reduced as compared to control mice. Il10 level in serum and BALF was positively corelated with Foxp3/Rorγt protein expression ratio.28672989
320Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, SpleenIl17ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe level of Il17 in BALF and serum of the mice in the asthma group was increased significantly as compared to control mice. The lymphocyte subset CD4+IL-17+ cells/CD4+ T cells in the asthma group were higher than those in the normal control group. Il17 level in serum and BALF was negatively corelated with Foxp3/Rorγt protein expression ratio.28672989
321Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesmiR-20bELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputmiR-20b can induce accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the lungs of asthmatic mice, which may be a mechanism by which miR-20b inhibits airway inflammation in asthmatic mice. miR-20b may be used as a target for the effective treatment of asthma.28680329
322Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28680329
323Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28680329
324Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with control mice, OVA sensitization and challenge significantly induced the production of Il4 as compared to control group of mice.28843179
325Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with control mice, OVA sensitization and challenge significantly induced the production of Il5 as compared to control group of mice.28843179
326Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with control mice, OVA sensitization and challenge significantly induced the production of Il13 as compared to control group of mice.28843179
327Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with control mice, OVA sensitization and challenge significantly induced the production of eotaxin as compared to control group of mice.28843179
328Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Muc5acELISAOthersLow ThroughputMuc5ac protein levels in BAL fluid was significantly elevated in allergic mice as compared to control mice.28835901
329Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)β-HexBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputThe level of β-Hex in the BAL fluid of allergic mice was 3 times higher than that of naïve counterparts.28835901
330Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge significantly increased Tnfalpha level in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
331Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge significantly increased Il8 level in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
332Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge significantly increased Il13 level in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
333Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge significantly increased Il17 level in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
334Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene expression level of Timp1 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Timp1 as compared to control mice.28810543
335Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene expression level of Mmp9 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Mmp9 as compared to control mice.28810543
336Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene and protein expression level of Tgfb1 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Tgfb1 as compared to control mice.28810543
337Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfWestern Blotting, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression level of Vegf in lung tissues and BALF was markedly increased after OVA inhalation as compared with the levels in the control mice. 28810543
338Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il4 was significantly increased in lung tissues and BALF of OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
339Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il13 was significantly increased in lung tissues and BALF of OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
340Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF level of Il4 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to normal controls.28867724
341Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF level of Il5 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to normal controls.28867724
342Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF level of eotaxin was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to normal controls.28867724
343Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Bronchial Smooth Muscle (BSM) cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PgrnqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputBoth the expressions of Pgrn protein in BALF and Pgrn mRNA in BSM tissues were significantly decreased 24 hrs after last allergen challenge. Pgrn levels might be a promising therapeutic for airway hyperresponsiveness in allergic asthma.28982738
344Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (GFP-C5aR1 fl/fl mice and LysM-C5aR1 KO mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C5aR1Cell Counting, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputC5aR1 is critical for steady state control of alveolar macrophage numbers and transition of neutrophils from the lung into the airways in OVA driven allergic asthma.28931049
345Chronic Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Tgfb1 was noted in the lung of the mice subjected to repeated allergen exposure.28972433
346Chronic Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpImmunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Tslp was noted in the lung of the mice subjected to repeated allergen exposure, which was accompanied by increased number of fibrocytes in the sub-epithelial zone and the BAL fluid. Blocking Tslp markedly decreased the production of Tgfb1, reduced the number of fibrocytes and subsequently prevented alterations of both airway and vascular structures. Tslp might function in airway remodeling by promoting circulating fibrocyte recruitment to the lung in the mice subjected to chronic allergen exposure. 28972433
347Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
348Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
349Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
350Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF was significantly decreased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
351Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputDEP-OVA pups had higher levels of pulmonary transcripts for IL1b and increased concentration of Il1b in BALF as compared to control and other groups. Il1b transcripts were also increased in lungs of pregnant DEP exposed mothers. Pre-pregnancy exposure to Diesel Exhaust predisposes offsprings to Asthma through Il1b and Il17a.28943469
352Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputDEP-OVA pups had higher levels of pulmonary transcripts for IL17a and increased concentration of Il17a in BALF as compared to control and other groups. Pre-pregnancy exposure to Diesel Exhaust predisposes offsprings to Asthma through Il1b and Il17a.28943469
353Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF and splenocytes was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
354Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level in BALF and splenocytes was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
355Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF and splenocytes was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
356Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Bio-plex pro mouse cytokine 23-plex assayOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 level was increased significantly in BALF upon OVA challenge in wild type mice.28867182
357Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Bio-plex pro mouse cytokine 23-plex assayOthersHigh ThroughputIl13 level was increased significantly in BALF upon OVA challenge in wild type mice.28867182
358Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (CC10-rtTA/(tetO)7-cre-ATG5(f/f)(atg5(△/△)) mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesAtg5Cell Counting, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputAirway epithelium-localized Atg5 suppresses allergic airway inflammation, likely via modulation of necroptosis, while independent of autophagy and apoptosis.30423631
359Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPar2Cell Counting, Histology, Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputPar2 blockage inhibits the changes seen in chronic murine asthma model. Par2 activation plays an important role in cockroach extract (CE) induced airway hyperresponsiveness and can reverse the changes in airway physiology even after the initiation of inflammation.28940559
360Asthma (OVA induced asthma and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GqCell Counting, Histology, Airway resistance measurement, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputGq signalling plays a dominant role in the control of airway resistance. Targeteed inhibition of Gq signalling induces airway relaxation in mouse models of asthma.28904224
361Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.28904224
362Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.28904224
363Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.28904224
364Bronchial Asthma During A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza InfectionMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIn asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09 mice, Il6 levels peaked at 3 days post-infection and were higher than those in all other groups.28831046
365Bronchial Asthma During A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza InfectionMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIn asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09 mice, Tnfalpha levels peaked at 3 days post-infection and were higher than those in all other groups.28831046
366Bronchial Asthma During A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza InfectionMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIfng levels in asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09 mice at 3 days post-infection were higher than in all other mice at any time point, whereas at 7 days post-infection, the levels were lowest in asthma/A(H1N1)pdm09 mice.28831046
367Bronchial Asthma During A(H1N1)pdm09 Influenza InfectionMouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bCytometric Bead Array, ELISAOthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputThe BAL Il1b levels in control and asthmatic mice after seasonal infection were significantly higher than the A(H1N1)pdm09-infected groups.28831046
368Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, mRNA PCR arrayOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputThe BALF level of Il4 and mRNA level of Il4 in lung tissues were significantly higher in the asthma model group than in the control group.27106170
369Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF level of Il5 was significantly higher in the asthma model group than in the control group.27106170
370Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe BALF level of Il13 was significantly higher in the asthma model group than in the control group.27106170
371Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29160801
372Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29160801
373Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29160801
374Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
375Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
376Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
377Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly reduced as compared to that in the control group.29162668
378Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
379Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
380Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
381Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level in BALF of OVA treated mice was significantly elevated as compared to that in the control group.29162668
382Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29178675
383Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29178675
384Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
385Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
386Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
387Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Blood PlasmaArg1Western Blotting, qRT-PCR, Immunostaining, Histology, Milliplex AssayProteomics, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputArginase 1 deletion in myeloid cells affects the inflammatory response in allergic asthma, but not in lung mechanics.29183288
388Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp2qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Mmp2 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
389Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Mmp9 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
390Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Timp1 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
391Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
392Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl6 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
393Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
394Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
395Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
396Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
397Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
398Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
399Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
400Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29344664
401Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)pNfkbWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputActivated Nfkb expression was significantly increased in the OVA-challenged group compared with the PBS group.29344664
402Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ox40lELISA, Flow Cytometry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputOx40l-treated and Ox40+ T cell-treated mice exhibited increased asthma through Ox40/Ox40l signaling, which probably promoted inflammatory factor expression, eosinophil infiltration and T cell proliferation.29344664
403Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ox40ELISA, Flow Cytometry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputOx40/Ox40l signaling leads to eosinophil recruitment into the lungs, regulates the expression of Il4, Il6, Il13, Il17, Tnfalpha and Ifng through Nfkb activation. Ox40/Ox40l signaling plays a crucial role in a murine model of asthma.29344664
404Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il4 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
405Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il5 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
406Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il13 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
407Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng was reduced in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29386751
408Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Cxcl1 was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice.29361942
409Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.30447649
410Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.30447649
411Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF of OVA treated mice was reduced as compared to that in the control group.30447649
412Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (LysM, LysMFoxO1KO and LysMFoxO1Tg mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FoxO1Cell Counting, Histology, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputFoxO1 regulates allergic asthmatic inflammation through regulating polarization of the macrophage inflammatory phenotype.27007158
413Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il1b mRNA and protein in lung tissues and BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il1b expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
414Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il17a protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il17a expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
415Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il4 protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il4 expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
416Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il6 protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il6 expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
417Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il10 protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were decreased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il10 expression was significantly decreased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
418Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Tnfalpha protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Tnfalpha expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
419Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il18ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il18 protein in BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il18 expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
420Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesC5aELISAOthersLow ThroughputC5a levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. C5a levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
421Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il4 levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
422Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Ifng levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
423Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il17a levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
424Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 levels appeared to be lower in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il10 levels in asthmatic mice was also lower than that in control mice.29123203
425Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Il5 was noted in the high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
426Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Il13 was noted in the high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
427Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Il17a was noted in the high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
428Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Tnfalpha was noted in the medium and high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
429Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Il6 was noted in the high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
430Asthma (Particulate matter induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Ifng was noted in the high-dose Particulate matter (PM10) treatment group compared to the control and other treatment groups. 28245275
431Asthma (HDM induced asthma in Wsh+MC-WT and Wsh+MC-ST2KO)Mouse (Female mast cell-deficient C57BL/6-KitW-sh 82 (Wsh) mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33Flow Cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputA protective role for IL-33/ST2-dependent mast cell responses was noted in the development of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in the peripheral lung that seems to be independent of cellular inflammation, but is associated with elevated PGE2 levels.29146574
432Asthma (HDM induced asthma in Wsh+MC-WT and Wsh+MC-ST2KO)Mouse (Female mast cell-deficient C57BL/6-KitW-sh 82 (Wsh) mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)St2Flow Cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputA protective role for IL-33/ST2-dependent mast cell responses was noted in the development of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in the peripheral lung that seems to be independent of cellular inflammation, but is associated with elevated PGE2 levels.29146574
433Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Serum and BALF levels of Il4 was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
434Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Serum and BALF levels of Il5 was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
435Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Serum and BALF levels of Il13 was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
436Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Serum and BALF levels of Il10 was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
437Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Serum and BALF levels of Ifng was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
438Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA induced asthmatic mice had increased levels of Tnfalpha in BALF as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
439Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA induced asthmatic mice had increased levels of Il4 in BALF as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
440Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA induced asthmatic mice had increased levels of Il5 in BALF as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
441Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA induced asthmatic mice had increased levels of Il13 in BALF as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
442Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl4ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il4 was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice. Number of BALF CD4 and lung CD4 cells expressing Il4 were increased in TDI induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.31070765
443Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il5 was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice.31070765
444Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il13 was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice.31070765
445Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl17aELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il17a was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice. Number of BALF CD4 and lung CD4 cells expressing Il17 were increased in TDI induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.31070765
446Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl17fELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il17f was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice. Number of BALF CD4 and lung CD4 cells expressing Il17 were increased in TDI induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.31070765
447Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIl6ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputBALF and lung level of Il6 was elevated in TDI induced asthma as compared to control mice.31070765
448Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl18ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl18 expression was elevated in BALF and lung of TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31070765
449Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF level of Tnfalpha was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.31070765
450Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), LungsIfngFlow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputNumber of BALF CD4 and lung CD4 cells expressing Ifng were increased in TDI induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.31070765
451Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was increased in BALF and splenocytes of OVA treated mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
452Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was increased in BALF and splenocytes of OVA treated mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
453Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl13 level was increased in BALF and splenocytes of OVA treated mice as compared to normal mice. Il13 expression was increased in the lung of OVA-challenged mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
454Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes, Lung TissuesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was decreased in BALF and increased in splenocytes of OVA treated mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
455Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level in BALF, serum and splenocytes of OVA treated mice were significantly reduced as compared to control mice.31030098
456Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SplenocytesIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level in BALF, serum and splenocytes of OVA treated mice were significantly increased as compared to control mice.31030098
457Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized mice as compared to the control mice.30991656
458Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized mice as compared to the control mice.30991656
459Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Muc5acELISAOthersLow ThroughputMuc5ac level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized mice as compared to the control mice.30991656
460Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was significantly increased in BALF of the OVA-sensitized mice as compared to the control mice.30991656
461Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputRepeated OVA challenges induced significant increase in the levels of Il4 in BALF as compared to normal control mice.30634874
462Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputRepeated OVA challenges induced significant increase in the levels of Il5 in BALF as compared to normal control mice.30634874
463Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputRepeated OVA challenges induced significant increase in the levels of Il13 in BALF as compared to normal control mice.30634874
464Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputRepeated OVA challenges induced significant increase in the levels of Tgfb1 in BALF as compared to normal control mice.30634874
465Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il4 was significantly upregulated in the OVA group compared with the saline group.29104649
466Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il5 was significantly upregulated in the OVA group compared with the saline group.29104649
467Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il13 was significantly upregulated in the OVA group compared with the saline group.29104649
468Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 levels were elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
469Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 levels were elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
470Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng levels were elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
471Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with the normal control group, the Il17 level in BALF was significantly increased in BALF of the Neutrophilic Asthma group.29086220
472Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with the normal control group, the Il10 level in BALF was significantly decreased in BALF of the Neutrophilic Asthma group.29086220
473Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenged mice had significantly elevated level of Il4 in BALF as compared to control mice.29091859
474Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenged mice had significantly elevated level of Il5 in BALF as compared to control mice.29091859
475Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenged mice had significantly elevated level of Il13 in BALF as compared to control mice.29091859
476Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant increase in Il4 level when compared to the control group.29393209
477Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant increase in Il13 level when compared to the control group.29393209
478Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl12ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant decrease in Il12 level when compared to the control group.29393209
479Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant decrease in Ifng level when compared to the control group.29393209
480Asthma (OVA and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild type mice and ALCAM−/− OT-II mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesAlcamELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputAlcam levels were increased in BALF and serum and decreased in lung tissue by OVA treatment in Wild type mice. Inflammatory responses were lower in ALCAM-/- mice than in WT mice. Alcam contributes to OVA-induced allergic asthma by stimulating T-cell activation and proliferation,29394080
481Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTriple allergen induced asthmatic mice had greater Il4 level in BALF as compared to that in control mice.29417945
482Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTriple allergen induced asthmatic mice had greater Il5 level in BALF as compared to that in control mice.29417945
483Asthma (OVA and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild type mice and Chit1−/− mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesChit1ELISA, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe level of Chit1 protein and mRNA were significantly increased in the BALF and lungs from allergen sensitized and challenged mice compared with controls. Chit1 plays a protective role in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation and asthmatic airway responses via regulation of TGF-β expression and Foxp3+ Treg cells. 29420850
484Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISA, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29445341
485Neutrophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29461617
486Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il4 in the OVA group was significantly increased compared with those in the control group.29512725
487Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il5 in the OVA group was significantly increased compared with those in the control group.29512725
488Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il13 in the OVA group was significantly increased compared with those in the control group.29512725
489Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il25ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il25 in the OVA group was significantly increased compared with those in the control group.29512725
490Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Il33 in the OVA group was significantly increased compared with those in the control group.29512725
491Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30988772
492Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30988772
493Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30988772
494Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 levels in the BALF were elevated in the OVA-challenged group compared to the control group.30622029
495Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 levels in the BALF were elevated in the OVA-challenged group compared to the control group.30622029
496Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28978148
497Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CrampqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCramp mRNA and protein level was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28978148
498Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lungs, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung Il4 level was significantly escalated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. There was a non significant increase in Il4 level in BALF of asthmatic mice.30286334
499Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lungs, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung Il13 level was significantly escalated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. There was a non significant increase in Il13 level in BALF of asthmatic mice.30286334
500Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29579542
501Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NfkbELISAOthersLow ThroughputNfkb was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29579542
502Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputSod Activity was significantly decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29579542
503Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LdhBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLdh Activity was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29579542
504Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
505Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
506Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
507Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumCxcl15ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCxcl15 level was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
508Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumTnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
509Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSerum Il6 level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29568538
510Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl24 ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl24 expression was increased after HDM sensitization and challenge as compared to control mice. 29644894
511Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Postn ELISAOthersLow ThroughputPostn expression was increased after HDM sensitization and challenge as compared to control mice. 29644894
512Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512367
513Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512367
514Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512367
515Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512367
516Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512367
517Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Il4 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
518Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Il5 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
519Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il12ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl12 level was significantly decreased in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly lower level of Il12 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
520Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly lower level of Ifng as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
521Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMmp2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Mmp2 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
522Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMmp9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Mmp9 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
523Asthma (OVA induced asthma and Ifnb administration)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Trachea, Lymph NodesIfnbFACS, Bioplex Cytokine AssayOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputIfnb Inhibits the development of allergen tolerance and is Conducive to the development of asthma on subsequent allergen exposure.29611236
524Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe HDM-SAL group demonstrated higher levels of Il4 in BALF than the control group.29881388
525Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe HDM-SAL group demonstrated higher levels of Il10 in BALF than the control group.29881388
526Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe HDM-SAL group demonstrated higher levels of Il13 in BALF than the control group.29881388
527Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe HDM-SAL group demonstrated higher levels of Vegf in BALF than the control group.29881388
528Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Il25 expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
529Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased Il4 level was observed in OVA sensitized and challenged mice as compared to control mice.30032472
530Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased Il13 level was observed in OVA sensitized and challenged mice as compared to control mice.30032472
531Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased Il17 level was observed in OVA sensitized and challenged mice as compared to control mice.30032472
532Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMice challenged with OVA revealed a significant elevation in lung and BALF Il13 lеvеl when compared with normal group.29986831
533Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level in serum and BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30015827
534Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpqRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputTslp expression in lung tissues and BALF was significantly increased in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to normal mice.30537285
535Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.28979688
536Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpELISAOthersLow ThroughputTslp level was significantly up regulated in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28966674
537Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly higher in OVA induced asthmatic mice than that in the normal controls.29035815
538Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly higher in OVA induced asthmatic mice than that in the normal controls.29035815
539Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild type or Glrx1-/- mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SplenocytesGlrx1ELISA, Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputGlrx1-PSSG axis plays a pivotal role in HDM-induced allergic airways disease in association with enhanced type 2 inflammation and restriction of IFNG and IL17A.27035878
540Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27138176
541Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27138176
542Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27138176
543Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27138176
544Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl17qRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl17 expression was significantly increased in lungs and BALF of OVA treated mice as compared to healthy mice.27138176
545Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30186353
546Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30186353
547Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMip1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputMip1b expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30186353
548Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30186353
549Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
550Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
551Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
552Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
553Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpELISAOthersLow ThroughputTslp level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
554Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level in BALF was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
555Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
556Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
557Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25ELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputIl25 level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
558Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
559Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTslpELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputTslp level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
560Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30980429
561Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level in lung homogenates was markedly increased in HDM mice compared to control mice. Il33-positive cells in the lungs were identified using immunohistochemistry and were increased in areas surrounding bronchi and vasculature. Il33 levels were increased in mononuclear cells derived from lungs of HDM mice compared to controls. 27310495
562Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA + PM2.5 significantly increased Il4 in mice compared with the control, OVA-only and 281 PM2.5-only groups. 30969813
563Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA-only, PM2.5-only and PM2.5 + OVA significantly reduced the level of Ifng in mice compared to the control group. Maximum decrease in Ifng expression was noted in OVA + PM2.5 group.30969813
564Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA-only, PM2.5-only and PM2.5 + OVA increased the level of Il8 in mice compared to the control group. Maximum significant increase in Il8 expression was noted in OVA + PM2.5 group.30969813
565Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GmcsfELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA-only, PM2.5-only and PM2.5 + OVA increased the level of Gmcsf in mice compared to the control group. Maximum significant increase in Gmcsf expression was noted in OVA + PM2.5 group.30969813
566Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputOVA-only, PM2.5-only and PM2.5 + OVA significantly reduced the level of Tgfb1 in mice compared to the control group. Maximum decrease in Tgfb1 expression was noted in OVA + PM2.5 group.30969813
567Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Arg2-deficient mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Arg2Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Flow Cytometry, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputArg2 deficient mice had lower mitochondrial membrane potential and greater HIF-2α than Wild Type animals. In an allergen-induced asthma model, mice lacking Arg2 had greater Th2 inflammation than Wild Type mice, as indicated by higher levels of pSTAT6, IL-13, IL-17, eotaxin, and eosinophils and more mucus metaplasia. Increased mitochondrial arginine metabolism supports bioenergetics in asthma. 27214549
568Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
569Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
570Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfELISAOthersLow ThroughputVegf was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
571Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
572Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in BALF of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.30599896
573Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly elevated in BALF of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.30599896
574Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in BALF of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.30599896
575Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly decreased in BALF of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.30599896
576Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and NPY-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Spleen TissuesNpyELISA, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputNpy plays a vital role in the development of Type 2 responses and allergen induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation. Npy represents a novel therapeutic target to control allergic airway responses.30604629
577Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased Il4 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
578Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased Il13 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
579Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputEotaxin-1 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased eotaxin-1 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
580Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il25ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl25 expression was increased significantly upon OVA exposure at Day 1 and Day 4.29054692
581Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
582Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
583Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
584Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
585Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
586Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
587Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcELISAOthersLow ThroughputKc was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
588Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
589Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1Cytokine/Chemokine ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputTimp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced steroid resistant asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30706455
590Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe Ifng concentrations decreased significantly in the OVA + 1.0 ppm ozone group than the OVA alone group.30708321
591Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in the OVA group compared with the control group. The group exposed to 1.0 ppm ozone showed significantly elevated levels of Il4 in the OVA + 1.0 ppm ozone group than the OVA alone group.30708321
592Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly elevated in the OVA group compared with the control group. The group exposed to 1.0 ppm ozone showed significantly elevated levels of Il5 in the OVA + 1.0 ppm ozone group than the OVA alone group.30708321
593Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in the OVA group compared with the control group. The group exposed to 1.0 ppm ozone showed significantly elevated levels of Il13 in the OVA + 1.0 ppm ozone group than the OVA alone group.30708321
594Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node CellIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
595Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node CellIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
596Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node CellIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
597Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)mMcp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputmMcp1 expression was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
598Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)EpoBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputEpo activity was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
599Asthma (Shrimp Protein Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputEotaxin 1 expression was significantly elevated in the Shrimp protein sensitized asthma group compared with the control group. 30713573
600Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further increased Il4 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
601Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il7ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl7 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further increased Il7 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
602Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl8 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further increased Il8 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
603Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further increased Il17 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
604Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further decreased Il17 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
605Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was significantly decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further decreased Tgfb1 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
606Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Pulmonary HomogenateSpELISAOthersLow ThroughputSp expression was elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further significantly enhanced Sp expression.30716586
607Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Pulmonary HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further enhanced Il4 expression.30716586
608Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Pulmonary HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further significantly enhanced Il13 expression.30716586
609Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Pulmonary HomogenateNgfELISAOthersLow ThroughputNgf expression was elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further significantly enhanced Ngf expression.30716586
610Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.30680697
611Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
612Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
613Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
614Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnfalphaELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
615Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
616Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
617Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hmgb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHmgb1 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
618Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
619Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
620Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
621Systemic and Pulmonary Allergic Reaction (Peanut Extract Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputBALF level of Il13 was significantly increased in mice treated with peanut extract as compared to the control group.30943491
622Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputAsthmatic mice exhibited markedly increased levels of Il4 cytokine compared with mice in the saline group.30873032
623Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputAsthmatic mice exhibited markedly increased levels of Il5 cytokine compared with mice in the saline group.30873032
624Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputAsthmatic mice exhibited markedly increased levels of Il13 cytokine compared with mice in the saline group.30873032
625Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputAsthmatic mice exhibited markedly increased levels of Il17a cytokine compared with mice in the saline group.30873032
626Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputAsthmatic mice exhibited markedly decreased levels of Ifng cytokine compared with mice in the saline group.30873032
627Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30888047
628Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30888047
629Asthma (OVA + Chitin Induced Asthma)Mouse (Il33-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputAfter ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, development of airway inflammation was profoundly exacerbated in mice sensitized with OVA in the presence of chitin. The exacerbation was dependent on Il33. Chitin enhanced Il33 dependent Il1b production by dendritic cells. 30082755
630Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il4 in BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice was significantly increased as compared to that in sham mice.30053531
631Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il5 in BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice was significantly increased as compared to that in sham mice.30053531
632Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Webster mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il13 in BALF of OVA treated asthmatic mice was significantly increased as compared to that in sham mice.30053531
633Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il4 in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice was significantly increased as compared to that in sham mice.30045003
634Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe concentration of Il5 in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice was significantly increased as compared to that in sham mice.30045003
635Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in the HDM treated asthmatic mice when compared to control group of mice.30088373
636Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in the HDM treated asthmatic mice when compared to control group of mice.30088373
637Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in the HDM treated asthmatic mice when compared to control group of mice.30088373
638Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), CD4 T cellsIl17aELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in the HDM treated asthmatic mice when compared to control group of mice.30088373
639Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), CD4 T cellsTgfb1ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 expression was significantly increased in the HDM treated asthmatic mice when compared to control group of mice.30088373
640Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLrgELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBALF Lrg levels in asthma model mice were significantly higher than in control mice. Immunohistochemistry of lung sections from asthma model mice revealed that Lrg was intensely expressed in a subpopulation of bronchial epithelial cells.27611322
641Post natal Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma and Prenatal caffeine exposure)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputAfter OVA mediated induction of asthma, significantly elevated levels of Il4 was observed in the Prenatal Coffee Exposed offspring compared to the controls.30805671
642Post natal Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma and Prenatal caffeine exposure)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputAfter OVA mediated induction of asthma, significantly elevated levels of Il17a was observed in the Prenatal Coffee Exposed offspring compared to the controls.30805671
643Post natal Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma and Prenatal caffeine exposure)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputAfter OVA mediated induction of asthma, significantly reduced levels of Ifng was observed in the Prenatal Coffee Exposed offspring compared to the controls.30805671
644Post natal Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma and Prenatal caffeine exposure)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputAfter OVA mediated induction of asthma, significantly reduced levels of Tnfalpha was observed in the Prenatal Coffee Exposed offspring compared to the controls.30805671
645Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816463
646Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Natural Killer (NK) CellsIl5ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. It was also observed that higher levels of Il5 was produced by the NK cells (primarily CD11b-CD27- NK cells) following OVA aerosol challenge.30816463
647Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Natural Killer (NK) CellsIl13ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. It was also observed that higher levels of Il13 was produced by the NK cells (primarily CD11b-CD27- NK cells) following OVA aerosol challenge.30816463
648Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
649Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
650Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
651Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
652Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30828084
653Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30828084
654Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mcp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMcp1 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30828084
655Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
656Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
657Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
658Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with normal group, level of Il13 in BALF was significantly increased in the asthma model group.30836174
659Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SpELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with normal group, level of Sp in BALF was significantly increased in the asthma model group.30836174
660Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NgfELISAOthersLow ThroughputCompared with normal group, level of Ngf in BALF was significantly increased in the asthma model group.30836174
661Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LepqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputLep expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30848574
662Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)AdipoqqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAdipoq expression was significantly lowered in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30848574
663Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthma mice as compared to control mice.30849257
664Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthma mice as compared to control mice.30849257
665Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
666Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
667Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
668Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized asthmatic mice as compared to the sham and blank group of mice.30651790
669Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized asthmatic mice as compared to the sham and blank group of mice.30651790
670Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized asthmatic mice as compared to the sham and blank group of mice.30651790
671Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
672Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
673Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
674Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
675Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
676Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mcp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMcp1 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
677Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Il4 expression. Maximum Il4 expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
678Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Il5 expression. Maximum Il5 expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
679Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Il13 expression. Maximum Il13 expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
680Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further decreased Ifng expression. Minimum Ifng expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
681Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
682Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
683Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
684Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17eELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17e expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
685Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpELISAOthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
686Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
687Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30464333
688Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 level in BALF was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30464333
689Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.30466625
690Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and CB2-/- C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cb2Cell Counting, Histology, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputCb2 activation is crucial in regulating pulmonary NK cell function. Cb2 inhibition may present an important target to modulate NK cell response during pulmonary inflammation in allergic asthma.27992060
691Asthma (Asian Dust (AD) and Dermatophagoides farinae Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male NC/Nga miceBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression in BALF was significantly elevated in Asian Dust plus Dermatophagoides farina exposed asthma mice as compared to the control group.27854355
692Asthma (Asian Dust (AD) and Dermatophagoides farinae Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male NC/Nga miceBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression in BALF was significantly elevated in Asian Dust plus Dermatophagoides farina exposed asthma mice as compared to the control group.27854355
693Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Rgs2-/- C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesRgs2Cell Counting, Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex Array, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputRgs2 exerts a protective role in HDM induced Airway Inflammation in asthmatic mice.28107494
694Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
695Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl5 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
696Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl17 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
697Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl6 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
698Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLifCytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputLif release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
699Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCsf3Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCsf3 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
700Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl1Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl1 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
701Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl10Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl10 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
702Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl11Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl11 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
703Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Hif1αELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Hif1α in BALF was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28100332
704Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Vegf in BALF was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28100332
705Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Sema3e-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Mediastinal Lymph NodesSema3EELISA, Histology, Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)OthersLow ThroughputSemaphorin 3E deficiency exacerbates airway hyperresponsiveness and remodeling in a mouse model of Allergic Asthma. Sema3E acts as a novel regulatory molecule in allergic asthma that acts upstream of proallergic events.28108561
706Asthma (Der p2 Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in Der p2 induced asthma group as compared to PBS treated control group.30133227
707Asthma (Der p2 Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in Der p2 induced asthma group as compared to PBS treated control group.30133227
708Asthma (Der p2 Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in Der p2 induced asthma group as compared to PBS treated control group.30133227
709Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR Array, Multiplex Cytokine AssayGenomics, OthersHigh ThroughputIl4 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues and BALF of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
710Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl1b was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
711Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
712Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl6 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
713Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl10 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
714Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIfng was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
715Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
716Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputKc was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
717Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il2Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl2 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
718Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased level of Il4 in BALF compared with the saline group.26467500
719Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased level of Il5 in BALF compared with the saline group.26467500
720Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased level of Il13 in BALF compared with the saline group.26467500
721Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly decreased level of Ifng in BALF compared with the saline group.26467500
722Asthma (HDM Induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in HDM sensitized asthma mice as compared to control mice.30426724
723Asthma (HDM Induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in HDM sensitized asthma mice as compared to control mice.30426724
724Asthma (HDM Induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was significantly elevated in HDM sensitized asthma mice as compared to control mice.30426724
725Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
726Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
727Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl2 level was significantly reduced in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
728Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly reduced in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
729Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was significantly reduced in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
730Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level was significantly reduced in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28063403
731Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il6 was elevated in asthma model mice as compared to control group.30647024
732Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)OsmELISAOthersLow ThroughputExpression of Osm was elevated in asthma model mice as compared to control group.30647024
733Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
734Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
735Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
736Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputSod activity in BALF was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
737Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CatBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputCat activity in BALF was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
738Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
739Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level in BALF was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30474283
740Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il4 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
741Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il5 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
742Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il13 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
743Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of eotaxin in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
744Asthma (Aspergilllus fumigatus Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cJ mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Mediastinal Lymph Node (MLN) cell suspensionsIl13Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputCellular infiltration in airways was predominated by CD4+ T cells expressing the pro allergic cytokine Il13 in Asperigillus fumigatus induced asthmatic mice.26892490
745Asthma (Aspergilllus fumigatus Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cJ mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Mediastinal Lymph Node (MLN) cell suspensionsIl17aFlow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe recruitment of CD4+ T cells expressing the pro inflammatory cytokine Il17a was significantly increased between doses in airways of Aspergillus fumigatus induced asthmatic mice. 26892490
746Asthma (Aspergilllus fumigatus Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cJ mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Mediastinal Lymph Node (MLN) cell suspensionsIfngFlow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputCD4+ T cells that expressed the pro inflammatory cytokine Ifng were identified as the second largest Th cell population in the airways of Aspergillus fumigatus induced asthmatic mice. 26892490
747Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in Der p induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27864285
748Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF was significantly increased in Der p induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27864285
749Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level in BALF was significantly increased in Der p induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27864285
750Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Alveolar MacrophagesYm1ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputYm1 expression was increased in OVa induced mice as compared to PBS treated control mice.30305328
751Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Muc5acELISAOthersLow ThroughputMuc5ac was significantly over expressed in BALF of asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
752Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Muc5bELISAOthersLow ThroughputMuc5b was significantly over expressed in lung homogenate and BALF of asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
753Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseAlveolar Macrophages, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ArqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputAndrogen/Androgen Receptor plays a vital role in promoting M2 macrophage polarization in allergic lung inflammation.30305328
754Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice sensitized and challenged with OVA showed a high expression of Il5 as compared to control mice.27617447
755Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe mice sensitized and challenged with OVA showed a high expression of Il13 as compared to control mice.27617447
756Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25qRT-PCR, ELISA, Western BlottingGenomics, Others, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe mice sensitized and challenged with OVA showed a high expression of Il25 in both the mRNA and protein levels in lungs.27617447
757Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IcosFlow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of Icos on nuocytes were significantly up-regulated in BALF of OVA-induced mice when compared with the control group.27617447
758Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)T1/St2Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe levels of T1/St2 on nuocytes were significantly up-regulated in BALF of OVA-induced mice when compared with the control group.27617447
759Asthma (OVA and HDM Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLxrELISA, Histology, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputAirway inflammation, airway hyper-reactivity and goblet cell hyperplasia were reduced in mice deficient for both LXRα and LXRβ isoforms (LXRα(-/-)β(-/-)) as compared to wild-type mice. The cholesterol regulator LXR acts as a positive regulator of eosinophilic asthma in mice, contributing to airway inflammation through regulation of type 2 cytokine production.27621817
760Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmtic group as compared to control mice and OVA + LPS induced asthmtic group.27589490
761Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmtic group as compared to control mice and OVA + LPS induced asthmtic group.27589490
762Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmtic group and OVA + LPS induced asthmtic groups as compared to control mice. 27589490
763Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl8 was significantly elevated in OVA + LPS induced asthmtic group as compared to OVA induced asthmtic group and control mice.27589490
764Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmtic group and OVA + LPS induced asthmtic groups as compared to control mice.27589490
765Non eosinophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression in serum and BALF was significantly elevated in asthmatic group as compared to the control group.26938767
766Non eosinophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression in serum and BALF was significantly reduced in asthmatic group as compared to the control group.26938767
767Non eosinophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression in serum and BALF was significantly elevated in asthmatic group as compared to the control group.26938767
768Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpWestern Blotting, Immunofluorescence Staining, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTwo distinct roles for the long and short Tslp isoforms was noted. lfTSLP contributes to HDM induced airway epithelial dysfunction, whereas synthetic sfTSLP exerts protective effects in HDM induced airway inflammation and in the asthmatic mouse model.27996052
769Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl8 level was significantly elevated in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.27655547
770Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in BALF of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.27655547
771Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
772Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5 ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
773Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
774Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
775Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
776Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was elevated significantly in BALF of asthma model as compared to control group.27655548
777Asthma (Der f + Particulate matter (PM) Induced Asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputWinter Particulate matter sensitized allergic asthma mice exhibited significantly higher BALF levels of interleukin 5.27294946
778Asthma (Der f + Particulate matter (PM) Induced Asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputWinter Particulate matter sensitized allergic asthma mice exhibited significantly higher BALF levels of interleukin 6.27294946
779Asthma (Der f + Particulate matter (PM) Induced Asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputWinter Particulate matter sensitized allergic asthma mice exhibited significantly higher BALF levels of interleukin 13.27294946
780Asthma (Der f + Particulate matter (PM) Induced Asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl1Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputWinter Particulate matter sensitized allergic asthma mice exhibited significantly higher BALF levels of Cxcl1.27294946
781Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Pla2r1–/– mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPla2r1Flow Cytometry, ELISA, Histology, ImmunostainingOthersLow ThroughputAfter OVA sensitization and challenge, Pla2r1-/- mice had increased airway hyperresponsiveness, an increase in cellular trafficking of eosinophils to the peribronchial space and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and an increase in airway permeability. Pla2r1-/- mice had more dendritic cells in the lung, higher levels of OVA-specific IgG and increased production of both type-1 and type-2 cytokines by lung leukocytes. Pla2r1 is involved in asthma pathogenesis.27448109
782Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level in BALF and lung homogenate from OVA treated asthmatc mice as compared to control mice.28293189
783Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIl6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level in BALF and lung homogenate from OVA treated asthmatc mice as compared to control mice.28293189
784Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateTnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha in BALF and lung homogenate from OVA treated asthmatc mice as compared to control mice.28293189
785Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevel of Ifng was lower in OVA treated asthmatic mice than in control mice.28293189
786Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIl2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevel of Il2 was lower in OVA treated asthmatic mice than in control mice.28293189
787Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputAnxa1 protein levels in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were significantly higher in OVA-OVA mice compared with control mice.29301525
788Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29339659
789Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcELISAOthersLow ThroughputKc expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29339659
790Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mip2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMip2 expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29339659
791Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29680833
792Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence Staining, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly up regulated in lung tissues and BALF of OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
793Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1Immunohistochemistry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 expression was significantly up regulated in lung tissues and BALF of OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
794Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
795Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl5qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
796Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
797Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIfngqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly down regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
798Allergic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Pin1 Knockout mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pin1Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenged Pin1 knockout mice showed reduced lung inflammation, reduced TH2 cytokine levels in BALF and reduced BALF total cell count compared to challenged Wild Type mice, suggesting a broad role of Pin1 in allergic asthma.29686383
799Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression in serum and BALF was significantly reduced in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
800Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 expression in serum and BALF was significantly elevated in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
801Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
802Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il8ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl8 was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
803Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
804Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
805Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Rac1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughput The expression of Rac1 was significantly decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, lung tissues and broncho alveolar lavage fluid of asthmatic mice as compared to normal control mice. Down regulation of Rac1 in asthma may contribute to the apoptosis of airway epithelial cells and affect the clearance of apoptotic cells, which lead to the aggregation of the apoptotic cells in the respiratory tract and participate in Airway Hyperresponsiveness.30681176
806Allergic Eosinophilic Asthma (Triple Antigen (DRA) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Sirt2-Tg and Sirt2-KO mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesSirt2Cell Counting, ELISA, Histology, Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputSirtuin 2 enhances allergic asthmatic inflammation. Sirt2 could be developed as a therapeutic target for eosinophilic asthma.30668546
807Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
808Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
809Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
810Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
811Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
812Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
813Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
814Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
815Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
816Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17aELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17a was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
817Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17fELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17f was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
818Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
819Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il18ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl18 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
820Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
821Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl24 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
822Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (αTcat Knockout mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Airway, Pulmonary VeinαTcatCell Counting, Inflammation QuanitificationOthersLow ThroughputGenetic loss of αT-catenin in mice largely attenuated HDM induced airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness. αT-catenin Contributes to asthma by regulating pulmonary vein inflammation.26947180
823AsthmaMouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl11 was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
824AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCxcl1 was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
825Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
826Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
827Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
828Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
829Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
830Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
831Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
832Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
833Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
834Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
835Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
836Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
837Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
838Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
839Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
840Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
841Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
842Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
843Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
844Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced obese asthmatic mice as compared to lean mice.30015241
845Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced obese asthmatic mice as compared to lean mice.30015241
846Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced obese asthmatic mice as compared to lean mice.30015241
847Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced obese asthmatic mice as compared to lean mice.30015241
848Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Blood Plasma B7H3Histology, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputB7H3 aggravates asthmatic syndromes in mouse model. B7H3 promotes the infiltration of inflammatory cell in lung. B7H3 promotes Th1 and and Th2 cytokine production in BALF and plasma. B7H3 promotes OVA-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E (OVA-IgE) production.28094276
849Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28400057
850Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28400057
851Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28493549
852Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28493549
853Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28493549
854Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28493549
855Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice. It was further increased in psychological stress induced asthma exacerbations.28448991
856Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice. It was further increased in psychological stress induced asthma exacerbations.28448991
857Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice. It was further increased in psychological stress induced asthma exacerbations.28448991
858Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28472780
859Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28472780
860Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28472780
861Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly elevated in OVA Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
862Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb level was significantly reduced in OVA Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
863Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
864Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level was significantly reduced in OVA Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
865Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly reduced in OVA Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
866Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was increased in eosinophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to neutrophilic asthma group and control group.29456654
867Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was increased in eosinophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to neutrophilic asthma group and control group.29456654
868Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was increased in eosinophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to control group.29456654
869Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level was increased in eosinophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to neutrophilic asthma group and control group.29456654
870Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was increased in neutrophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to eosinophilic asthma group and control group.29456654
871Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was increased in neutrophilic asthma group and mixed asthma group as compared to eosinophilic asthma group and control group.29456654
872Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
873Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
874Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
875Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
876Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
877Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)mMcp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputmMcp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice upon exposure to Il33.28652606
878Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIl33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 exacerbates antigen driven airway hyperresponsiveness, inflammation and remodeling in a mouse model of asthma.28652606
879Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Ask1-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesAsk1Cell Counting, Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputAsk1 is involved in mediating allergic airway inflammation and mucus hyperproduction in HDM induced allergic asthma mice model.28624251
880Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28346024
881Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level in BALF was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28346024
882Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISA, CHIP assayOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
883Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17fELISA, CHIP assay, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17f expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
884Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl10CHIP assay, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
885Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
886Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
887Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
888Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
889Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesVegfELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
890Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.30076648
891Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30134242
892Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30134242
893Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30134242
894Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
895Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
896Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMuc5acELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
897Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
898Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
899Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
900Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
901AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29922428
902AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29922428
903AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29922428
904AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumIl17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29922428
905Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
906Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
907Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
908Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
909Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
910Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
911Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
912Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
913Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
914Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
915Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
916Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il22ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl22 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
917Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567318
918Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl9 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29707294
919Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29707294
920Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)Il33ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 level was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29707294
921Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluif (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
922Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
923Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluif (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
924Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIfngqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIfng expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
925Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl2 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
926Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Inpp4a ELISAOthersLow ThroughputInpp4a expression was significantly reduced in BALF of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30335467
927Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
928Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
929Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
930Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
931Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30261222
932Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30261222
933Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30261222
934Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
935Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
936Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
937Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
938Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
939Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
940Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il18ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl18 expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
941Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesNgfELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNgf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
942Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTrkAELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrkA expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
943Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
944Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
945Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
946Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30334531
947Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice and OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30334531
948Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice and OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30334531
949Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27364893
950Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27364893
951Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27364893
952Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27364893
953Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateAtg5ELISA, Cell Counting, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputAttenuation of airway hyperresponsiveness and airway inflammation was noted upon Atg5 knockdown. Atg5 is involved in allergic asthma pathogenesis.27364893
954Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and GFP-C5aR1 knock-in mouse mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesC5aR1Cell Counting, Histology, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputA complex regulation pattern of C5aR1 was observed in the airways, lung tissue and mLN of mice, suggesting that the C5a/C5aR1 axis controls airway constriction and inflammation through activation of myeloid cells in all three compartments in an experimental model of allergic asthma.28231307
955Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, HDM Induced Asthma), Atopic Dermatitis (MC903 Induced Atopic Dermatitis)Mouse (Wild Type and Itln-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Ear Tissues, SerumItlnELISA, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, ELISAOthers, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputItln knockdown reduced allergen-induced increases in Il25, Il33 and Tslp and development of type 2 response, eosinophilic inflammation, mucus overproduction and airway hyperresponsiveness. Itln contributes to allergen induced Il25, Il33 and Tslp expression in asthma and atopic dermatitis.28224996
956Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Bcl2L12-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Bcl2L12Histology, ELISA, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputMice with Bcl2L12 deficiency do not have asthma. Bcl2-like protein 12 plays a critical role in development of airway allergy through inducing aberrant TH2 polarization.30227178
957Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
958Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
959Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
960Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
961Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
962Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl24ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl24 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
963Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
964Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
965Asthma (Cockroach Allergen (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and miR-155-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesmiR-155ELISA, Histology, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-155-/- mice also showed reduced lung inflammation and Th2/Th17 cytokines. miR-155 modulates cockroach allergen And oxidative stress induced Cox2 expression levels in Asthma.29967100
966Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMice sensitized and challenged with OVA had significantly higher concentrations of Mmp2 in BALF than the mice sensitized and challenged with PBS.28507585
967Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMice sensitized and challenged with OVA had significantly higher concentrations of Mmp9 in BALF than the mice sensitized and challenged with PBS.28507585
968Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMice sensitized and challenged with OVA had significantly higher concentrations of Timp1 in BALF than the mice sensitized and challenged with PBS.28507585
969Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29407576
970Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29407576
971Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, mRNA PCR ArrayOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29407576
972Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Il25-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il25Histology, Immunohistochemistry, Inflammatory Index Measurement, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputIn OVA-sensitized mice, knocking out Il25 signifcantly alleviated OVA induced eosinophil infiltration in the airway and newly formed eosinophils were reduced in the lung. Il25 plays a potential role in allergen-induced trafficking of EoP to the airways and local diferentiation promoting tissue eosiniophilia in asthmatic responses.29456832
973Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was increased in BALF and lung homogenate of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29778524
974Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29778524
975Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29778524
976Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29778524
977Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Cse-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Mediastinal Lymph Nodes, SplenocytesCseCell Counting, Histology, ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCse expression and H2S production were lower in immune cells of young Wild type (WT) mice than in those of old WT mice. More severe asthmatic symptoms with a greater type-2 immunoreaction were found in young WT mice than old WT mice. The age-dependent asthma propensity vanished in Cse-Knock Out mice, but these mice developed more severe asthma than WT mice. More splenocytes were differentiated to type-2 cytokine-generating cells in young WT mice and in CSE-KO mice at all ages. 28253731
978Asthma (Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in BALF of DINP induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28300662
979Asthma (Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased in BALF of DINP induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28300662
980Asthma (Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was decreased in BALF of DINP induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.28300662
981Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
982Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
983Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic wild type mice as compared to normal control wild type mice.27489284
984Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic wild type mice as compared to normal control wild type mice.27489284
985Asthma (Derf8 or Dust Mite Extract (DME) Induced Asthma)MouseSerum, Lung, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in Derf8 or DME induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27532130
986Asthma (Derf8 or Dust Mite Extract (DME) Induced Asthma)MouseSerum, Lung, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in Derf8 or DME induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27532130
987Asthma (Derf8 or Dust Mite Extract (DME) Induced Asthma)MouseSerum, Lung, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in Derf8 or DME induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27532130
988Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
989Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
990Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
991Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
992Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl2 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
993Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl10ELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
994Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
995Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
996Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
997Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
998Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
999Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
1000Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
1001Severe Asthma (HDM + cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Irf5-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIrf5qRT-PCR, Histology, Cell Counting, Luminex Multiplex AssayGenomics, OthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputLack of Irf5 in lymph node migratory Dendritic cells severely limits their ability to stimulate the generation of Ifng and Il17 producing CD4 T cells and Irf5-/- mice subjected to the Severe Asthma model displayed significantly lower Ifng and Il17 responses, albeit showing a reciprocal increase in Th2 response. The absence of Irf5 rendered the mice responsive to Corticosteroid with suppression of the heightened Th2 response.28515358
1002Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl1Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputCxcl1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29882826
1003Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5 Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29882826
1004Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13 Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29882826
1005Asthma (Allergen (HDM, CRE, Alt Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was significantly increased in BALF of mice 2 hrs post allergen challenge.27554816
1006Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29626160
1007Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29626160
1008Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29626160
1009Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and FcγRIIIA-/- mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesFcγRIIIAELISA, Cell Counting, Cytomteric Bead Array, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputEnhanced humoral immune responses typically represented by augmented OVA specific IgG and IgE levels in serum were observed in the absence of FcγRIIIA in the mouse asthma model. FcγRIIIA negatively impacts humoral immune responses but not overall lung Inflammation in OVA induced allergic asthma mouse model.29597194
1010Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Duox-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Duox1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, Flow Cytometry, Cell Counting, ELISA, Genomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputDuox1 level was significantly elevated in HDM induced asthma in wild type mice. Duox1 deficiency attenuated Egfr activation and several Egfr dependent features of HDM induced allergic airway inflammation, including neutrophilic inflammation, type 2 cytokine production (Il13, Il33), mucous metaplasia, subepithelial fibrosis, and central airway resistance. Duox1 plays an important function in allergic inflammation related to persistent Egfr activation and suggest that Duox1 targeting may represent an attractive strategy in asthma management.27812543