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Total number of records for Asthma in Lung Tissue of Mouse in DAAB (Version-2) database: 2418


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100A8MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in leukocyte differentiation inflammation and wound healing. Downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
2Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueS100a8MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
3Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa5MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
4Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCd14Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputImmune related gene and expressed in IL 13 induction.16402082
5Chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a9MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in leukocyte differentiation inflammation and wound healing. Downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
6Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueS100a9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
7Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueVcanMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
8Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueRrm2GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in short term and downregulated in long term allergen exposure.19028979
9Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueJunbMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics20045013
10Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueHspa1aDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific stress response gene induced in asthma.19249085
11Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueItlnbDNA Affymetrix microarray and qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis gene is an epithelial product and significantly upregulated in allergic asthma. It is induced upon allergen challenge and as well as combinatorial effect of IL-4 plus IL-13.19249085
12Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueMuc5acDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is an epithelial product and significantly upregulated in allergic asthma. It is induced upon allergen challenge and as well as combinatorial effect of IL-4 plus IL-13.19249085
13Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueRetnlbDNA Affymetrix microarray and qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis goblet cell–specific gene is selectively induced by IL-13. This gene is not induced upon allergen challenge or IL-4 challenge in IL-13 deficient mice.19249085
14Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueClca3DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is an asthma signature€™ gene highly induced by allergens but is not affected by the treatment of IL-4 and/or IL-13. However it belongs to the IL-13 induced inflammatory pathway as its expression is diminished in IL-13 knock out mice.19249085
15Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCcl8DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is an asthma signature€™ gene highly induced by allergens.19249085
16Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCcl9DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis chemokine is an ‘‘asthma signature’’ gene highly induced by allergens.19249085
17Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCcl11DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an eosinophil-specific chemokine induced by IL-13 and not by IL-4.19249085
18Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueC1qaDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific component of complement pathway involved in immune regulation.19249085
19Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueC1qcDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific component of complement pathway involved in immune regulation.19249085
20Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueChi3l3DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis inflammatory gene is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
21Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueChia1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis inflammatory gene is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
22Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueEar2DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis inflammatory gene is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
23Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueItgaxDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific immunomodulatory gene in asthma.19249085
24Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueScinDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt codes for an actin binding protein induced by IL-13 and not by IL-4.19249085
25Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueMmp12DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
26Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueSerpina3gDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis arginine metabolism is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
27Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueArg1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis arginine metabolism is commonly induced by allergens and Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
28Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueGatmDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific arginine metabolism gene induced in asthma.19249085
29Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCcl7DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis chemokine is an ‘‘asthma signature’’ gene highly induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
30Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueGbp4DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis intracellular signaling protein is an ‘‘asthma signature’’ gene highly induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
31Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueTgtp1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis intracellular signaling protein is an ‘‘asthma signature’’ gene highly induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
32Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueEar1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis inflammatory gene is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
33Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueIfi204DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis host immune response gene is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
34Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueIfi47DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis host immune response gene is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
35Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueAdam8DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis protease is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
36Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCtskDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis matrix homeostatic gene is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
37Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueFcgbpDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis immunoglobulin fragment is specifically induced by Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-13.19249085
38Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueLilrb4DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific immunoglobulin fragment gene induced in asthma.19249085
39Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueAtf3DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific host immune responsive gene induced in asthma.19249085
40Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCcr5DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific chemokine gene induced in asthma.19249085
41Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCd83DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is induced by combined rIL-4/rIL-13 treatment and by House dust mite but not by Ragweed pollen allergen.19249085
42Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueFcgr2bDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific host immune responsive gene induced in asthma.19249085
43Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueIgtpDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific host immune responsive gene induced in asthma.19249085
44Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueIigp1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific host immune responsive gene induced in asthma.19249085
45Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueLilrb4DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific host immune responsive gene induced in asthma.19249085
46Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueVnn1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific inflammatory response gene induced in asthma.19249085
47Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueHspa1bDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific stress response gene induced in asthma.19249085
48Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCfpDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific complement component induced in asthma.19249085
49Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueCh25hDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific lipid metabolism gene induced in asthma.19249085
50Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueF10DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific coagulation factor induced in asthma.19249085
51Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueFbp1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis is an IL-4 specific gene induced in asthma.19249085
52Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueSlc5a1DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis is an IL-13 specific ion transporter induced in asthma.19249085
53Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueAgr2DNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis is an IL-13 specific epithelial product induced in asthma.19249085
54Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueSprr2aDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis is an IL-13 specific epithelial product induced in asthma.19249085
55Allergic Asthma and the role of IL-4 and IL-13MouseLung TissueAassDNA Affymetrix microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis is an IL-13 specific lysine metabolism gene induced in asthma.19249085
56Asthma and role of Galectin-4MouseLung TissueSocs1Microarray-affymetrix + Real time RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputMaintain the balance between Th2 and Th1.21547260
57Asthma and role of Galectin-4MouseLung TissueSocs3Microarray-affymetrix + Real time RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputMaintains the balance between Th2 and Th1.21547260
58Asthma and role of Galectin-4MouseLung TissueTgfb1Microarray-affymetrix + Real time RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is an intermediary cytokine involved in SOCS3 expression.21547260
59Asthma and role of Galectin-4MouseLung TissueIl10Microarray-affymetrix + Real time RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is an intermediary cytokine involved in SOCS3 expression.21547260
60AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueCcl8Illumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is significantly up regulated upon both allergen sensitization and allergen challenge as compared to naive controls.23685352
61AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueChi3l4Illumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is produced by the M2 macrophages present in the airway lumen. This protein along with eotaxin-2 and other chemokines may play an important role in leukocyte migration into asthmatic airways.23685352
62AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueMmp14Illumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is significantly up regulated upon both allergen sensitization and allergen challenge as compared to naive controls.23685352
63AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueArg1Illumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is produced by the M2 macrophages present in the airway lumen. This protein along with chitinases and other chemokines may play an important role in leukocyte migration into asthmatic airways.23685352
64AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueEar11Illumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is upregulated in asthma23685352
65AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueRetnlaIllumina gene chip microarray and real time PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is involved in leukocyte migration into asthmatic airways23685352
66AsthmaMouseMacrophages from Brocho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and Lung TissueFcgr2bIllumina gene chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is upregulated in asthma23685352
67Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Ccl8Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is a component of chemokine signaling in asthma inflammation18087161
68Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Ighg1Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAsthma biomarker18087161
69Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Tff2Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIt is known to be involved in epithelial restitution and maintenance of mucosal integrity in the respiratory tract.18087161
70Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Adam8Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAdam8 was elevated in acute and chronic asthma models as compared to control mice.18087161
71Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Clca3Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduction of this gene in airway epithelial cell is important for mucus production.18087161
72Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Muc5acAffymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is responsible for mucus production and goblet cell hyperplasia.18087161
73Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)SlpiAffymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThis gene is responsible for extracellular matrix remodelling18087161
74Acute and chronic AsthmaMouseLung Tissue (Tissue from left lung)Timp4Affymetrix gene chip cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTimp4 was elevated in acute and chronic asthma models as compared to control mice.18087161
75Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePdia6MALDI Tof and Western BlottingProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputConsidered as chaperone proteins which is often involved in cellular stress which occurs during allergic inflammation and upregulated in asthma21751807
76Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueGrp78MALDI Tof and Western BlottingProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputBelongs to chaperone protein family and is involved in stress induced cellular damage after allergen exposure. Upregulated in asthma.21751807
77Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueAnxa6MALDI Tof and Western BlottingProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPlays a role in calcium handling in smooth muscles and may take part in smooth muscle hyperresponsiveness during asthma.Upregulated in asthma.21751807
78Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueHnrnpa3MALDI Tof and Western BlottingProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputResponsible for RNA trafficking from nucleus to cytoplasm. Overexpressed in asthma.21751807
79Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueEno1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnolase may trigger generation of autoantibodies( antialpha enolase autoantibody) in asthma. Overexpressed in asthma21751807
80Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueApoa1MALDI Tof and ELISAProteomics, OthersHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated in asthma. May be involved in removing pro-inflammatory lipids which helps to reduce asthma phenotype.21751807
81Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueEhd1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
82Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueP4hbMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
83Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueTubb5MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
84Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueClic5MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
85Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueNpMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
86Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueInmtMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
87Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePpwd1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model21751807
88Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueFubp1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
89Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueLcp1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
90Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueTstMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
91Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePpp1r7MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
92Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueActbMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergen induced asthma21751807
93Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSerpina3kMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergen induced asthma21751807
94Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueAcadvlMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergen induced asthma21751807
95Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueTuba1cMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergen induced asthma21751807
96Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePthlhMALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
97Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueVps29MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergen induced asthma21751807
98Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCalrMALDI Tof and ELISAProteomics, OthersHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated in Mice21751807
99Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePdia3MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
100Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueHba-a1MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
101Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCa2MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
102Asthma induced by OvalbuminMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueGstm2MALDI TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergen induced asthma model21751807
103Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChi3l4LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputMembers of the chitinase family and have chemotactic activity for eosinophils.22837640
104Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEar11LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputResponsible for eosinophil activation anf highly upregulated in allergic mouse however did not reducea fter Dexamethasone treatment22837640
105Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueRetnlbLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPlays a role in airway fibrosis and found to be highly upregulated in allergic mouse and were not modulated after dexamethasone treatment.22837640
106Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueClca3LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputExpressed early in asthma pathogenesis.22837640
107Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissuePrg2LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputEosinophil activating gene and highly upregulated in BAL cells of mouse but downregulated after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
108Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEpxLC MSProteomicsHigh ThroughputHighly upregulated in mRNA of BAL cells of mouse22837640
109Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueMmp12LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputInvolved in cellular inflammation in the lung.22837640
110Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChiaLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed in allergic lung but were downregulated after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
111Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueChi3l3LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
112Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueReg3gLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputRegulates keratinocyte proliferation and differentiation after skin injury.22837640
113Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueKlk1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSerine protease involved in producing mediators of airway hyperresponsiveness22837640
114Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueEgfrLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIs a receptor for epithelial growth factor family proteins and expressed in airway epithelium22837640
115Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissuePigrLC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDelivers IgA on the mucosal surface. Reduced after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
116Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueLcn2LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly lowered after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
117Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueGp39LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly lowered after Dexamethasone treatment22837640
118Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueIcam1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly increased in protein but not in mRNA level and involved in adhesion of leukocytes that are chemotaxing22837640
119Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (TSLP TG and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Broncho Alveolar Lavage Cells and Lung TissueScgb1a1LC MS Western blot qRT PCRProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed in allergic lung but mRNA reduced after Dexamethasone treatment.22837640
120Asthma (Response of asthmatics to corticosteroids)Mouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueFKBP51Time series microarrayGenomicsLow ThroughputHighly upregulated in Lung Tissue after dexamethasone treatment20853021
121Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueAgr2GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputEncodes a protein expressed in mucous secreting cells and is upregulated in mouse model of asthma both during long as well as short term allergen exposure19028979
122Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueArg1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in asthma. Produced by immune and Epithelial Cells19028979
123Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueBex2GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in mouse model of asthma19028979
124Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueC1qaGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPart of the complement cascade pathway and is upregulated in both short and long exposure to allergens19028979
125Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueC1qbGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputSubunits of C1q complex and is upregulated in murine model of acute and chronic asthma.19028979
126Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueC1qcGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputSubunits of C1q complex and is upregulated in murine model of acute and chronic asthma.19028979
127Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCampGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in both acute and chronic murine asthma models19028979
128Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCcnaGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short allergen exposure whereas downregulated in long exposure19028979
129Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCcnb2GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short allergen exposure whereas downregulated in long exposure19028979
130Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCd163GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in both short and long term exposure to allergen in mouse model of asthma19028979
131Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCd209eGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in short and long term but highly expressed in long term allergen exposure. Plays important role in Dendritic Cells-T cells interaction19028979
132Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCdc2aGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputObserved to be upregulated in short and downregulated in long antigen exposure19028979
133Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCdca3GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputObserved to be upregulated in short and downregulated in long antigen exposure19028979
134Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCdca8GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short term and downregulated in long term allergen exposure19028979
135Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCks2GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
136Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCol6a1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in both short and long time allergen exposure.19028979
137Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCpGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputThe protein encoded by this gene is a metalloprotein that binds most of the copper in plasma and is involved in the peroxidation of Fe(II)transferrin to Fe(III) transferrin. It is upregulated in chronic and acute asthma.19028979
138Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueFcgr2bGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt is upregulated in acute and chronic asthma.19028979
139Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueHist1h2adGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
140Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueKcnj15GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in both chronic and acute allergen exposure19028979
141Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueMad2l1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell cycle regulation.19028979
142Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueMcm6GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in DNA replication. Potential new target for asthma19028979
143Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueMki67GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
144Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueNcapgGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
145Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueNusap1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
146Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePsat1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
147Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueRacgap1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short time allergen exposure and downregulated in long expoure19028979
148Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueScinGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in mucous production and upregulated during allergen exposure19028979
149Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSerpina3gGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSerine and cysteine protease inhibitor. Protect cells from apoptosis19028979
150Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSerpina3nGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthma19028979
151Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueTop2aGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in mitosis and meiosis. Upregulated in short term and downregulted in long term allergen exposure.19028979
152Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueUbe2cGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in short term and downregulated in long term allergen exposure19028979
153Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueUbtfGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthma19028979
154Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCol3a1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in collagen deposition19028979
155Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueB2mGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputComponent of major histocompatibility complex. Responsible for antigen presentation.19028979
156Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueBirc5GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in short exposure and downregulated in long exposure.19028979
157Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCapn9GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthma19028979
158Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueIgf1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputMore expressed after short term allergen exposure in allergic BALB/c mice.19028979
159Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSaa3GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAn acute phase reactant. Upregulated after allergen exposure in mice.19028979
160Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSlamf9GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in immune cells, upregulated in long and short term allergen exposure to allergic patients.19028979
161Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueSlc26a4GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed throughout allergen exposure19028979
162Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueMmp12GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputHighly expressed after short term allergen exposure19028979
163Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCcl8GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputConstant expression in both short and long term allergen exposure to mouse19028979
164Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueCcl11GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputConstant expression in both short and long term allergen exposure to mouse19028979
165Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueChi3l3GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputProduced by epithelial and immune cells.19028979
166Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissueChiaGeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in asthmatic mouse19028979
167Acute and chronic AsthmaMouse (BALB/c )Lung TissuePon1GeneChip Expression 3 (affymetrix) microarrayGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated in both short and long term allergen exposure. Probably plays a protective role against oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species19028979
168Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseNuclear Extracts from Lung TissuesRelaImmunoflorescenceOthersLow ThroughputFisetin repressed TNF-Îħ-induced NF-ÎşB-dependent reporter gene expression. This findings implicate a potential therapeutic value of fisetin in the treatment of asthma through negative regulation of NF-ÎşB pathway.22290391
169Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseLung TissueIl17areal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFisetin attenuated ovalbumin-induced expression of this gene.22290391
170Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseLung TissueMuc5acreal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFisetin attenuated ovalbumin-induced expression of this gene.22290391
171Asthma and effect of a bioactive flavonol FisetinMouseLung TissueIl33real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFisetin attenuated ovalbumin-induced expression of this gene.22290391
172Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueMuc5acreal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this gene that is essential for mucus hypersecretion.21695271
173Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueNos2real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this gene the enzyme responsible for nitric oxide (NO) production in allergic airway inflammation.21695271
174Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueTslpreal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this cytokine responsible for initiation of Th2 immune response.21695271
175Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueIl17areal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this cytokine essential for airway inflammation and remodeling.21695271
176Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueIl33real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this cytokine essential for airway inflammation and remodeling.21695271
177Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueChia1real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this chitinase essential for airway inflammation and remodeling.21695271
178Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueChi3l4real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this chitinase essential for airway inflammation and remodeling.21695271
179Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueChi3l1real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this chitinase essential for airway inflammation and remodeling.21695271
180Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueIcam1real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this gene that is pivotal for pulmonary recruitment of inflammatory cells like eosinophils and lymphoctyes.21695271
181Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueVcam1real time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this gene that is pivotal for pulmonary recruitment of inflammatory cells like eosinophils and lymphoctyes.21695271
182Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueSelereal time PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPretreatment with artesunate (30 mg/kg) demonstrated strong suppression of this gene that is pivotal for pulmonary recruitment of inflammatory cells like eosinophils and lymphoctyes.21695271
183Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueAkt1ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputArtesunate markedly inhibited the EGF-induced phosphorylation of Akt. Thus EGF induced activation of inflammatory PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is suppressed.21695271
184Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueTsc2ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputArtesunate markedly inhibited the EGF-induced phosphorylation of Akt. Thus EGF induced activation of inflammatory PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is suppressed.21695271
185Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueRps6kb1ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputArtesunate markedly inhibited the EGF-induced phosphorylation of Akt. Thus EGF induced activation of inflammatory PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is suppressed.21695271
186Asthma and effect of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseLung TissueEif4ebp1ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputArtesunate markedly inhibited the EGF-induced phosphorylation of Akt. Thus EGF induced activation of inflammatory PI3K/Akt signaling pathway is suppressed.21695271
187Asthma and effct of the drug 'Artesunate'MouseNuclear Extracts from Lung TissuesRelaTransAM NF-kB transcription factor assay kitOthersLow ThroughputEGF induced activation of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway causes down stream increase in NF-kB DNA binding activity. Artesunate has been found to decrease the transactivation of this transcription factor.21695271
188Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Lcp1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
189Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Arpc4MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
190Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CapzbMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cell migration and adhesion. Significantly upregulated by 2 fold.18594147
191Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MsnMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in F actin reorganisation which is essential for cellular adhesion migration inflammation and phagocytosis.18594147
192Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Wdr1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
193Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Krt7MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in Chronic asthma. Indicates hyperplasia of mucous glands.18594147
194Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RetnlaMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputContributes to airway remodelling through its antiapoptotic properties. Upregulated in asthma.18594147
195Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chil4MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputPlays a key role in effector immune cell recruitment and airway remodelling. Upregulated in asthmatic mouse.18594147
196Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IgG1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in Chronic asthma. Indicates hyperplasia of mucous glands.18594147
197Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Chia1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputHighly expressed in mouse Chronic lung inflammation.18594147
198Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)SftpdMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in asthma.18594147
199Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl15MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in Chronic asthma model.18594147
200Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CfbMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in Chronic asthma model.18594147
201Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ppp2r1aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and differentially expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
202Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Serpinb6aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
203Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)PcxMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and downregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
204Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ak1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
205Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Phpt1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
206Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Gpx3MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular metabolism and expressed in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
207Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Sod1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputPlays a critical role in protecting lungs from oxidative damage.Downregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
208Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ube2nMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
209Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ces1dMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
210Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Psmd11MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
211Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Psmb9MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
212Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Apoa1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
213Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Rps12MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
214Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Vat1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
215Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)MtpnMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model.18594147
216Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a11MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
217Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TtrMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
218Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)ApcsMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputReduced expression in chronically asthmatic mouse.18594147
219Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Col6a1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputAn extracellular matrix protein and upregulated in asthma.18594147
220Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)YwhaeMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in chronic asthma mouse model. Involved in the smooth muscle development goblet cell hypertrophy and subepithelial fibrosis.18594147
221Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cox5aMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in cellular transport and is downregulated in chronic asthma.18594147
222Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Uqcrc1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
223Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TrfMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
224Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ftl1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in chronic asthma model.18594147
225Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)gob-5MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
226Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)HpxMALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
227Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Capns1MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
228Chronic Asthma.MouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa3MALDI Tof/TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputElevated in chronically inflammed lungs. Controls Chloride channel activity for mucus production.18594147
229Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSaa1Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputFrequently used as marker of non specific inflammation. Markedly increased in 5 time points after allergen induction.20045013
230Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
231Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl10Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly expresed in 5 time points after induction with allergenic mould extract.20045013
232Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
233Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfrsf9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
234Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueGpr84MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
235Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTimp1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
236Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
237Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNoxo1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
238Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl7Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly upregulated in 5 time points after induction with allergenic mould extract.20045013
239Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl4i1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
240Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTrem1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputLeads to increased signalling of inflammatory mediators. Upregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
241Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl1rnMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
242Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueGpr109aMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
243Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
244Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl17Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputReleased during late phase allergic airway responses and overexpressed in mice exposed to allergenic mold extract.20045013
245Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueClec4eMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
246Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCh25hMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
247Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCfbMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
248Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
249Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl1bMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
250Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueRgs16MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
251Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMsr1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
252Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSelpMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
253Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl19Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputTransiently increased in expression in allergen induced asthmatic mice.20045013
254Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl22Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputReleased during late phase allergic airway responses and overexpressed in mice exposed to allergenic mold extract.20045013
255Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl2Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputOverexpressed in mice exposed to allergenic mold extract.20045013
256Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIgsf6MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
257Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf3rMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
258Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSocs3Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputTransiently increased in expression in allergen induced asthmatics.20045013
259Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl1r2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
260Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfrsf1bMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
261Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueBatf3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
262Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueP2ry2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
263Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl11MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
264Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf2rbMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
265Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcr1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
266Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSerpinb2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
267Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfaip2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
268Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueC3ar1Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputExpressed on immune cells such as mast cells/eosinophils and basophils.20045013
269Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePlekMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
270Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueRasgrp4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
271Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueAsprv1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
272Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLcn2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
273Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCcl4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
274Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSerpine1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
275Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMcoln2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
276Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePim1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
277Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCxcl5MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputHighly upregulated after 3 hours of Allergen induction.20045013
278Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMmp9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in collagen deposition. Upregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
279Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueItgamMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
280Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTgm1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3hours and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
281Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNfkb2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMultifunction transcription factor. Given lower priority in manual annotation.20045013
282Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSema4dMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputSlightly upregulated after allergen induction.20045013
283Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSteap4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
284Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueClec4dMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
285Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
286Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePtgfrMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
287Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueOrm1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
288Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIkbkeMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
289Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueKlf15MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
290Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueHcls1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatic mice.20045013
291Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIfit1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
292Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLilrb4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
293Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePtgesMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
294Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNcf4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
295Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNr4a2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
296Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMarcksl1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
297Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCd300lfMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
298Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
299Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNlrp3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
300Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePtgirMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
301Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTmem173MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
302Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLcp2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputOverexpressed after 3hours and 12 hours of allergenic mould extract challenge.20045013
303Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueArid5aMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
304Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLtbMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
305Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSocs1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
306Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNfkbizMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
307Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSlc39a14MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
308Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl1f9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
309Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTlr2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of fungal allergen challenge in asthmatic mice.20045013
310Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueVcam1Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputTransiently increased in expression in allergen induced asthma.20045013
311Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueArg2Microarray and RT PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly increased after 1 and 18 hour timepoints.20045013
312Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl17raMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in allergen induced asthma.20045013
313Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueUck2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
314Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCd83MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
315Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMyd88MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
316Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLifMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
317Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMaffMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
318Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueOas3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
319Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePglyrp1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
320Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueDusp2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
321Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueBhlhb8MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
322Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
323Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNek6MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
324Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSykMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
325Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfsf9MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
326Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueThbs1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
327Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueFmo2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
328Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIrf5MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
329Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueVnn3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
330Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTfpi2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
331Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueSordMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
332Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTrex1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
333Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCd274MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
334Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLmnb1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
335Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueRab20MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
336Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueNfkbieMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
337Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueRelbMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
338Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueGadd45gMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
339Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueEvi2bMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
340Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCd44MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
341Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueDarcMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
342Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIrf4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
343Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCd79aMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
344Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueAdam8MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
345Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf2rb2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
346Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueLitafMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
347Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTrib1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
348Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePtpn2MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
349Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueTnfaip8l1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
350Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueClip4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
351Allergic Asthma (Immunological characterization after exposure to Metarhizium anisopliae (MACA) compared to BSA and HBSS).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissuePtgfrMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after 3 and 12 hours of allergen induction in asthmatics.20045013
352Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueVcam1RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSignificantly upregulated after OVA challenge in mRNA. However decreased after Gsk-3b inhibitor induction.17556716
353Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIcam1RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSignificantly upregulated after OVA challenge in mRNA. However decreased after Gsk-3b inhibitor induction.17556716
354Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueAMCaseRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputInvolved in airway remodelling and inflammation.Upregulated after OVA challenge, downregulated after GSK-3b inhibitor induction.17556716
355Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueYm1RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpressed in OVA challenged mouse but decreased in presence of Gsk3b inhibitor.17556716
356Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueYm2RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpressed in OVA challenged mouse but decreased in presence of Gsk3b inhibitor.17556716
357Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMuc5acRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputInvolved in mucin production.Expressed in OVA challenged mouse but decreased in presence of Gsk3b inhibitor.17556716
358Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl6RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGsk3b inhibitor blocked the expression of IL6.17556716
359Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueIl8RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGsk3b inhibitor blocked the expression of IL8.17556716
360Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueRANTESRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputInvolved in delivering eosinophils to the airways. Gsk3b inhibitor blocked the expression of IL8.17556716
361Asthma(Effect of Glycogen synthase kinase-3 beta inhibition on asthma).Mouse (Female BALB/c)Lung TissueMCP-1RT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGsk3b inhibitor blocked the expression of IL8.17556716
362Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueClca3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed in Epithelial Cells and involved in mucus production. Its expression is dependant of IL 13 signalling.16402082
363Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueChiaGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed during both OVA and IL 13 challenge.16402082
364Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueChi3l3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed during both OVA and IL 13 challenge.16402082
365Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueTff1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in mucus production and its expression is dependant on IL 13 and STAT 6 signalling.16402082
366Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueTff2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in mucus production and its expression is dependant on IL 13 and STAT 6 signalling.16402082
367Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueScya9Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after OVA induction but not hampered by IL13 inhibitor.16402082
368Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueScya6Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in secreted signal transduction.Expressed after OVA induction but not hampered by IL13 inhibitor.16402082
369Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueAgr2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInterleukin 13 induced gene. Involved in secreted signal transduction.16402082
370Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueReg3gGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction. Involved in secreted signal transduction.16402082
371Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFcgr2bGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
372Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePigrGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
373Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFcgbpGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
374Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFcgr3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
375Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCtskGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
376Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSerpina3gGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInduced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
377Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSerpina3nGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputA protease inhibitor expressed in both Il13 induction and OVA challenge.16402082
378Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueTimpGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputA protease inhibitor expressed in both Il13 induction and OVA challenge.16402082
379Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueC1qcGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Innate immunity and induced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
380Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueC3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Innate immunity and induced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
381Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueArg1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and induced by both OVA challenge and IL 13 induction.16402082
382Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSlc4A2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in ion flux and expressed after IL 13 treatment.16402082
383Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueGuca2aGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in ion flux and expressed after IL 13 treatment.16402082
384Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFxyd3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in ion flux and expressed after IL 13 treatment.16402082
385Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueMmelGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputA protease expressed after induction with IL 13.16402082
386Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCd83Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputImmune related gene and expressed in IL 13 induction.16402082
387Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePfcGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in innate immunity and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
388Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueGsto1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Redox reactions and expressed after induction with IL 13.16402082
389Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueGclcGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Redox reactions and expressed after induction with IL 13.16402082
390Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueGlrxGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Redox reactions and expressed after induction with IL 13.16402082
391Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueQscn6Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in Redox reactions and expressed after induction with IL 14.16402082
392Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueKdelr3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in the endoplasmic reticulum and expressed after IL13induction.16402082
393Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueErp29Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in the endoplasmic reticulum and expressed after IL13induction.16402082
394Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSsr4Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in the endoplasmic reticulum and expressed after IL13induction.16402082
395Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSec61BGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in the endoplasmic reticulum and expressed after IL13induction.16402082
396Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueHspa5Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputA heat shock protein present in the endoplasmic reticulum. Expressed after IL13induction.16402082
397Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueVwfGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in coagulation and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
398Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePlatGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in coagulation and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
399Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueF3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in coagulation and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
400Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueF7Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in coagulation and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
401Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueRetnlbGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in secreted signal transduction and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
402Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueHegflGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in secreted signal transduction and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
403Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSdf5Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in secreted signal transduction and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
404Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCsf1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in secreted signal transduction and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
405Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSprr2aGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCytoskeletal protein expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
406Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueActg2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCytoskeletal protein expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
407Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCol6a1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
408Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCol1A1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
409Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCola2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
410Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCol6a2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
411Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFbn1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
412Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFn1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in extracellular matrix and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
413Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueBpifb1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
414Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueLcn2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
415Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueTktGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
416Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueMOD1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
417Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCkmt1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
418Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueAcp5Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
419Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueAk2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
420Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSrmGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
421Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCar2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
422Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePtgs1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
423Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePcGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
424Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueFdx1Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
425Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueHpgdGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in metabolism and expressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
426Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueArmetGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
427Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueGadd45gGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
428Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueTcn2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
429Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueRex3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
430Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissuePim3Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
431Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueCishGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
432Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueSiat7bGene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
433Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueNcor2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
434Allergic Asthma induced by both Ovalbumin and mIL-13.Mouse (Wild type BALB/c)Lung TissueEar2Gene Chip microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed after IL 13 induction.16402082
435Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueTtr2D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
436Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissuePrdx22D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
437Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueMyl22D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
438Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueInmt2D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
439Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueCyb52D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
440Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueArhgdib2D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
441Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueMybpc32D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
442Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissuePrdx12D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
443Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueChil32D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
444Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueFtl12D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
445Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueLgals12D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
446Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueFabp52D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
447Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissuePrdx62D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
448Allergic Asthma.Mouse (Male BALB/c)Lung TissueChil42D electrophoresis and MALDI Tof TofProteomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated in allergic asthma.16100447
449Asthma induced by Ovalbumin challengeMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfaip6Immunoassay (ELISA and Immunohistochemistry) and Biochemical analysis (Multiplex Cytokine Assay and Fluorophore-assisted Carbohydrate Electrophoresis)OthersLow ThroughputTSG-6 is dispensable for the induction of Th2 immunity but is essential for the robust increase in pulmonary Hyaluronan deposition and propagation of acute eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation. In TSG-6 knock out mice the lack of TSG-6 results in diminished HA accumulation and decreased inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness.23118230
450Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Igfbp3Immunoblot and immunohistochemistryProteomicsLow ThroughputThis protein was found to be down regulated significantly upon ovalbumin challenge. IGFBP-3 treatment inhibits airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness via an IGF-independent mechanism that involves activation of IGFBP-3R signaling and cross-talk with NF- B signaling.21383009
451Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Icam1ImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 treatment blocks TNF- alpha induced ICAM-1 expression in NF-kappa B signaling cascades upon allergen challenge.21383009
452Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)NfkbiaImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 degrades IÎşBÎħ through IGFBP-3 receptor (IGFBP-3R)-mediated activation of caspases thereby inhibiting TNF- -induced activation of NF- B signaling cascades.21383009
453Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)RelaImmunoblotProteomicsLow ThroughputIGFBP-3 degrades p65-NFÎş- B through IGFBP-3 receptor (IGFBP-3R)-mediated activation of caspases thereby inhibiting TNF- -induced activation of NF- B signaling cascades.21383009
454Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
455Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
456Asthma and its protection by IGFBP-3 treatmentMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13Immunoblot and ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThis proinflammatory protein is upregulated in Lung Tissue upon allergen challenge. However in IGFBP-3 transgenic mice this protein is significantly down regulated even after allergen challenge.21383009
457Asthma and its modulation by microRNAMouseLung TissueMirlet7a-1Microarray and real time PCR along with certain recombinant DNA techniquesGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputIt plays a potent proinflammatory role in allergic lung disease. Inhibition of let-7 miRNAs using a locked nucleic acid (anti sense) profoundly inhibited production of allergic cytokines and the disease phenotype.20630862
458AsthmaMouseLung TissueSerpinb3aReal time q-PCR and Immunoassay (Immunoblot and Immunofluorescence)Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputAllergen sensitization and Th2 cytokine treatment causes upregulation of this gene.15677460
459AsthmaMouseLung TissueScgb1a1Real time q-PCR and Immunoassay (Immunoblot and Immunofluorescence)Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIn uteroglobin knock out mouse Th2 cytokine inducible proinflammatory genes (SCCA-1 and 2) are highly upregulated. But treatment with recombinant Ug results in decrease in asthmatic symptom. Thus Uteroglobin plays a role of potent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory protein.15677460
460Allergic AsthmaMouseSmooth Muscle Cells of Lung TissueMfge8Standard molecular biology and cell biology techniques along with immunochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIn absence of this gene the airway hyper-responsiveness is highly exaggerated. Treatment with recombinant Mfge8 causes attenuation of airway inflammation by inhibiting IL-13–induced NF-κB activation and induction of RhoA.23269839
461AsthmaMouseLung Tissue and Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Trpa1Immunoassay and real time PCROthersLow ThroughputGenetic ablation of TRPA1 inhibited allergen-induced leukocyte infiltration in the airways and abolished airway hyperreactivity.19458046
462Asthma (Chronic Allergic Asthma induced by HDM)Mouse (BALB/c mice and Sema3e−/− mice 129 P2 strain)Lung TissuesSema3EImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputSema3E expression is suppressed in the airways of HDM induced chronic allergic asthma model in BALB/c mice as compared to control group. Intranasal Sema3E administration restored chronic deficits of allergic asthma in mice. Chronic allergic airway disease was significantly augmented in Sema3E-deficient mouse model which was associated with an increased AHR, remodeling, and Th2/Th17 inflammation. Sema3E may play a key regulatory role in chronic course of asthma via orchestration of impaired inflammatory and remodeling responses.29228740
463Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Balb/c female mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)S100a4RT-PCR, Western Blot, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputmRNA and protein expression of S100A4 were significantly increased in lung tissues from asthmatic mice compared to PBS control mice. Furthermore, S100A4 levels were higher in BALF from asthmatic mice compared to PBS control mice. 30569582
464Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnf-alphaELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of TNF-alpha in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of TNF-alpha in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
465Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il-1beta in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il-1beta in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
466Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il4 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il4 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
467Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il5 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il5 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
468Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Il13 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Il13 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice. 30589094
469Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Eotaxin in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Eotaxin in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
470Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIcam1ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Icam1 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Icam1 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
471Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesVcam1ELISA, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputELISA showed that the level of Vcam1 in BAL fluids was significantly increased in OVA-challenged mice. Western blot analysis revealed that the protein levels of Vcam1 in lung tissues were significantly upregulated in allergic mice.30589094
472Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesNf-kb p65Western Blot, ImmunostainingProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe Nf-kb p65 level was significantly increased in the nuclei, but significantly decreased in the cytosol after OVA challenge. Immunostaining of p65 subunit in lung tissues confirmed the nuclear translocation of p65 subunit.30589094
473Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il4 as compared to the control group.30341485
474Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il5 as compared to the control group.30341485
475Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn BALF and lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Il13 as compared to the control group.30341485
476Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnf-alphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the lung tissue and BALF, the levels of Tnf-alpha were significantly elevated by airway challenge with Ovalbumin in asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30341485
477Allergic Asthma (induced by Ovalbumin)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn lung tissue of ovalbumin induced asthmatic mice, there was a significantly increased expression of Tgf-beta 1 as compared to the control group.30341485
478AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesOrmdl3Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlotOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputOrmdl3 expression level in lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control group, as evident from immunohistochemistry. Western Blotting confirmed these observations. The Ormdl3 mRNA level in the lung tissues of asthmatic model mice was significantly elevated when compared with healthy control mice. Levels of Ormdl3 was significantly positively associated with p-Erk and Mmp9. Upregulation of Ormdl3 protein expression was significantly positively correlated with bronchial wall thickness.Ormdl3 may promote airway remodeling through the Erk/Mmp9 pathway.28358425
479AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlotOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression level in lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control group, as evident from immunohistochemistry. Western Blotting confirmed these observations. The Mmp9 mRNA level in the lung tissues of asthmatic model mice was significantly elevated when compared with healthy control mice. Upregulation of Mmp9 protein expression was significantly positively correlated with bronchial wall thickness.28358425
480AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp-ErkImmunohistochemistry, Western BlotOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Erk expression level in lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control group, as evident from immunohistochemistry. Western Blotting confirmed these observations. Upregulation of p-Erk protein expression was significantly positively correlated with bronchial wall thickness.28358425
481AsthmaMouse ( IL-6 knockout (KO) mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6Cell Count, Histology, Cytokine Profiling by ELISA, IgG1 countOthersLow ThroughputIL-6 signaling in Dendritic Cells is essential for their uptake of allergens, maturation, and initiation of Th2/Th17-mediated airway inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in asthma, thus providing a new potential target for treating allergic asthma.26232935
482Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissueFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 mRNA level in lung tissue was lower in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control.25307458
483Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissueRorϒtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorϒt mRNA level in lung tissue was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control.25307458
484Allergic AsthmaMouse (BMAL1-LysM-/- mice )Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), SerumBmal1Cell Count, Histology, Cytokine Profiling by ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIncreased severity of asthma, higher eosinophil numbers and more inflammatory phenotype of asthma was observed in BMAL1-LysM-/- 218 mice. Bmal1 in myeloid cells is a potent negative regulator of allergic asthma. Bmal1 limits myeloid cell responses, which leads to inhibition of allergic asthma. The low expression of BMAL1 at night might explain the increase in asthma during the night.28336811
485Chronic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChrm3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe lung tissues of OVA induced asthmatic mice has increased levels of M3 muscarinic receptors as compared to their corresponding control groups.30574690
486Chronic AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChrm2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe lung tissues of OVA induced asthmatic mice has reduced levels of M2 muscarinic receptors as compared to their corresponding control groups.30574690
487AsthmaMouse (Rip3−/−Casp8−/− mice)Lung Tissues, Lung homogenateCasp8Cell Count, Histopathology, FACS, Flow cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe reduced disease burden (ubstantially reduced pulmonary infiltration of total immune cells, eosinophils, and neutrophils, decreased inflammation, eosinophilia, alveolar exudates, vascular muscle hypertrophy and IgE production) was observed in Rip3−/−Casp8−/− mice. Caspase-8 is a master regulator of IL-1 cytokines that contribute to the pathogenesis of asthma and implicates caspase-8 inhibition as a potential therapeutic strategy for asthmatic patients.27007676
488AsthmaMouse (Rip3−/−Fadd−/− mice)Lung Tissues, Lung homogenateFaddCell Count, Histopathology, FACS, Flow cytometry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe reduced disease burden (ubstantially reduced pulmonary infiltration of total immune cells, eosinophils, and neutrophils, decreased inflammation, eosinophilia, alveolar exudates, vascular muscle hypertrophy and IgE production) in Rip3−/−Fadd−/− mice suggested that FADD may possibly function to drive manifestation of allergic asthma.27007676
489Bronchial AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Kidney TissuesPge2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn comparison with the control group, the level of Pge2 in serum and lung tissues, were significantly lower in the bronchial asthma model group. However, Pge2 level in kidney tissue was higher in asthmatic group as compared to the control group.30328568
490Bronchial AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Kidney TissuesEt1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn comparison with the control group, the level of Et1 in serum, lung and kidney tissues, were higher in the bronchial asthma model group.30328568
491Bronchial AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung TissuesAdhELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn comparison with the control group, the level of Adh in serum and lung tissue, were higher in the bronchial asthma model group.30328568
492Bronchial AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung TissuesAnpELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn comparison with the control group, the level of Anp in serum and lung tissue, were higher in the bronchial asthma model group.30328568
493Bronchial AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Kidney TissuesAngIIELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn comparison with the control group, the level of AngII in lung and kidney tissues were higher in the bronchial asthma model group.30328568
494AsthmaMouseLung TissuesCd15ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe immunohistochemical studies observed a marked intensity of Cd15 immunoreactivity in the lung tissues of asthma model mice as compared to the control group.23863957
495AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5ac Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased (P<0.001) in the asthma group, as compared with the control group. 26549244
496AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesClca3Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputmClca3 expression was significantly increased (P<0.001) in the asthma group, as compared with the control group. 26549244
497AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtscqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCtsc expression was significantly increased (P<0.05) in the asthma group, as compared with the control group. 26549244
498Asthma (Induced by HDM)Mouse (ST2- /- mice and BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Homogenates, Lung TissuesSt2Cell Counting, ELISA, Multiplex Bead Based Assay, Immunohistochemistry, Pulmonary MechanicsOthersLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputSt2 Is Important for the development of peripheral airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in HDM indiced mouse model of asthma.26609909
499AsthmaMouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRankWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Rank was up regulated significantly in the lung tissues in the asthma group as compared to control group.30292447
500Allergic AsthmaMouseLung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMouse allergen significantly increased lung tissue expression of T helper (Th)2 cytokine, Il4 in asthmatic mice. 30351991
501Allergic AsthmaMouseLung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMouse allergen significantly increased lung tissue expression of T helper (Th)2 cytokine, Il5 in asthmatic mice. 30351991
502Allergic AsthmaMouseLung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMouse allergen significantly increased lung tissue expression of T helper (Th)2 cytokine, Il13 in asthmatic mice. 30351991
503Allergic AsthmaMouse (TrkBKI mice, BDNFfl/fl/SMMHC11Cre/0 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Airway Smooth Muscle Cells Layer (ASM Layer)BdnfHistology, ELISA, Immunofluorecence, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputSmooth muscle brain-derived neurotrophic factor contributes to airway hyperreactivity in a mouse model of allergic asthma.30351991
504AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesZo-1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of tight junction (TJs) marker ZO-1 was decreased in the lung of allergic asthma mice as compared to control mice.30290132
505AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of adherens junction (AJs) marker E-cadherin was decreased in the lung of allergic asthma mice as compared to control mice.30290132
506Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesScgb1a1qRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence stainingGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputScgb1a1 mRNA and protein was significantly reduced in the mice challenged with OVA as compared to the control mice. 30576223
507Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was increased in mice challenged with OVA as compared to control mice. 30576223
508Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesFoxA2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxA2 expression was decreased in mice challenged with OVA as compared to control mice. 30576223
509Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCompared to the Asthma group, lower expression of alpha-SMA was observed Wild Type mice of Control group.28342933
510Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTlr3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr3 was remarkably higher in Asthma group than in Control group.28342933
511Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTrifqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrif was remarkably higher in Asthma group than in Control group.28342933
512Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfnbqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIfnb was remarkably higher in Asthma group than in Control group.28342933
513Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Airway Epithelial Cells, CD4 T cells, CD8 T cellsHdac2Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence stainingProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHdac2 expression was significantly decreased in HDM-exposed Wild Type mice compared with the saline control. HDM exposure decreased Hdac2 expression in mouse airway epithelium. HDAC2 was significantly decreased in the CD4+ CD8+ and γẟ-T cells from HDM-exposed mice compared with those from controls.30407865
514Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesActa2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Acta2 mRNA was significantly increased in whole lungs of Wild type mice.27489884
515Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCol1a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Col1a1 mRNA was significantly increased in whole lungs of Wild type mice.27489884
516Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCol3a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Col3a1 mRNA was significantly increased in whole lungs of Wild type mice.27489884
517Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesFn1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Fn1 mRNA was significantly increased in whole lungs of Wild type mice.27489884
518Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Il5 was significantly increased in whole lungs and BALF of Wild type mice.27489884
519Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Il13 was significantly increased in whole lungs of Wild type mice.27489884
520Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomicsLow ThroughputAfter HDM challenge, Ccl11 was significantly increased in whole lungs and BALF of Wild type mice.27489884
521Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesTslpImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Tslp was upregulated in OVA challenged mice airway as compared to control mice.30428724
522Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Collagen 1 was upregulated in OVA challenged mice airway as compared to control mice.30428724
523Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCol1a1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of α-SMA was upregulated in OVA challenged mice airway as compared to control mice.30428724
524Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissuesp-p38/t-p38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of p-p38/t-p38 was upregulated in asthmatic lung tissues as compared to control lung tissues.30428724
525Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissuesp-STAT3/t-STAT3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of p-STAT3/t-STAT3 was upregulated in asthmatic lung tissues as compared to control lung tissues.30428724
526Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesErβWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputERβ protein expression in the lung was significantly lower in OVA treated mice than in sham mice.30373775
527Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputLevels of Il1b in BALF was significantly increased in OVA-induced mice as compared to control mice. OVA induced mice showed higher levels of Il1b mRNA expression than sham mice.30373775
528Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAscqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence StainingGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputAsc mRNA expression was significantly increased in OVA induced mice compared with sham mice. Protein level of Asc was significantly increased in the OVA treated group as compared with the sham group.30373775
529Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesNlrp3qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence StainingGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputNlrp3 mRNA expression was significantly increased in OVA induced mice compared with sham mice. Protein level of Nlrp3 was significantly increased in the OVA treated group as compared with the sham group.30373775
530Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp1Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence StainingProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputProtein level of Caspase 1 was significantly increased in the OVA treated group as compared with the sham group.30373775
531Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Male C57/BL6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized/challenged mice, lung levels of Il4 were significantly increased as compared with the control mice.29499403
532Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Male C57/BL6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized/challenged mice, lung levels of Il13 were significantly increased as compared with the control mice.29499403
533Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Male C57/BL6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b level of OVA sensitized/challenged group was significantly higher as compared with the control group.29499403
534Allergic Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPdcd5ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputA correlation was found between Pdcd5 expression and severity of asthma in OVA induced asthmatic mice. Pdcd5 may play a role in allergic asthma. 27846830
535Allergic Asthma (Induced by OVA)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCasp3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputActive caspase 3 level was increased in the OVA challenged mice as compared to healthy control mice.27846830
536Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesKb40LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Kb40 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
537Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCrpLC-MS/MS, Western Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputCrp wassignificantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
538Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesHsp27LC-MS/MS, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputHsp27 was found to be upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice by MS/MS. However, the levels of mRNA Hsp27 werefound to be decreased in OVA challenged mice compared with Proteomics data.29086354
539Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTcp-1LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Tcp-1 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
540Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTcp-10LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Tcp-10 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
541Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAlbLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Alb was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
542Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesKrt7LC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Krt7 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
543Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesApoa1LC-MS/MS, Western Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputApoA1 was found to be down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice by MS/MS. However, the levels of mRNA and protein of ApoA1 were significantly increased in OVA challenged mice compared with Proteomics data.29086354
544Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPla2LC-MS/MS, Western Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputPla2 was decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
545Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPlc-αLC-MS/MSProteomicsHigh Throughput Plc-α was decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
546Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesChil4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Chil4 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
547Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesClca3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Clca3 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
548Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesRetnlaRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Retnla was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
549Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Muc5ac was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
550Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSlc26a4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Slc26a4 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
551Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMmp12RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Mmp12 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
552Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl24RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl24 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
553Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSaa3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Saa3 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
554Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesScinRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Scin was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
555Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCxcl10RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cxcl10 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
556Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAgr2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Agr2 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
557Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl8RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl8 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
558Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCxcl9RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cxcl9 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
559Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFbp1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Fbp1 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
560Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFgf23RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Fgf23 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
561Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesRnase2aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Rnase2a was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
562Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCapn9RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Capn9 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
563Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFcgbpRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Fcgbp was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
564Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFer1l6RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Fer1l6 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
565Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSprr2a3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Sprr2a3 was upregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
566Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGdpd2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Gdpd2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
567Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSpon2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Spon2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
568Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPon1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Pon1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
569Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesScgb3a2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Scgb3a2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
570Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIghv2-3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ighv2-3 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
571Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSult1d1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Sult1d1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
572Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCyp2f2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cyp2f2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
573Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesNpas2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Npas2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
574Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesArntlRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Arntl was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
575Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFmo3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput FMO was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
576Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesElnRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Eln was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
577Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBpifa1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Bpifa1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
578Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesHmgcs2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Hmgcs2 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
579Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAldh3a1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Aldh3a1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
580Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesKlf15RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Klf15 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
581Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMyh6RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Myh6 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
582Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPdk4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Pdk4 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
583Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesDcdc2aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Dcdc2a was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
584Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAcot1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Acot1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
585Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAsgr1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Asgr1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
586Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIgkv4-68RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Igkv4-68 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
587Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesScgb1c1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Scgb1c1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
588Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIydRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Iyd was downregulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
589Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCyp2a5RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cyp2a5 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy control mice.29086354
590Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesScgb1a1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Scgb1a1 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
591Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGm15883RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Gm15883 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
592Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMyl7RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Myl7 was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
593Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues8430408G22RikRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput This gene was down regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
594Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCd209eRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput This gene was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
595Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMrgprgRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput This gene was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
596Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGm9522RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput This gene was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
597Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPla2g4cRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Pla2g4c was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
598Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesOcstampRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ocstamp was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
599Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesLy6iRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput It is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
600Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCxcl1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput It is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
601Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAA467197RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput It is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
602Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAckr1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput It is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
603Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl11RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput It is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
604Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl7RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl7 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
605Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTnfrsf9RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Tnfrsf9 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
606Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIghg1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ighg1 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
607Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesArg1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Arg1 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
608Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesDbpRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Dbp is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
609Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesItln1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Itln1 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
610Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFxyd4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Fxyd4 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
611Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPdcd1lg2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Pdcd1lg2 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
612Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesH2-M2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput H2-M2 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
613Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCol6a5RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Col6a5 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
614Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAdra2aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Adra2a is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
615Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl2 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
616Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSerpina3gRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Serpina3g is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
617Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSerpina3fRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Serpina3f is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
618Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesChia1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Chia1 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
619Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAldh1a3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Aldh1a3 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
620Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTnip3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Tnip3 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
621Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTimp1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Timp1 is over expressed in OVA treated mice than in control mice.29086354
622Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGm8113RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Gm8113 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
623Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesChil3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Chil3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
624Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIgkv14-126RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Igkv14-126 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
625Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMx1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Mx1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
626Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl17RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl17 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
627Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesApol7cRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Apol7c was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
628Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSlc5a1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Slc5a1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
629Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTgtp1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Tgtp1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
630Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCd5lRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cd5l was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
631Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesHmmrRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Hmmr was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
632Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGatmRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Gatm was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
633Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfit1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ifit1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
634Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSlfn9RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Slfn9 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
635Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfit3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ifit3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
636Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIsg15RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Isg15 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
637Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcnb1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccnb1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
638Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSelpRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Selp was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
639Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSeleRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Sele was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
640Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesF10RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput F10 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
641Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMs4a6dRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ms4a6d was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
642Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcr5RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccr5 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
643Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAurkbRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Aurkb was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
644Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesLcn2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Lcn2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
645Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesZbp1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Zbp1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
646Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMgl2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Mgl2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
647Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAspmRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Aspm was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
648Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl22RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl22 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
649Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCdk1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Cdk1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
650Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesUhrf1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Uhrf1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
651Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIqgap3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Iqgap3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
652Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIigp1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Iigp1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
653Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl4i1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Il4i1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
654Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTop2aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Top2a was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
655Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSlc6a20aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Slc6a20a was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
656Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCh25hRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ch25h was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
657Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesKntc1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Kntc1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
658Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues2810417H13RikRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput 2810417H13Rik was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
659Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesC330027C09RikRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput C330027C09Rik was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
660Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesDok2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Dok2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
661Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfi204RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ifi204 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
662Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPer3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Per3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
663Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesNr1d2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Nr1d2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
664Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesClec7aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Clec7a was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
665Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesEmr4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Emr4 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
666Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesRsad2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Rsad2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
667Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl9RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccl9 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
668Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcna2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccna2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
669Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesKif11RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Kif11 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
670Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIrf4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Irf4 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
671Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesClec4a3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Clec4a3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
672Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIrf7RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Irf7 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
673Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl33RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Il33 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
674Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTpx2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Tpx2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
675Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesOas3RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Oas3 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
676Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesI830012O16RikRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput I830012O16Rik was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
677Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMki67RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Mki67 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
678Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesOas1aRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Oas1a was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
679Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTspan4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Tspan4 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
680Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcr2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ccr2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
681Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfi44RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ifi44 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
682Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesS100a4RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput S100a4 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
683Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCtskRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ctsk was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
684Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesSerpina3nRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Serpina3n was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
685Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMcm5RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Mcm5 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
686Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCtssRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ctss was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
687Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIfit2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Ifit2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
688Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesChil1RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Chil1 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
689Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesItgaxRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Itgax was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
690Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesOasl2RNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Oasl2 was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
691Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesReg3gRNA-seq analysisTranscriptomicsHigh Throughput Reg3g was up regulated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29086354
692Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Il4 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to normal control. Il4 was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
693Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCompared to normal control, the expression of Il5 was elevated in OVA treated mice. Il5 was significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
694Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Il13 was significantly elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to normal control. Il13 was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
695Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuespStat6Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Stat6 was significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic model (MOD) compared to the conventional model (CON) and control group.29729496
696Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesGata3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGata-3 was significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic model (MOD) compared to the conventional model (CON) and control group.29729496
697Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCol IIIWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCol type III was significantly increased in OVA exposed mice (both in mice with modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) compared to conventional chronic OVA exposure(CON)) as compared to normal control group. Col III was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
698Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissuesα-SmaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma was significantly increased in OVA exposed mice (both in mice with modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) compared to conventional chronic OVA exposure(CON)) as compared to normal control group. α-Sma was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
699Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac was significantly increased in OVA exposed mice (both in mice with modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) compared to conventional chronic OVA exposure(CON)) as compared to normal control group. Muc5ac was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
700Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCol1α1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCol1α1 was significantly increased in OVA exposed mice (both in mice with modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) compared to conventional chronic OVA exposure(CON)) as compared to normal control group. Col1α1 was also significantly elevated in mice that underwent modified chronic OVA exposure (MOD) when compared to those that subjected to conventional chronic OVA exposure (CON).29729496
701Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesMmp9qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression of Mmp9 was significantly increased following chronic OVA exposure as compared to control group.29729496
702Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesTgfbqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression of Tgfb was significantly increased following chronic OVA exposure as compared to control group.29729496
703Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCasp3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAn increase in the expression of caspase-3 in the lungs of OVA-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30545126
704Neutrophilic Asthma (NA)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17aELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the Il17a levels in BALF of the Neutrophilic Asthmatic mice. Il17a mRNA levels were significantly elevated in lung tissues from OVA-challenged mice as compared to control.29312493
705Asthma (Particulate matter PM 2.5 induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesMuc5acImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in mice exposed to medium and high concentration of particulate matter (PM 2.5)as compared to the Control group.30572224
706Allergic AsthmaMouse (Dock8-knockout mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SerumDock8Cell Count, Histopathology, Flow cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputDock8-deficiency may correlate to increased susceptibility and pathogenesis of allergic asthma.29702092
707Allergic AsthmaMouse (Dock8-knockout mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SerumIl21Cell Count, Histopathology, Flow cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputNasal treatment with Il21 may offer novel and powerful prophylactic and/or therapeutic moieties to treat Dock8-deficiency-associated allergic asthma.29702092
708Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.30539423
709Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIfngqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.30539423
710Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCd39qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCd39 was involved in the activation of Treg cells and then remarkably alleviated OVA-induced hallmarks of the asthma by impacting the distribution of NKT cells, with increased NKT cells in the spleen and the peripheral blood, while decreased NKT cells in the lung.30539423
711Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputEotaxin level in BALF and lung tissues were significantly increased in asthma mice and obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice.30584969
712Obesity related AsthmaMouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMpoELISAOthersLow ThroughputMpo level in BALF and lung tissues were significantly increased in asthma mice and obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice. The Mpo level was increased significantly in obesity-related asthma mice compared with asthma mice.30584969
713Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesAdipoqqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAdiponectin mRNA expression in lung tissues was significantly decreased in obesity-related asthma mice as compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
714Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesAdipoR1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAdipoR1 mRNA expression in lung tissues was significantly decreased in obesity-related asthma mice as compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
715Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesAdipoR2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAdipoR2 mRNA expression in lung tissues was significantly decreased in obesity-related asthma mice as compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
716Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuespAmpkαWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputpAmpkα was significantly decreased in obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
717Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesNfkb p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNfkb p65 was significantly increased in obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
718Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesiNosWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputiNos was significantly increased in obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
719Obesity related AsthmaMouseLung TissuesBcl2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputBcl2 was significantly increased in obesity-related asthma mice compared with control mice, obesity mice and asthma mice.30584969
720Asthma (Aspergillus induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesMbpImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputEosinophils (Mbp labelled cells) were increased in lungs of Aspergillus induced asthmatic mice and it decreased upon treatment with necroptotic inhibitor GW80.30576068
721AsthmaMouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Igf1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIgf1 was upregulated in the lung tissues of asthmatic mice and the content of Igf1 in BALF was also elevated in asthmatic mice. Elevated Igf1 in asthmatic mice predominantly originated from Alveolar macrophages (AM). AM derived Igf1 may serve an important role in the regulation of airway inflammation and remodeling in asthmatic mice.30535455
722Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesFoxc1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputFoxc1 mRNA and protein expression were found to be up regulated in lung tissues of OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30423573
723Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesmiR-200aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-200a expression was found to be down regulated in OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. miR-200a could inhibit ASMC proliferation and airway remodeling in a mouse model of allergic asthma by downregulating the expression of FOXC1, which regulates the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Thus, miR-200a may serve as a new approach to treating asthma.30423573
724Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesTgfb1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 expression was found to be up regulated in lung tissues of OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30423573
725Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesPi3kqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice exhibited increased mRNA and protein expression of Pi3k in lung tissues.30423573
726Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesAktqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice exhibited increased mRNA expression of Akt and increased protein expression of Akt and p-Akt in lung tissues.30423573
727Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesNfkbqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice exhibited increased mRNA and protein expression of Nfkb in lung tissues.30423573
728Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCcnd1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the OVA treated blank group of asthmatic mice exhibited increased mRNA and protein expression of cyclin D1 in lung tissues.30423573
729Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGata3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 was increased in lungs of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
730Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesiNosqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputiNos was increased in lungs of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
731Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIrf4qRT-PCR, Western blottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIrf4 was increased in lungs of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
732Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 was increased in lungs of OVA treated mice as compared with saline treated control mice.30552991
733Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
734Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
735Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
736Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly reduced in BALF and lung tissues of asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
737Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesHsf1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe asthma group had significant increases in the mRNA and protein expression of Hsf1 compared with the control group.28202124
738Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuespJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputpJnk was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
739Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesHmgb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputHmgb1 was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.28202124
740Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesNlrp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA challenge substantially increased Nlrp3 protein expression in mice lung tissues as compared with that of the control animals. The Nlrp3 independent of inflammasomes participated in the pathogenesis of allergic asthma in this model.30363922
741Bronchial AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRor-γtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRor-γt level was elevated significantly in asthma group as compared to control group.29916550
742Bronchial AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 level was decreased significantly in asthma group as compared to control group.29916550
743Bronchial AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was elevated significantly in asthma group as compared to control group.29916550
744Bronchial AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuespSmad2/3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputpSmad2/3 level was elevated significantly in asthma group as compared to control group.29916550
745Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il4 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
746Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il5 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
747Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA Challenge led to a significantly increased expression of Il13 in BALF and lung tissue of mice as compared to the control group.29649507
748Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseLung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma level was significantly elevated in mice upon exposure to TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) as compared to control mice.30517707
749Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseAirway Epithelial Cells, Lung TissuesTrpv4Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) exposure led to increased immunoreactivity of Trpv4, especially in the airway epithelia and the infiltrating inflammatory cells. Western blot revealed upregulated Trpv4 expression in the whole lung after TDI exposure in mice.30517707
750Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Membrane fraction of Lung HomogenateCtnnb1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMembrane level of beta catenin was significantly decreased after TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) inhalation in mice.30517707
751Asthma (TDI chemical induced asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Membrane fraction of Lung HomogenateCdh1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMembrane level of E-cadherin was significantly decreased after TDI (Toluene-2, 4-diisocyanate) inhalation in mice.30517707
752Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateHyal1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Hyal1 was decreased in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated asthmatic mice compared with PBS control mice.27126823
753Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateHas2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Has2 mRNA was increased in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated asthmatic mice compared with PBS control mice.27126823
754Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateHas3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Has3 mRNA was increased in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated asthmatic mice compared with PBS control mice.27126823
755Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCd44qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Cd44 mRNA was increased in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated asthmatic mice compared with PBS control mice.27126823
756Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateHyal2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Hyal2 mRNA was increased in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated asthmatic mice compared with PBS control mice.27126823
757Asthma (CRA induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateVcanImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputExamination of the lung parenchyma demonstrated increased versican staining in cockroach antigen (CRA) treated mice compared with PBS mice. Expression of versican mRNA was elevated in mice exposed to cockroach antigen (CRA) for the V0, V1 and V2 isoforms. A trend toward increased V3 isoform expression was noted in CRA-treated mice.27126823
758Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLungs, Lung TissuesAqp3qRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge to the airway might enhance the mRNA level of Aqp3. Immunohistochemistry revealed that Aqp3 was expressed strongly in some inflammatory cells and weakly in airway epithelial cells in peribronchovascular lesions and in AMs in alveolar lesions. Aqp3 potentiates ovalbumin (OVA)-induced murine asthma by mediating both chemokine production from alveolar macrophages and T cell trafficking. Aqp3 may be a novel therapeutic target for asthma.27165276
759Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue SectionsiNosImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased iNos expression was noted in peribronchial infiltrate and distal lung of OVA-sensitized animals as compared to the saline treated group. Acute chlorine exposure to a high dose of Chlorine in OVA treated mice resulted in increased iNos positive cells in the distal lung but not in the peribronchial infiltrate. 30135462
760Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue SectionsRock2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased Rock2 expression was noted in peribronchial infiltrate and distal lung of OVA-sensitized animals as compared to the saline treated group. Acute chlorine exposure to a high dose of Chlorine in OVA treated mice resulted in increased Rock2 positive cells in the distal lung but not in the peribronchial infiltrate. 30135462
761Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesAnxa5Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputLung Anxa5 protein levels were lower in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice than in saline-treated mice.30182154
762Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesTgfb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was higher in OVA exposed mice as compared with control mice.30182154
763Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCtgfWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCtgf level was higher in OVA exposed mice as compared with control mice.30182154
764Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseLung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthers Low Throughputα-Sma level and ASM thickening was modestly increased in mice chronically exposed to HDM as compared to control mice.26263242
765Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Lung HomogenateClca3Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMice exposed chronically to HDM had increased Clca3 staining in the large conducting airways. Western blot analysis performed on lung homogenates for Clca3 revealed that Clca3 protein levels in the lungs of mice chronically exposed to HDM were increased compared to saline controls. 26263242
766Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesGrImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a decrease in the expression of Gr as compared to control mice.25652754
767Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl4ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Il4 as compared to control mice.25652754
768Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl5ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Il5 as compared to control mice.25652754
769Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesNfkbImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Nfkb as compared to control mice.25652754
770Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesTgfbImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Tgfb as compared to control mice.25652754
771Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesVegfImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Vegf as compared to control mice.25652754
772Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesVcam1ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Vcam1 as compared to control mice.25652754
773Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIcam1ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Icam1 as compared to control mice.25652754
774Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCcl11ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Eotaxin as compared to control mice.25652754
775Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCcl5ImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputOVA sensitization induced a increase in the expression of Rantes as compared to control mice.25652754
776Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesOpnImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputIncreased Opn expression was observed in the OVA group as compared to the control group.25652754
777Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputRelative level of Muc5ac protein in the lungs was elevated in HDM sensitized mice as compared to control mice.26376364
778Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEcpImmunohistochemistryOthers Low ThroughputThe expression of Ecp in peribronchial and perivascular areas was increased in OVA-sensitized and challenged mice as compared to OVA-sensitized and saline-challenged mice.26612496
779Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and nNos-/- C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateiNos Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputDecreased bronchial eosinophilic inflammation and mucus hypersecretion was noted in asthmatic mice lacking iNos, suggesting an important role of iNos in accelerating eosinophilic asthma pathophysiology.26685897
780Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and nNos-/- C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenatenNosHistology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputDecreased bronchial eosinophilic inflammation and mucus hypersecretion was noted in asthmatic mice lacking nNos, suggesting an important role of nNos in accelerating eosinophilic asthma pathophysiology.26685897
781AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA group had a significantly elevated Tgfb1 expression in lung tissues as compared with that of the control group.26542330
782AsthmaMouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Lung HomogenateScfWestern Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA group had a significantly elevated Scf protein and mRNA expression as compared with the control group.26542330
783Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung Tissues, Spleen CellsIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized mice as compared to the control group.26571438
784Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung Tissues, Spleen CellsIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized mice as compared to the control group.26571438
785Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung Tissues, Spleen CellsIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized mice as compared to the control group.26571438
786Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Spleen CellsSykImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation level of Syk from the asthma model was increased as compared to the control group.26571438
787Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Spleen CellsGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized mice as compared to the control group.26571438
788Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly elevated in OVA sensitized mice as compared to the control group.26571438
789Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorϒtImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Rorγt in the OVA sensitized asthma model group was significantly increased as compared to the control group.29931865
790AsthmaMouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTlr2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputProtein expression of Tlr2 in lung tissues of asthmatic mice was higher than that in the control group.26792699
791Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorαqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Rorα was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
792Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il5 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
793Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il13 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
794Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIrf4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Irf4 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
795Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPu.1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Pu.1 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
796Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMbp1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Mbp1 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
797Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ra2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il13ra2 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice. There was a significant positive correlation between serum IgE level and Il13ra.27109139
798Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5rαqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il5rα was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice. There was a significant positive correlation between serum IgE level and Il5rα.27109139
799Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFceRIαqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of FceRIα was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.27109139
800Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl9Flow Cytometry, Immunofluorescence Staining, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe percentage of IL-9+ IL-4− cells and expression levels of IL-9 mRNA were significantly increased in lung tissue samples from the asthmatic mice when compared with the control mice.27109139
801Neutrophilic Asthma (NA) (OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesP2x7rqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAcute allergic airway inflammation was associated with a strong upregulation of the P2x7r subtype in lung tissue.28626774
802Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung tissue Tgfb levels were higher in OVA treated mice (OVA-SAL group) than control (CTRL) group.28646903
803Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the OVA treated mice (OVA-SAL group), lung tissue level of pro-inflammatory mediator Il4 was higher than in control (CTRL) animals.28646903
804Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the OVA treated mice (OVA-SAL group), lung tissue level of pro-inflammatory mediator Il5 was higher than in control (CTRL) animals.28646903
805Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the OVA treated mice (OVA-SAL group), lung tissue level of pro-inflammatory mediator Il13 was higher than in control (CTRL) animals.28646903
806Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIn the OVA treated mice (OVA-SAL group), lung tissue level of pro-inflammatory mediator eotaxin was higher than in control (CTRL) animals.28646903
807Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue Sections, Airway Smooth Muscle Cells (ASMCs)Hb-EgfImmunohistochemistry, Migration Assay, Flow Cytometry, Actin Cytoskeleton Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHb-Egf intratracheal instillation accelerated ASM layer thickening in an OVA-induced asthmatic mouse. Hb-Egf induced ASM migration via p38 MAPK signalling. Hb-Egf mediate p38 kinase-dependent actin cytoskeleton remodeling in ASM. Hb-Egf induced smooth muscle progenitor cell migration from circulation to asthmatic lung might be another source for ASM remodeling in asthma.26826248
808Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevel of Il4 in lung tissue homogenates was greater in the OVA-SAL treated asthmatic mice than in the Control-SAL group.28425576
809Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLevel of Il13 in lung tissue homogenates was greater in the OVA-SAL treated asthmatic mice than in the Control-SAL group.28425576
810Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTgfbELISAOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputLevel of Tgfb in lung tissue homogenates was greater in the OVA-SAL treated asthmatic mice than in the Control-SAL group.28425576
811Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateVegfELISAOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputLevel of Vegf in lung tissue homogenates was greater in the OVA-SAL treated asthmatic mice than in the Control-SAL group.28425576
812Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Spleen, Lung, Lung TissuesGitrFlow Cytometry, Immunofluorescence Staining, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputFlow cytometry analysis demonstrated that the percentage of Gitr-positive cells in the spleen and lung tissue were significantly increased in asthmatic mice. Immunofluorescence staining indicated that increased Gitr-positive cells were present in inflammatory lung tissue. Gitr mRNA expression in lung tissues of asthmatic mice was found to be increased by 2-folds as compared with control mice. There was a significant, positive correlation between Gitr and ILC2-associated molecules or signature cytokines in asthmatic mice.28440511
813Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGitrlqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression level of Gitrl in the lung tissue of asthmatic mice was increased as compared with control mice.28440511
814Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorαqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmRNA expression levels of Rorα was significantly increased in the lung tissues of asthmatic mice compared with control mice.28440511
815Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIcosqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmRNA expression levels of Icos was significantly increased in the lung tissues of asthmatic mice compared with control mice.28440511
816Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSt2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmRNA expression levels of St2 was significantly increased in the lung tissues of asthmatic mice compared with control mice.28440511
817Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, SerumIl5qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levels of Il5 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28440511
818Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, SerumIl13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levels of Il13 was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28440511
819Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesmiR-20bELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputmiR-20b can induce accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the lungs of asthmatic mice, which may be a mechanism by which miR-20b inhibits airway inflammation in asthmatic mice. miR-20b may be used as a target for the effective treatment of asthma.28680329
820Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western Blotting, ImmunofluorescenceProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe levels of p-Nfkb-p65 was dramatically increased in OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice. Compared to the control groups, the OVA group showed a significant increase in the translocation of Nfkb to the nucleus in the lung tissue. 28843179
821Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp-IκBαWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of p-IκBα was dramatically increased in OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.28843179
822Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCasp3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCasp3 expression in lung tissues of OVA sensitized asthma model was significantly higher than that in control mice.28778746
823Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputVegf expression in lung tissues of OVA sensitized asthma model was significantly higher than that in control mice.28778746
824Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 expression in lung tissues of OVA sensitized asthma model was significantly higher than that in control mice.28778746
825Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfbImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression in lung tissues of OVA sensitized asthma model was significantly higher than that in control mice.28778746
826Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatePcnaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Pcna was significantly increased in OVA model as compared to sham model.28765821
827Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate4-HneWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA-model, the expression of 4-Hne was more increased as compared to those in sham model. This increased expression is more enhanced after ozone exposure. 28765821
828Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Il4 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
829Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Il5 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
830Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Il13 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
831Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesCcl11qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof eotaxin-1 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
832Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Il33 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
833Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesArg1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Arg1 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
834Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesArg2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Arg2 was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
835Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Il1b was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
836Asthma (Human lactoferrin induced asthma)Mouse (NC/Nga mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA expression levelof Muc5ac was significantly higher in the lactoferrin treated asthmatic group than in the saline control group.28774951
837Neutrophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung LysateS100a9Immunofluorescence, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputS100a9 level was increased gradually in neutrophilic asthma model upon OVA exposure as compared to sham mice.28847516
838Neutrophilic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesElaneImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputNeutrophil elastase expression was increased in neutrophilic asthma model upon OVA exposure as compared to sham mice.28847516
839Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA inhalation markedly increased α-Sma expression in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
840Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrf2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNrf2 level was significantly decreased in lung tissue of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
841Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNqo1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNqo1 level was significantly decreased in lung tissue of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28810543
842Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene expression level of Timp1 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Timp1 as compared to control mice.28810543
843Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene expression level of Mmp9 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Mmp9 as compared to control mice.28810543
844Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuestTgqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe gene and protein expression level of tTg in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. 28810543
845Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe gene and protein expression level of Tgfb1 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with the levels in the control mice. Chronic OVA challenge also induced a significant increase in the BALF level of Tgfb1 as compared to control mice.28810543
846Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfWestern Blotting, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression level of Vegf in lung tissues and BALF was markedly increased after OVA inhalation as compared with the levels in the control mice. 28810543
847Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHif-1αWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA challenged group showed increased Hif-1α expression as compared to the control group.28810543
848Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of Nfkb-p65 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with those in the control mice28810543
849Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuespIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of pIκBα in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with those in the control mice28810543
850Bronchial Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrem2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of Trem2 in lung tissues was markedly increased after OVA inhalation compared with those in the control mice28810543
851Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Supernatant from lymph node T-cellsIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in significant increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Il5 in the lung tissue compared to saline-challenged controls. The secretion of Il5 was substantially increased from lymph node T-cells from HDM-challenged WT mice compared to saline-challenged controls. 28862768
852Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Supernatant from lymph node T-cellsIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in significant increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Il13 in the lung tissue compared to saline-challenged controls. The secretion of Il13 was substantially increased from lymph node T-cells from HDM-challenged WT mice compared to saline-challenged controls. 28862768
853Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in significant increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Il33 in the lung tissue compared to saline-challenged controls. 28862768
854Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Supernatant from lymph node T-cellsTnfELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in significant increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Tnf in the lung tissue compared to saline-challenged controls. The secretion of Tnf was substantially increased from lymph node T-cells from HDM-challenged WT mice compared to saline-challenged controls. 28862768
855Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCxcl1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in significant increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokines Cxcl1 in the lung tissue compared to saline-challenged controls. 28862768
856Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunostaining OthersLow Throughputα-Sma level was increased in lung tissues of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28862768
857Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissues, Whole lungsFnImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in substantial (two-fold) increase in the protein levels of Fn around the small airways and in whole mouse lungs compared to saline-challenged controls.28862768
858Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissues, Whole lungsPostnImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in substantial (two-fold) increase in the protein levels of Postn around the small airways and in whole mouse lungs compared to saline-challenged controls.28862768
859Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT mice)Lung Tissues, Whole lungsTncImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM challenge of WT mice resulted in substantial (two-fold) increase in the protein levels of Tnc around the small airways, but was decreased in whole lungs as compared to saline-challenged controls.28862768
860Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J WT and Fbln1c–/– mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Supernatant from lymph node T-cellsFbln1c Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputFbln1c protein level was significantly increased in the lung tissue from 28 to 35 days of HDM-exposed WT mice compared to controls. Fbln1c plays a central role in the process of ECM deposition and inflammatory responses, and may be a novel therapeutic target for the inhibition of airway remodelling and inflammation in chronic asthma.28862768
861Severe AsthmaMouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung and Splenic CD4 T cellsMbd2Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHistological analyses of lungs from the severe group exhibited markedly enhanced cells with stained Mbd2 compared with the conventional group. Mbd2 expression in lungs and splenic CD4 T cells from the severe group were significantly increased compared with the conventional group and saline treated normal group.28808358
862Severe AsthmaMouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl17Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHistological analyses of lungs from the severe group exhibited markedly enhanced cells with stained IL-17. Western Blotting revealed increased expression of Il17 in severe and conventional asthma models as compared to saline treated normal control mice. 28808358
863Severe AsthmaMouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung and Splenic CD4 T cellsIrf4Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHistological analyses of the lungs from the severe and conventional asthma groups exhibited markedly enhanced cells with stained Irf4 compared with those of the saline group. Irf4 expression in the lungs and splenic CD4 T cells from the severe and conventional asthma groups were significantly increased compared with that of the saline group.28808358
864Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il4 was significantly increased in lung tissues and BALF of OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
865Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il13 was significantly increased in lung tissues and BALF of OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
866Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Cox2 was significantly increased in OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
867Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCox2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Vegf was significantly increased in OVA-vehicle treated group as compared to untreated control group.28949387
868Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues EgfrImmunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIntranasal OVA challenge significantly increased total Egfr protein expression as compared to control mice. A significant increase in phosphorylated Egfr was noted in OVA treated mice as compared to control. Src via Egfr transactivation and subsequent downstream activation of multiple pathways regulates the allergic airway inflammatory response.28855674
869Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues AktImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge induced a significant increase in the phosphorylation of Akt as compared to the PBS-control group.28855674
870Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues IκβImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge induced a significant increase in the phosphorylation of Iκβ as compared to the PBS-control group.28855674
871Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues Erk1/2ImmunofluorescenceOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge induced a significant increase in the phosphorylation of Erk1/2 as compared to the PBS-control group.28855674
872Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtELISAOthersLow ThroughputRorγt expression was increased in OVA treated mice as compared to the control group.28959849
873Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in OVA treated mice as compared to the control group.28959849
874Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to the control group.28959849
875Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17 expression was increased in OVA treated mice as compared to the control group.28959849
876Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression was decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to the control group.28959849
877Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (GFP-C5aR1 fl/fl mice and LysM-C5aR1 KO mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)C5aR1Cell Counting, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputC5aR1 is critical for steady state control of alveolar macrophage numbers and transition of neutrophils from the lung into the airways in OVA driven allergic asthma.28931049
878Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateHdac2Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHdac2 protein expression was markedly decreased in OVA-exposed asthmatic mice and cigerette exposed mice as compared to control group. However, there was no significant change in Hdac2 mRNA expression across the groups.28960099
879Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateAktImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylated Akt protein expression was markedly increased in OVA-exposed asthmatic mice and cigerette exposed mice as compared to control group. However, there was no significant change in Akt mRNA expression across the groups.28960099
880Chronic Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpImmunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly increased levels of Tslp was noted in the lung of the mice subjected to repeated allergen exposure, which was accompanied by increased number of fibrocytes in the sub-epithelial zone and the BAL fluid. Blocking Tslp markedly decreased the production of Tgfb1, reduced the number of fibrocytes and subsequently prevented alterations of both airway and vascular structures. Tslp might function in airway remodeling by promoting circulating fibrocyte recruitment to the lung in the mice subjected to chronic allergen exposure. 28972433
881Chronic Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunofluorescence StainingOthersLow Throughputα-Sma was increased suggesting an increase in thickness of vascular smooth muscles in HDM treated asthmatic mice, as compared to control group. 28972433
882Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group. Tslp/Dc/Ox40l pathway may contribute to asthma pathogenesis and airway inflammation by modulating level of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells and content of inflammatory cytokines. 29024606
883Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesOx40lqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputOx40l expression was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group. Tslp/Dc/Ox40l pathway may contribute to asthma pathogenesis and airway inflammation by modulating level of CD4+CD25+ Treg cells and content of inflammatory cytokines. 29024606
884Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly decreased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
885Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
886Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErk1/2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputErk1/2 and pErk expression was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
887Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNfkb expression was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
888Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow Throughputp38 and p-p38 was significantly increased in OVA sensitized asthmatic group as compared to the control group.29024606
889Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputDEP-OVA pups had higher levels of pulmonary transcripts for IL1b and increased concentration of Il1b in BALF as compared to control and other groups. Il1b transcripts were also increased in lungs of pregnant DEP exposed mothers. Pre-pregnancy exposure to Diesel Exhaust predisposes offsprings to Asthma through Il1b and Il17a.28943469
890Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il17aqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputDEP-OVA pups had higher levels of pulmonary transcripts for IL17a and increased concentration of Il17a in BALF as compared to control and other groups. Pre-pregnancy exposure to Diesel Exhaust predisposes offsprings to Asthma through Il1b and Il17a.28943469
891Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAhrqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDEP exposed mothers has significantly elevated transcript level of Ahr in lung tissues as compared to PBS exposed mother mice.28943469
892Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAhrrqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDEP exposed mothers has significantly elevated transcript level of Ahrr in lung tissues as compared to PBS exposed mother mice.28943469
893Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCyp1a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDEP exposed mothers has significantly elevated transcript level of Cyp1a1 in lung tissues as compared to PBS exposed mother mice.28943469
894Asthma (Diesel exhaust partices (DEP) and OVA induced asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCyp1a2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputDEP exposed mothers has significantly elevated transcript level of Cyp1a2 in lung tissues as compared to PBS exposed mother mice.28943469
895Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesATP5bMass Spectrometry, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputThe expression level of ATP5b was markedly increased in lung tissue samples of an asthma model compared with the tissue samples from normal lungs, which promoted Airway Smooth Muscle cell proliferation and contributed to airway remodeling.28901394
896Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKb40Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputKb40 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
897Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSh3bgrl3Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputSh3bgrl3 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
898Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTuba1bMass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputTuba1b was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
899Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesInmtMass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputInmt was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
900Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAnxa3Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputAnxa3 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
901Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSbp1Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputSbp1 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
902Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCbr2Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputCbr2 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
903Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAldh16a1Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputAldh16a1 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
904Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCct2Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputCct2 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
905Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMsnMass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputMsn was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
906Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLypla2Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputLypla2 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
907Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTpi1Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputTpi1 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
908Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGstm2Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputGstm2 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
909Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCap1Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputCap1 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
910Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGapdhMass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputGapdh was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
911Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTktMass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputTkt was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
912Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHsp27Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputHsp27 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
913Asthma (Derf1 induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHadh2Mass SpectrometryProteomicsHigh ThroughputHadh2 was overexpressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28901394
914Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKlf4Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputKlf4 expression was increased in lung tissues and airway epithelium upon OVA challenge in wild mice. Increased Klf4 was associated with increased goblet cell hyperplasia. Klf4 was found to regulate asthma development in a Tslp and fibrocyte dependent manner.28867182
915Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmRNA Tslp level was increased significantly in lung tissues upon OVA challenge in wild type mice.28867182
916Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6J mice)Lung Tissues, Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (Stimulated by IgE)Ncx1Western Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputNcx1 is down-regulated in the asthma-induced hypotension mice. mRNA and protein level of Ncx1 in Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells were significantly decreased upon IgE treatment. IgE Induces hypotension in asthmatic mice by down regulating vascular Ncx1 Expression via activation of miR-212-5p.28988887
917Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (CC10-rtTA/(tetO)7-cre-ATG5(f/f)(atg5(△/△)) mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesAtg5Cell Counting, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputAirway epithelium-localized Atg5 suppresses allergic airway inflammation, likely via modulation of necroptosis, while independent of autophagy and apoptosis.30423631
918Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPar2Cell Counting, Histology, Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputPar2 blockage inhibits the changes seen in chronic murine asthma model. Par2 activation plays an important role in cockroach extract (CE) induced airway hyperresponsiveness and can reverse the changes in airway physiology even after the initiation of inflammation.28940559
919Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of Il4 was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
920Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of Il5 was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
921Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1bCytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of Il1b was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
922Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of Il17 was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
923Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKcCytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of Kc was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
924Asthma (Cockroach extract (CE) induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11Cytokine Multiplex AssayOthersHigh ThroughputLung tissue levels of eotaxin was increased 24 hrs after the final Cockroach extract (CE) challenge compared to saline treated mice.28940559
925Asthma (OVA induced asthma and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)GqCell Counting, Histology, Airway resistance measurement, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputGq signalling plays a dominant role in the control of airway resistance. Targeteed inhibition of Gq signalling induces airway relaxation in mouse models of asthma.28904224
926Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenatep22-phoxImmunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHDM treated wild‐type mice possessed elevated p22phox expression, corresponded with elevated superoxide production. The induced AHR and mucus hypersecretion is result of an increased ROS from the p22phox dependent NADPH oxidase, which in turn activates Stat6 for the pathological feature of asthma. 28510479
927Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was elevated in HDM treated wild type mice as compared to control group.28510479
928Asthma (HDM induced asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was elevated in HDM treated wild type mice as compared to control group.28510479
929Asthma (asthma induced by different concentrations of OVA, HDM and LPS)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Blood Plasma, Lung TissuesIl17aELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAll four groups of asthmatic mice had a significantly higher concentration of Il17a in plasma and lung tissues than those in the control group. The highest expression was noted in the asthmatic mice group that received 100 µg HDM + 100 µg OVA + 15 µg LPS.28962133
930Asthma (asthma induced by different concentrations of OVA, HDM and LPS)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Blood Plasma, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputSignificantly elevated Il4 expression was observed in the stained lung sections from the four asthmatic groups as compared with that in the control group. However, there was no significant difference in plasma Il4 between the control and the four asthmatic groups.28962133
931Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, mRNA PCR arrayOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputThe BALF level of Il4 and mRNA level of Il4 in lung tissues were significantly higher in the asthma model group than in the control group.27106170
932Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-465a-5p miRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-465a-5p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
933Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-217-5pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-217-5p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
934Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-31-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-31-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
935Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesrno-miR-20a-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputrno-miR-20a-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
936Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-706miRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-706 was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
937Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-21a-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-21a-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice. There was a significant negative correlation between the Acvr2a and mmu-miR-21a-3p expression levels.27106170
938Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-17-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-17-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
939Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-99b-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-99b-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
940Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-9-5pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-9-5p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
941Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-let-7g-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-let-7g-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
942Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-184-3pmiRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-184-3p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
943Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-449c-5pmiRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-449c-5p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
944Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-135b-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-135b-5p was up regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
945Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-434-3p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-434-3p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
946Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-20b-3p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-20b-3p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
947Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-184-3p miRNA quantitative PCR arrayGenomicsHigh Throughputmmu-miR-184-3p was down regulated in asthma model + BM-MSCs as compared with asthma model.27106170
948Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-7a-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-7a-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
949Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-27a-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-27a-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
950Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-150-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-150-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
951Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-496a-3p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-496a-3p was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control mice.27106170
952Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-709 miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-709 was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
953Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-411-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-411-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
954Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-3107-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-3107-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
955Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesmmu-miR-764-5p miRNA quantitative PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low Throughputmmu-miR-764-5p was down regulated in asthma model as compared with control mice.27106170
956Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr2mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr2 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
957Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl10mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl10 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
958Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl33mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl33 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
959Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl17mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl17 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
960Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCsf2mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCsf2 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
961Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1r1mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl1r1 was upregulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
962Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr3mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr3 was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
963Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngmRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIfng was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
964Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12amRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12a was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
965Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAcvr2amRNA PCR array, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputAcvr2a was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group. There was a significant negative correlation between the Acvr2a and mmu-miR-21a-3p expression levels.27106170
966Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCma1mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCma1 was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
967Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPostnmRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPostn was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
968Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesB2mmRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputB2m was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
969Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbx21mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTbx21 was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
970Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHes1mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputHes1 was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
971Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk10mRNA PCR arrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk10 was down regulated in asthma model as compared to control group.27106170
972Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased expression of Caspase-1 was observed in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29160801
973Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased expression of Caspase-3 was observed in OVA treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29160801
974Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesTbetFlow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe percentages of T-bet+ cells (Th1 cells) in the OVA mice were markedly decreased as compared with the control mice. The transcription of Tbet in control and OVA mice showed no significant differences.29162668
975Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesGata3Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA mice showed higher percentages of Gata-3+ cells (Th2 cells) as compared to control mice. In OVA mice, markedly increased transcriptions of Gata-3 was observed as compared to control mice.29162668
976Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesRorϒtFlow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA mice showed higher percentages of RORγt+ cells (Th17 cells) as compared to control mice. In OVA mice, markedly increased transcriptions of RORγt was observed as compared to control mice.29162668
977Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe percentages of Foxp3+ cells (Treg cells) in the OVA mice were markedly decreased as compared with the control mice. The transcription of Foxp3 in control and OVA mice showed no significant differences.29162668
978Asthma (OVA Challenged Asthma, Induced by High-Dose Particulate Matter 2.5)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of T-bet protein in the OVA asthma group were significantly lower than those in the control group. The expression of T-bet was significantly reduced upon induction with high dose of particulate matter 2.5.29169411
979Asthma (OVA Challenged Asthma, Induced by High-Dose Particulate Matter 2.5)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Foxp3 protein in the OVA asthma group were significantly lower than those in the control group. The expression of Foxp3 was significantly decreased upon induction with high dose of particulate matter 2.5.29169411
980Asthma (OVA Challenged Asthma, Induced by High-Dose Particulate Matter 2.5)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorϒtWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Rorγt protein was significantly increased in the OVA asthma group as compared to the control group. The expression of Rorγt was significantly increased upon induction with high dose of particulate matter 2.5.29169411
981Asthma (Leishmania LACK induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cAnN mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4Multiplex Immunoassay SystemOthersHigh ThroughputLACK-challenged mice displayed significantly higher lung levels of Il4 as compared to saline-challenged mice.29176546
982Asthma (Leishmania LACK induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cAnN mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5Multiplex Immunoassay SystemOthersHigh ThroughputLACK-challenged mice displayed significantly higher lung levels of Il5 as compared to saline-challenged mice.29176546
983Asthma (Leishmania LACK induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cAnN mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13Multiplex Immunoassay SystemOthersHigh ThroughputLACK-challenged mice displayed significantly higher lung levels of Il13 as compared to saline-challenged mice.29176546
984Asthma (Leishmania LACK induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/cAnN mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10Multiplex Immunoassay SystemOthersHigh ThroughputLACK-challenged mice displayed significantly higher lung levels of Il10 as compared to saline-challenged mice.29176546
985Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCldn4qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputLung claudin-4 transcripts and proteins were increased in the OVA-sensitized/challenged mice compared to saline-treated mice.29178675
986Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputE-Cadherin was significantly decreased in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
987Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα–SmaImmunofluorescence StainingOthersLow Throughputα-Sma was significantly increased in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
988Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtenWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPten protein expression was significantly decreased in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
989Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp-Pi3kWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Pi3k protein expression was significantly increased in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
990Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp-AktWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Akt expression was significantly increased in OVA-sensitized/challenged mice as compared to the control mice.29207033
991Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Blood PlasmaArg1Western Blotting, qRT-PCR, Immunostaining, Histology, Milliplex AssayProteomics, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputArginase 1 deletion in myeloid cells affects the inflammatory response in allergic asthma, but not in lung mechanics.29183288
992Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type and Igf1r-deficient mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, SerumIgf1rqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIgf1r deficiency decreases airway inflammation and remodeling after HDM exposure. Igf1r is important in acute asthma pathobiology and resolution of HDM-induced inflammation.29272313
993Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
994Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCd4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCd4 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
995Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
996Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl10 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
997Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
998Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl11 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
999Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl2 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1000Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCxcl1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl1 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1001Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnf qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnf was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1002Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1003Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateActa2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputActa2 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1004Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMuc5ac qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1005Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCol1a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCol1a1 was up regulated in HDM treated mice as compared to healthy mice.29272313
1006Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp2qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Mmp2 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
1007Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Mmp9qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Mmp9 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
1008Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Timp1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAs compared with the normal group, the levels and expressions of Timp1 were increased significantly in the asthma model group.29271158
1009Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
1010Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl6 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
1011Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
1012Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29268192
1013Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCdh2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29268192
1014Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVimqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputVim was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29268192
1015Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCdh1 was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control group.29268192
1016Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkbWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA reduced the expression of Ikb in lung tissues as compared to control group. 29268192
1017Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA elevated the levels of p65 and p-p65 in lung tissues as compared to control group.29268192
1018Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA elevated the levels of Stat3 and p-Stat3 in lung tissues as compared to control group.29268192
1019Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il4 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
1020Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il5 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
1021Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes (Stimulated with OVA), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group. Il13 level was increased in OVA treated splenocyte culture supernatant.29386751
1022Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng was reduced in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.29386751
1023Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29386751
1024Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputiNos was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29386751
1025Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGob5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughputgob5 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29386751
1026Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5ac qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.29386751
1027Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 and IL-1β-deficient mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il1b was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice. Il1b has a role both in neutrophilic and Th2 inflammation at viral-induced asthma exacerbations.29361942
1028Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Cxcl1qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Cxcl1 was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice.29361942
1029Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Ccl5 was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice.29361942
1030Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il33 was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice.29361942
1031Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMuc5ac qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Muc5ac was induced at exacerbation in HDM induced Wild type mice.29361942
1032Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.30447649
1033Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was elevated in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.30447649
1034Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfbqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTgfb was reduced in OVA treated mice as compared to control group.30447649
1035Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (LysM, LysMFoxO1KO and LysMFoxO1Tg mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)FoxO1Cell Counting, Histology, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputFoxO1 regulates allergic asthmatic inflammation through regulating polarization of the macrophage inflammatory phenotype.27007158
1036Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 was increased in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to normal controls.29071866
1037Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 was increased in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to normal controls.29071866
1038Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSmad2 was increased in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to normal controls.29071866
1039Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSmad3 was increased in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to normal controls.29071866
1040Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad7qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSmad7 was decreased in lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to normal controls.29071866
1041Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Tgfb1 in the lung tissues were significantly higher in the asthma model as compared to normal group.29071965
1042Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Smad3 in the lung tissues were significantly higher in the asthma model as compared to normal group.29071965
1043Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Il1b mRNA and protein in lung tissues and BALF of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Il1b expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
1044Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNlrp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression levels of Nlrp3 mRNA in lung tissues of the obesity and asthma groups were increased as compared to healthy controls. In the obese asthma group, Nlrp3 mRNA expression was significantly increased compared with the asthma and obesity groups.29160418
1045Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngqRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1046Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12p40qRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl12p40 expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1047Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4qRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1048Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1049Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6qRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1050Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was up regulated by OVA treatment as compared to normal controls.29151835
1051Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesC5aELISAOthersLow ThroughputC5a levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. C5a levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
1052Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC5aRImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputC5aR levels appeared to be higher in the lung tissues of RSV-infected asthma mice compared with asthma mice. No expression was noted for control mice.29123203
1053Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il4 levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
1054Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Ifng levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
1055Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a levels appeared to be higher in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il17a levels in asthmatic mice was also higher than that in control mice.29123203
1056Asthma Exacerbation (OVA induced asthma, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) mediated exacerbations)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 levels appeared to be lower in RSV-infected asthma mice as compared with asthma mice and control mice. Il10 levels in asthmatic mice was also lower than that in control mice.29123203
1057Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice and IL22−/− mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl22ELISA, qRT-PCR, RNA SeqOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputIl22 induces Reg3γ production from lung epithelial cellsthrough Stat3 activation and inhibits the development of HDM induced allergic airway inflammation.28811323
1058Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 wild type mice and IL22−/− mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Lung TissuesReg3γELISA, qRT-PCR, RNA SeqOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputReg3γ inhibits HDM induced expression of Tslp and Il33 in the lung. Reg3γ inhibits the development of HDM induced allergic airway inflammation.28811323
1059Asthma (HDM induced asthma in Wsh+MC-WT and Wsh+MC-ST2KO)Mouse (Female mast cell-deficient C57BL/6-KitW-sh 82 (Wsh) mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il33Flow Cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputA protective role for IL-33/ST2-dependent mast cell responses was noted in the development of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in the peripheral lung that seems to be independent of cellular inflammation, but is associated with elevated PGE2 levels.29146574
1060Asthma (HDM induced asthma in Wsh+MC-WT and Wsh+MC-ST2KO)Mouse (Female mast cell-deficient C57BL/6-KitW-sh 82 (Wsh) mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)St2Flow Cytometry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputA protective role for IL-33/ST2-dependent mast cell responses was noted in the development of Airway Hyperresponsiveness in the peripheral lung that seems to be independent of cellular inflammation, but is associated with elevated PGE2 levels.29146574
1061Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp2Gelatin zymographyOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 activity in lung tissues was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. The Mmp2 activity was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
1062Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Gelatin zymographyOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 activity in lung tissues was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. The Mmp9 activity was further enhanced upon treatment with recombinant human viral (HBoV-VP1u and B19-VP1u) proteins.31086415
1063Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMcp1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMcp1 mRNA and protein expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
1064Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac mRNA and protein expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
1065Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPParγqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputPparγ mRNA and protein expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31073274
1066Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western Blotting, DNA-Binding Activity AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputPhosphorylation and DNA binding activity of Nfkb-p65 was increased in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.31073274
1067Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl18ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl18 expression was elevated in BALF and lung of TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31070765
1068Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Lung TissuesCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung level of Ccl11 was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.31070765
1069Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Lung TissuesCxcl1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung level of Cxcl1 was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.31070765
1070Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Lung TissuesCsf3ELISAOthersLow ThroughputLung level of Csf3 was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.31070765
1071Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Lung Tissues, Lung HomogenateCasp1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCasp1 expression and activity was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31070765
1072Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6)Lung Tissues, Lung HomogenateNlrp3Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNlrp3 expression was elevated in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy control mice.31070765
1073Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Splenocytes, Lung TissuesIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng level was decreased in BALF and increased in splenocytes of OVA treated mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
1074Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTarcqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTarc expression was increased in the lung of OVA-challenged mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
1075Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was increased in the lung of OVA-challenged mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
1076Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was increased in the lung of OVA-challenged mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
1077Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl17 expression was increased in the lung of OVA-challenged mice as compared to normal mice.31035047
1078Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Il13 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1079Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Tnfalpha in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1080Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesEpoBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputIn OVA-challenged mice, there was an increase in Epo activity in lung tissue extract as compared with control mice.31019244
1081Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesTcrα/βWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA-challenged mice, there was an increase in Tcrα/β expression in lung tissue extract as compared with control mice.31019244
1082Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Ccl11 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1083Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesCcl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Ccl24 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1084Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesCcl17ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Ccl17 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1085Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesCcl22ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Ccl22 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1086Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Il4 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1087Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe challenge with OVA increased Il5 in lungs as compared to mice challenged with saline.31019244
1088Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 mRNA expression was significantly reduced in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.31030098
1089Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorϒtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorϒt mRNA expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.31030098
1090Asthma (Cigarette smoke extract (CSE)-Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl23Immunohistochemistry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIncreased Il23 expression was observed in the lung epithelium of Dp and cigarette smoke extract-exposed mice as compared to control mice. Il23 plays a critical role in the development of asthma promoted by cigarette smoke.31020341
1091Asthma (Cigarette smoke extract (CSE)-Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Dp) induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl23rImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased Il23r expression was observed in the lung epithelium of Dp and cigarette smoke extract-exposed mice as compared to control mice.31020341
1092Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression levels were found to be upregulated in OVA induced asthma model as compared with the healthy control group.31015030
1093Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression levels were found to be upregulated in OVA induced asthma model as compared with the healthy control group.31015030
1094Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesAqp5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAqp5 expression levels were found to be upregulated in OVA induced asthma model as compared with the healthy control group.31015030
1095Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesAqp1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAqp1 expression levels were found to be downregulated in OVA induced asthma model as compared with the healthy control group.31015030
1096Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosWestern Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputiNos expression in lungs of OVA induced asthmatic mice was greater than in control mice.30991656
1097Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGreater phosphorylation of p65 was noted in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.30991656
1098Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesE‑cadWestern Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputE-cad expression was significantly lower in lungs of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29115563
1099Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVimWestern Blotting, qRT-PCRProteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputVim expression was significantly increased in lungs of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29115563
1100Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFsp1Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputFsp-1 expression was significantly increased in lungs of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29115563
1101Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesOrmdl3Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, Ormdl3 protein and mRNA expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice. Ormdl3 plays a role in regulating airway remodeling.29115563
1102Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of T‑bet in the OVA treatment group was significantly increased when compared with the control group.29115454
1103Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Gata3 in the OVA treatment group was significantly increased when compared with the control group.29115454
1104Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Ifng in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1105Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12p35ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il12p35 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1106Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12p40ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il12p40 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1107Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Tnfalpha in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1108Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il4 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1109Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il5 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1110Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il6 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1111Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenge increased the expression of Il13 in lungs as compared to that of control mice.29115454
1112Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.29158087
1113Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.29158087
1114Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly elevated in the asthma group as compared to the control group.29158087
1115Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesE‑CadImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of E-Cadherin in asthma group was decreased with disordered cell arrangement as compared to the control group.29158087
1116Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxm1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputFoxm1 was markedly increased in the asthma group as compared to the control group.29158087
1117Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFabp4Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputUpregulated ROS induced by Fabp4 was of significance in activating FoxM1 leading to airway inflammation and epithelial barrier dysfunction in asthma.29158087
1118Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
1119Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl17 expression was elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
1120Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
1121Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl1 expression was elevated in the OVA model as well as in the O3 exposed normal mice; they were further increased in the OVA- O3 model, as compared to control mice.29284473
1122Asthma (OVA -O3 asthma model)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateGsh-PxSpectrophotometry based assayOthersLow ThroughputThe Gsh-Px activity was significantly increased only upon O3 exposure and such increase was found to be synergistic in the O3-OVA model.29284473
1123Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputSod activity was significantly decreased in lungs of mice exposed to OVA alone as compared to control mice. In OVA plus SO2 group, Sod activity was significantly decreased.29288730
1124Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant increase in Il4 level when compared to the control group.29393209
1125Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant increase in Il13 level when compared to the control group.29393209
1126Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl12ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant decrease in Il12 level when compared to the control group.29393209
1127Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA-challenged group exhibited a significant decrease in Ifng level when compared to the control group.29393209
1128Asthma (OVA and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild type mice and ALCAM−/− OT-II mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesAlcamELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputAlcam levels were increased in BALF and serum and decreased in lung tissue by OVA treatment in Wild type mice. Inflammatory responses were lower in ALCAM-/- mice than in WT mice. Alcam contributes to OVA-induced allergic asthma by stimulating T-cell activation and proliferation,29394080
1129Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild type mice and ALCAM−/− OT-II mice)Lung TissuesAdam17Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputAdam17 expression was upregulated in the lung tissue of the OVA-treated group as compared to wild type control mice.29394080
1130Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesArg1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTriple allergen induced asthmatic mice had 9 fold increased Arg1 expression in lung tissues as compared to that in control mice.29417945
1131Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesYm1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTriple allergen induced asthmatic mice had 55 fold increased Ym1 expression in lung tissues as compared to that in control mice.29417945
1132Asthma (Triple Allergen induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFizz1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTriple allergen induced asthmatic mice had 65 fold increased Fizz1 expression in lung tissues as compared to that in control mice.29417945
1133Asthma (OVA and HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild type mice and Chit1−/− mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesChit1ELISA, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputThe level of Chit1 protein and mRNA were significantly increased in the BALF and lungs from allergen sensitized and challenged mice compared with controls. Chit1 plays a protective role in the pathogenesis of allergic inflammation and asthmatic airway responses via regulation of TGF-β expression and Foxp3+ Treg cells. 29420850
1134Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA model showed significantly increased levels of Il4 as compared to the control group.29498549
1135Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA model showed significantly increased levels of Il13 as compared to the control group.29498549
1136Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Serum, Lung TissuesCd93ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA model showed a significant decrease in Cd93 levels in lung homogenates, as compared to the control group. The sCd93 level in the serum was increased in the OVA model as compared to that of the control group. Immunohistochemistry revealed an increased Cd93 expression in the OVA model.29498549
1137Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma level was elevated significantly in lungs of OVA treated group as compared to control group.29512725
1138Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCollagen-I level was elevated significantly in lungs of OVA treated group as compared to control group.29512725
1139Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMlckqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMlck level was elevated significantly in lungs of OVA treated group as compared to control group.29512725
1140Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was increased in the OVA-challenged group as compared to the control group.30622029
1141Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIncreased the phosphorylation of p65 was observed in the lung tissue of the OVA-challenged group as compared to the control group.30622029
1142Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIrak-MqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSignificantly higher expression of Irak-M was noted in OVA challenged asthma model as compared to control group. Irak-M plays a complex role in the initiation and progression of experimental allergic asthma.30617222
1143Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 TIMP‐1 KO and WT mice)Serum, Lung TissuesTimp1ELISA, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTimp1 is involved in asthma pathogenesis. Timp Knockout mice had enhanced asthmatic phenotype as compared to wild type mice.28992358
1144Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 TIMP‐1 KO and WT mice)Serum, Lung TissuesGal3ELISA, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputA significant increase in Gal3 levels in OVA‐sensitized animals both in the WT OVA and TIMP‐1 KO OVA mice was observed as compared with the SHAM groups. Gal3 may regulate the IL-17 axis and play a pivotal role in the modulation of inflammation during experimental allergic asthma.28992358
1145Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)CrampqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCramp mRNA and protein level was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28978148
1146Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma was dramatically decreased in OVA + vehicle mice (Chronic model) compared with those in naive controls.30634869
1147Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCnn2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCalponin was dramatically decreased in OVA + vehicle mice (Chronic and Acute model) compared with those in naive controls.30634869
1148Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSm-MhcqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSM-MHC was dramatically decreased in OVA + vehicle mice (Chronic model) compared with those in naive controls.30634869
1149Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCol1a1 was significantly increased in OVA + vehicle mice (Chronic model) compared with those in naive controls.30634869
1150Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p65 was significantly increased in OVA + vehicle mice compared with those in naive controls.30634869
1151Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1152Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1153Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1154Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1155Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1156Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, CD45- cells, Fibroblasts, Airway Smooth Muscle Cells (ASMCs)Ccl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was increased significantly in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to the control mice.29319845
1157Obese Asthma Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesNfkbElectrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay (EMSA)OthersLow ThroughputIn the asthmatic animals, the transcriptional activity of Nfkb was upregulated in the pulmonary tissues as compared with the pulmonary tissues obtained from the control groups. Obese asthmatic mice had higher transcriptional activity of Nfkb as compared to non obese asthmatics.26677140
1158Obese Asthma Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesIkkbWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn the asthmatic animals, the Ikkb expression was upregulated in the pulmonary tissues as compared with the pulmonary tissues obtained from the control groups. Obese asthmatic mice had higher expression of Ikkb as compared to non obese asthmatics.26677140
1159Obese Asthma Mouse (Female C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn the asthmatic animals, the Ikba expression was significantly down regulated in the pulmonary tissues as compared with the pulmonary tissues obtained from the control groups. Obese asthmatic mice had more reduced expression of Ikba as compared to non obese asthmatics.26677140
1160AsthmaMouseSpleen, Lymph nodes, Lung TissuesIl2Immunohistochemistry, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputIL2 dependent allergen specific tissue-Resident Memory Cells Drive Asthma.26750312
1161Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLung Sod activity in asthmatic mice was significantly declined in comparison to normal control by approximately 3 folds.30286334
1162Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, SerumCatBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputAllergic asthma progression induced a significant decrease in lung catalase activity by about 2 folds as compared to normal control mice.30286334
1163Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCysltr1Immunohistochemistry, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputAfter allergen challenge, limited parts of the bronchial smooth muscle and epithelium were positive for Cyslt1 receptors. Proportion of Cysltr1 positive CD45+ cells increased significantly after allergen challenge.29628047
1164Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCysltr2Immunohistochemistry, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputMultiple antigen challenges induced infiltration of Cyslt2 receptor-expressing leukocytes (eosinophils and macrophage/dendritic cells) into the lung in sensitized BALB/c mice. CysLT2 receptor activation may be functionally involved in induction of allergic airway eosinophilia. Cyslt2 receptors can be a target for the development of new pharmacotherapies for asthma.29628047
1165Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLung Sod Activity was significantly decreased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
1166Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCatBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLung Cat Activity was significantly decreased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
1167Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMpoBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLung Mpo Activity was significantly increased in BALF and serum of asthmatic mice as compared to the normal control group.29568538
1168Asthma (Blomia tropicalis induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in asthmatic mouse as compared to healthy controls.29949837
1169Asthma (Blomia tropicalis induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 was significantly increased in asthmatic mouse as compared to healthy controls.29949837
1170Asthma (Blomia tropicalis induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesPtprcqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPtprc was significantly increased in asthmatic mouse as compared to healthy controls.29949837
1171Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was increased in HDM treated allergic mice as compared to non allergic control mice.29494515
1172Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl1 expression was increased in HDM treated allergic mice as compared to non allergic control mice.29494515
1173Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL6/J mice)Lung TissuesMunc18bWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMunc18b expression was significantly up regulated in an obese asthmatic mouse model compared with normal control. 29565501
1174Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL6/J mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly up regulated in an obese asthmatic mouse model compared with normal control. 29565501
1175Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTrpm8qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputCold air stimulus induced Trpm8 upregulation in the OVA+cold group. Cold air stimulus induced an airway inflammatory response and remodeling by increasing Trpm8 expression and downregulation of Trpm8 alleviated these responses.29635321
1176Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMmp2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Mmp2 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
1177Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMmp9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of Mmp9 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
1178Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Erk level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of p-Erk as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
1179Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Jnk level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of p-Jnk as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
1180Asthma (OVA induced asthma, followed by cold stimuli)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-65 level was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma group and OVA+Cold group as compared to control group. The OVA+cold group was had significantly higher level of p-65 as compared to the OVA treated group.29635321
1181Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCompared to Control group, the HDM-SAL group demonstrated increased α-Sma expression in lung tissues.29881388
1182Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesiNosImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCompared to Control group, the HDM-SAL group demonstrated increased iNos expression in lung tissues.29881388
1183Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCd163ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCompared to Control group, the HDM-SAL group demonstrated increased Cd163 expression in lung tissues.29881388
1184Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBipImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Bip expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1185Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChopImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Chop expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1186Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPerkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, p-Perk expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1187Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissueseIF2aWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, p-eIF2a expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1188Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Il25 expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1189Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBcl2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Bcl2 expression was significantly decreased compared to control animals.29784924
1190Asthma (Der f extract induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCasp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIn OVA sensitized asthma group, Casp3 expression was significantly increased compared to control animals.29784924
1191Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1192Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1193Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1194Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl25ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl25 level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1195Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1196Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCxcl1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCxcl1 level was increased in the lung tissue of OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1197Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung TissuesGata3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputProgressive increase in p-Gata3 was observed in OVA sensitized and challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1198Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (A/J mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputProgressive increase in p-p38 was observed in OVA sensitized and challenged mice as compared to control mice.29914889
1199Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male Swiss Albino mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMice challenged with OVA revealed a significant elevation in lung and BALF Il13 lеvеl when compared with normal group.29986831
1200Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesE-CadImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputA significant decrease in the expression of E-cadherin was observed in the epithelium of the OVA‑induced mice as compared to control mice.30015827
1201Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVimImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputA significant increase in the expression of vimentin was observed in the epithelium of the OVA‑induced mice as compared to control mice.30015827
1202Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression in lung tissues was significantly increased in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to normal mice.30537285
1203Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpqRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputTslp expression in lung tissues and BALF was significantly increased in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to normal mice.30537285
1204Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesE-CadImmunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputE-Cadherin expression in lung tissues was increased in HDM challenged asthmatic mice as compared to normal mice.30537285
1205Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl25ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl25 level was significantly increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.28979688
1206Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRunx3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNuclear Runx3 protein was abated in lung tissue in OVA-immunized and challenged mice as compared top control mice. Mislocalization of Runx3 protein is a molecular mechanism of allergic inflammation and airway hyper responsiveness in a murine asthma model.28962214
1207Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.29031615
1208Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.29031615
1209Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma was increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.29031615
1210Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTgfb1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 level was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.29031615
1211Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputpSmad2 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to healthy mice.29031615
1212Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA levels of Muc5ac was markedly induced in lung tissues following OVA administration. 29031615
1213Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtgfqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA levels of Ctgf was markedly induced in lung tissues following OVA administration. 29031615
1214Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 or C57BL/6 -Tg(GFP) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 level was significantly increased upon HDM challenge.29068567
1215Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 or C57BL/6 -Tg(GFP) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl24ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl24 level was significantly increased upon HDM challenge.29068567
1216Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 or C57BL/6 -Tg(GFP) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 level was significantly reduced 3 days after HDM challenge, but increased significantly 7days after HDM challenge.29068567
1217Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 or C57BL/6 -Tg(GFP) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb level was significantly reduced upon HDM challenge.29068567
1218Asthma (Aspergillus induced asthma)Mouse (Claudin-18 Knock out mice)Serum, Lung TissuesCldn18ELISA, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputClaudin-18 deficiency increased sensitization to aeroantigens and airway responsiveness in mice.27215490
1219Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputiNos was markedly higher in OVA induced asthmatic mice than those in the normal controls.29035815
1220Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCox2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCox2 was markedly higher in OVA induced asthmatic mice than those in the normal controls.29035815
1221Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Immunohistochemistry, Gelatin zymography, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression and activity was markedly higher in OVA induced asthmatic mice than those in the normal controls.29035815
1222Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl6 expression level was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29055943
1223Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSirt1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSirt1 expression was decreased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29055943
1224Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAktImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputphospho- Akt expression level was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29055943
1225Asthma (HDM induced asthma)Mouse (Wild type or Glrx1-/- mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, SplenocytesGlrx1ELISA, Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputGlrx1-PSSG axis plays a pivotal role in HDM-induced allergic airways disease in association with enhanced type 2 inflammation and restriction of IFNG and IL17A.27035878
1226Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl17qRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl17 expression was significantly increased in lungs and BALF of OVA treated mice as compared to healthy mice.27138176
1227Asthma (Pneumovirus species [PVM] and Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice or 4C13R mice)Lung TissuesIl33Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 is a potent suppressor of innate antiviral immunity and demonstrate that Il33 contributes significantly to the synergistic interplay between respiratory virus and allergen exposures in the onset and progression of asthma.27236500
1228Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMip1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputMip1b expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30186353
1229Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr4 expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control mice.30186353
1230Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNFkbWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe nuclear translocation of Nfkb was increased by OVA treatment.30186353
1231Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA stimulation induced greater phosphorylation of p38 as compared to control group.30186353
1232Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA stimulation induced greater phosphorylation of Erk as compared to control group.30186353
1233Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Lung TissuesRhoAImmunofluorescence Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputLung tissues from asthmatic mice showed increased expression of active RhoA when compared with those from control mice.30194990
1234Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Lung TissuesCol1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCol1 expression was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
1235Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunofluorescence Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly increased in CRE challenged asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30194990
1236Asthma (Cockroach Extract (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse Lung TissuesVimImmunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputCRE treated mice showed increased expression of vimentin as compared to control mice.30194990
1237Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25ELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputIl25 level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
1238Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
1239Asthma (Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTslpELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputTslp level in BALF and lung tissues was increased in Benzo(a)pyrene exposed Derf1 induced asthma as compared to control mice and Derf1 induced asthmatic mice.30982974
1240Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPomcqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputPomc was expressed in microdissected airways and the expression was significantly higher in tissues of animals with experimental allergic asthma as compared to control animals.30980429
1241Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl33 level in lung homogenates was markedly increased in HDM mice compared to control mice. Il33-positive cells in the lungs were identified using immunohistochemistry and were increased in areas surrounding bronchi and vasculature. Il33 levels were increased in mononuclear cells derived from lungs of HDM mice compared to controls. 27310495
1242Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLy6cFlow Cytometry, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputThe expression of Ly6c in mononuclear cells was significantly higher in HDM mice than in controls. Ly6c-positive lung mononuclear cells could be a source of Il33.27310495
1243Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA + PM2.5 significantly increased Il4 in mice compared with the control, OVA-only and 281 PM2.5-only groups. 30969813
1244Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputOVA-only, PM2.5-only and PM2.5 + OVA significantly reduced the level of Ifng in mice compared to the control group. Maximum decrease in Ifng expression was noted in OVA + PM2.5 group.30969813
1245Asthma (OVA + Particulate matter PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Spleen tissues, Thymus TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 mRNA in the OVA, PM2.5 and PM2.5+OVA groups were significantly higher than that in the control group.30969813
1246Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Arg2-deficient mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Arg2Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Flow Cytometry, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputArg2 deficient mice had lower mitochondrial membrane potential and greater HIF-2α than Wild Type animals. In an allergen-induced asthma model, mice lacking Arg2 had greater Th2 inflammation than Wild Type mice, as indicated by higher levels of pSTAT6, IL-13, IL-17, eotaxin, and eosinophils and more mucus metaplasia. Increased mitochondrial arginine metabolism supports bioenergetics in asthma. 27214549
1247Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputiNos expression was significantly enhanced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
1248Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPcnaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputPcna expression was significantly enhanced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
1249Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly enhanced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30798140
1250Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and NPY-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue Homogenate, Spleen TissuesNpyELISA, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputNpy plays a vital role in the development of Type 2 responses and allergen induced airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation. Npy represents a novel therapeutic target to control allergic airway responses.30604629
1251Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased Il4 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
1252Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased Il13 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
1253Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputEotaxin-1 expression in BALF and lung tissues were increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased eotaxin-1 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
1254Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Alveolar Macrophages (AM), Interstitial Macrophages (IM), Lung TissuesYm1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputYm1 expression in AM, IM and lung tissues were significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 (particulate matter) further increased Ym1 expression in asthmatic mice.30596560
1255Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1256Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1257Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1258Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl1bELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1259Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1260Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 expression was increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1261Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1262Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1 qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCol1a1 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1263Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputphospho Nfkb-p65 expression was increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1264Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1265Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVimWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputVim expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1266Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfbqRT-PCR, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1267Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCasp1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCasp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1268Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAscqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAsc expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30964965
1269Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMarcksWestern Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputSignificant elevation of Marcks phosphorylation in the lungs of murine model of steroid‐resistant asthma was noted as compared to control mice.30706455
1270Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30706455
1271Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30706455
1272Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30706455
1273Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC5aWestern Blotting, Cytokine/Chemokine ArrayProteomics, OthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputC5a expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30706455
1274Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma as compared to control mice.30706455
1275Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDuox1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputDuox1 expression was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced steroid resistant asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30706455
1276Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDuox2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputDuox2 expression was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced steroid resistant asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30706455
1277Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputiNos expression was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced steroid resistant asthmatic mice as compared to control group.30706455
1278Steroid Resistant Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPkcWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputSignificant increase in phosphorylation of Pkc was noted in steroid resistant asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30706455
1279Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCgrpELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCgrp expression was increased in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to ozone further enhanced Cgrp expression.30708321
1280Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was increased in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to ozone further enhanced Tslp expression.30708321
1281Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by ozone exposure)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpv1ELISA, Immunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputTrpv1 was increased significantly in ozone exposed mice and ozone + OVA treated mice as compared to control group. No significant increase in Trpv1 expression was noted in OVA treated mice.30708321
1282Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateVegfqRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputVegf was significantly elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30711489
1283Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateVegfrqRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputVegfr was significantly elevated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30711489
1284Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateSema3EqRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputSemaphorin 3E inhibits House Dust Mite Induced angiogenesis in a Mouse Model of Allergic Asthma.30711489
1285Asthma (OVA + PM 2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly decreased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to PM 2.5 further decreased Il17 level expression in OVA treated mice.30713661
1286Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpa1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrpa1 mRNA and protein expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further enhanced Trpa1 expression.30716586
1287Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpv1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrpv1 mRNA and protein expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further enhanced Trpv1 expression.30716586
1288Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, followed by trimellitic anhydride (TMA))Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpv2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrpv2 mRNA and protein expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to trimellitic anhydride (TMA) further enhanced Trpv2 expression.30716586
1289Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.30680697
1290Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesVegfImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.30680697
1291Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 expression was significantly increased in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.30680697
1292Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTnfalphaELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
1293Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl17 level was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice. 30952512
1294Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30952512
1295Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30952512
1296Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30952512
1297Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to the control group.30952512
1298Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (ICR mice)Serum, Lung TIssuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30802215
1299Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (ICR mice)Lung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30802215
1300Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (ICR mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30802215
1301Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (ICR mice)Lung TissuesIl9qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl9 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30802215
1302Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMcp1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMcp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1303Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKen5Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputKen5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1304Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp65 phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1305Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkbWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIkb phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1306Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp38 phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1307Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputJnk phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1308Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputErk phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1309Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHo-1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputHo-1 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30816433
1310Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCasp3 was up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30891181
1311Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBcl2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputBcl2 was down regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30891181
1312Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBaxWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputBax was up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30891181
1313Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCyt-cWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCyt-c was up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30891181
1314Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesApaf1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputApaf1 was up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30891181
1315Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemTorWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of mTor was significantly increased in asthmatic rats as compared to control rats.30873032
1316Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateAktWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Akt was significantly decreased in asthmatic rats as compared to control rats.30873032
1317Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateS6RWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of S6rp was significantly increased in asthmatic rats as compared to control rats.30873032
1318Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenatep70S6KWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of p70S6K was significantly increased in asthmatic rats as compared to control rats.30873032
1319Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate4E-BP1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of 4E-BP1 was significantly increased in asthmatic rats as compared to control rats.30873032
1320Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesP2X7ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputP2 X 7 Receptor expression was significantly increased in peribronchial leukocytes and epithelial cells of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30888047
1321Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30888047
1322Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Mediastinal Lymph Node, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30888047
1323Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesA2arqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputA2ar expression was significantly reduced in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27216911
1324Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression was significantly reduced in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27216911
1325Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly increased in OVA treated mice as compared to control mice.27216911
1326Asthma (OVA + Chitin Induced Asthma)Mouse (Il33-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl33ELISA, Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputAfter ovalbumin (OVA) challenge, development of airway inflammation was profoundly exacerbated in mice sensitized with OVA in the presence of chitin. The exacerbation was dependent on Il33. Chitin enhanced Il33 dependent Il1b production by dendritic cells. 30082755
1327Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac1Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac1 was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1328Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac5Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac5 was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1329Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac6Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac6 was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1330Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac8Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac8 was significantly elevated in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1331Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac2Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac2 was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1332Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac3Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac3 was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1333Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHdac4Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Hdac Colorimetric Assay, Hdac Fluorometric AssayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe expression and activity of Hdac4 was significantly reduced in OVA treated asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice.30045003
1334Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLrgELISA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBALF Lrg levels in asthma model mice were significantly higher than in control mice. Immunohistochemistry of lung sections from asthma model mice revealed that Lrg was intensely expressed in a subpopulation of bronchial epithelial cells.27611322
1335Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
1336Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
1337Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30823378
1338Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl24qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl24 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatics as compared to control group.30823378
1339Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatics as compared to control group.30823378
1340Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLoxl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputLoxl2 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatics as compared to control group.30823378
1341Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of Nfkb1 in mice in the asthma group were induced after OVA stimulation, as compared to control mice. 30828084
1342Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPkcδWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe levels of Pkcδ in mice in the asthma group were induced after OVA stimulation, as compared to control mice. 30828084
1343Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbELISAOthersLow ThroughputNfkb activity was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
1344Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrf2Trans AM Nrf2 Assay KitOthersLow ThroughputNrf2 activity was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
1345Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputSod activity was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
1346Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateHo-1Biochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputHo-1 activity was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
1347Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGpxBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputGpx activity was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30834081
1348Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpa1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrpa1 mRNA and protein expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control group.30836174
1349Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpv1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrpv1 mRNA and protein expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control group.30836174
1350Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBecn1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Beclin1 in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1351Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Muc5ac in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1352Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAtf6Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Atf6 in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1353Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesChopWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Chop in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1354Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBipWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Bip in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1355Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesLc3II/IWestern Blotting, ImmunofluorescenceProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with PBS group, the expression of Lc3II/I in lung tissues in the OVA group was significantly increased.30845395
1356Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)LepqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputLep expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30848574
1357Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)AdipoqqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputAdipoq expression was significantly lowered in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30848574
1358Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung TissuesStat3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice and asthmatic obese mice as compared to control mice.30848574
1359Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57/B6J mice)Lung TissuesStat6qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice and asthmatic obese mice as compared to control mice.30848574
1360Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-Sma ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
1361Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateSmad2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputSmad2 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
1362Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateSmad3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputSmad3 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30852246
1363Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased expression of Tgfb1 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1364Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased phosphorylation of Smad2 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1365Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased phosphorylation of Smad3 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1366Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased expression of Smad4 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1367Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad7Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced decreased expression of Smad7 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1368Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErk1/2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased phosphorylation of Erk1/2 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1369Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputOVA administration in the asthma group significantly induced increased phosphorylation of p38 as compared to sham and blank group.30651790
1370Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1371Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMmp2Gelatin zymographyOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 activity was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1372Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMmp9Gelatin zymographyOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 activity was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1373Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmTorWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of mTor was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1374Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Erk was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1375Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAktWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Akt was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1376Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTimpWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTimp1 expression was significantly reduced in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30022363
1377Asthma (HDM and Alternaria alternata Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Whole Lung HomogenateVcam1Immunofluorescent Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputEnhanced Vcam1 expression in the lungs was observed upon allergen (HDM, Alternaria alternata) induction in asthmatic wild type mice as compared to control mice. 29900561
1378Asthma (HDM and Alternaria alternata Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild Type and RAGE knockout mice)Lung Tissues, Whole Lung HomogenateRageImmunofluorescent Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRage dependent Vcam1 expression in the lung endothelium mediates allergic airway inflammation.29900561
1379Asthma (Der f2 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly elevated in Der f2 induced asthma model as compared to the control group.29717122
1380Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased α-Sma expression. Maximum α-Sma expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1381Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTpsab1 ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMast cell tryptase expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased mast cell tryptase expression. Maximum mast cell tryptase expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1382Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Tslp expression. Maximum Tslp expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1383Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Il6 expression. Maximum Il6 expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1384Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17afELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17af expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased Il17af expression. Maximum Il17af expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1385Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, exposure to formaldehyde (FA) and diisononyl phthalate (DINP))Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38 MapkImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputp38 Mapk expression and phosphorylation (Y182) was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Exposure to DINP and FA further increased phospho p38 Mapk expression. Maximum phospho p38 Mapk expression was noted in OVA induced mice exposed to both FA and DINP.29758289
1386Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputNfkb expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29671652
1387Chronic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29676068
1388Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateCtgfImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCtgf expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30464333
1389Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateTgfbImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30464333
1390Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTslpWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30464333
1391Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCxcl16ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCxcl16 expression was significantly increased in lung tissue homogenate from OVA induced asthma mice as compared to control mice. Cxcl16 exhibits a direct chemoattractant effect and leads to accumulation of Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells in allergic asthma.30467418
1392Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Erk was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice.30466625
1393Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of Jnk was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice.30466625
1394Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputPhosphorylation of p38 was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice.30466625
1395Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCox2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Cox2 was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice.30466625
1396Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLox5Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Lox5 was significantly increased in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice.30466625
1397Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIncreased expression and activation of Nfkb-p65 was noted in lung tissues of OVA induced asthma as compared to that in control mice. There was a significant increase in nuclear fraction of Nfkb-p65 and significant decrease in cytoplasmic fraction of Nfkb-p65 in lung tissues of OVA challenged mice as compared to control mice.30466625
1398Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Lyn Transgenic C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesLynImmunohistochemistry, ELISA, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputLyn kinase is involved in mucus hypersecretion in asthma and can serve as an important therapeutic candidate for asthma.28024734
1399Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Rgs2-/- C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesRgs2Cell Counting, Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex Array, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputRgs2 exerts a protective role in HDM induced Airway Inflammation in asthmatic mice.28107494
1400Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1401Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl5 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1402Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl17 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1403Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl6 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1404Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLifCytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputLif release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1405Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCsf3Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCsf3 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1406Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl1Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl1 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1407Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl10Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl10 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1408Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCxcl11Cytokine/Chemokine Multiplex Luminbex ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputCxcl11 release was increased in BALF of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28107494
1409Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe asthma group had significantly higher mRNA expression of Tlr4 in lung tissues than the control group. The Hmgb1/Tlr4/Nfkb signaling pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma. 28100331
1410Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbImmunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe asthma group had significantly higher mRNA expression of Nfkb in lung tissues than the control group. The Hmgb1/Tlr4/Nfkb signaling pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma. 28100331
1411Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHmgb1Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe asthma group had significantly higher mRNA expression of Hmgb1 in lung tissues than the control group. The Hmgb1/Tlr4/Nfkb signaling pathway plays an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma. 28100331
1412Neutrophilic Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Syk flox/flox mice)Lung TissuesSykHistology, Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS), qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputSyk regulates neutrophilic airway hyperresponsiveness in a chronic mouse model of allergic airways inflammation.28107345
1413Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmTorImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-mTOR expression in lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28100332
1414Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues4Ebp1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-4Ebp1 expression in lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28100332
1415Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Sema3e-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Mediastinal Lymph NodesSema3EELISA, Histology, Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)OthersLow ThroughputSemaphorin 3E deficiency exacerbates airway hyperresponsiveness and remodeling in a mouse model of Allergic Asthma. Sema3E acts as a novel regulatory molecule in allergic asthma that acts upstream of proallergic events.28108561
1416Asthma (Der p2 Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesStat6 Western Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in Der p2 induced asthma group as compared to PBS treated control group.30133227
1417Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIcam1Western Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputIcam1 expression was significantly elevated in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.29945446
1418Asthma (OVA and Cigarette Smoke (CS) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesF4/80ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputF4/80 expression was elevated in OVA exposed lung tissues and Cigarette Smoke exposed lung tissues as compared to that in the control group.29945446
1419Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd68ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCd68 expression was elevated in OVA exposed lung tissues as compared to that in the control group.29945446
1420Asthma (OVA and Cigarette Smoke (CS) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11Western Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA inhalation or Cigarette Smoke exposure increased the lung tissue levels of eotaxin 1 as compared to healthy controls.29945446
1421Asthma (OVA and Cigarette Smoke (CS) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acWestern Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA inhalation or Cigarette Smoke exposure increased the lung tissue levels of Muc5ac as compared to healthy controls.29945446
1422Asthma (OVA and Cigarette Smoke (CS) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4raWestern Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA inhalation or Cigarette Smoke exposure increased the lung tissue levels of Il4rα as compared to healthy controls.29945446
1423Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6Western Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 expression and phosphorylation was significantly elevated in OVA challenged asthma mice as compared to control group.29945446
1424Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPar2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA inhalation evoked the PAR-2 induction in small airways of mice as compared to that in the control group.29945446
1425Asthma (Cigarette Smoke (CS) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd11bImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCd11b expression was elevated in Cigarette Smoke exposed lung tissues as compared to that in the control group.29945446
1426Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr9ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIn the lung, Tlr9 was significantly increased by OVA challenge in asthma mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1427Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesApoa1RNA SequencingGenomicsLow ThroughputApoa1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1428Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBard1RNA SequencingGenomicsLow ThroughputBard1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1429Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBcl11bRNA SequencingGenomicsLow ThroughputBcl11b was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1430Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBrca1RNA SequencingGenomicsLow ThroughputBrca1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1431Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBrca2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBrca2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1432Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBtlaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBtla was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1433Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCacna1eRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCacna1e was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1434Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCard11RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCard11 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1435Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCasp3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCasp3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1436Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCbfbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCbfb was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1437Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCblRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCbl was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1438Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1439Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl22RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl22 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1440Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcna2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcna2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1441Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd160RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd160 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1442Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1443Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd27RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd27 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1444Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd28RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd28 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1445Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd3eRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd3e was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1446Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1447Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd40lgRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd40lg was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1448Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd5lRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd5l was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1449Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd7RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd7 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1450Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd83RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd83 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1451Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd8aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd8a was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1452Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd96RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd96 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1453Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChrna9RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputChrna9 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1454Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCmtm7RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCmtm7 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1455Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCntfRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCntf was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1456Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCreb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCreb1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1457Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl13RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcl13 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1458Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcl3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1459Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcr4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcr4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1460Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDap3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDap3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1461Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDnmt1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDnmt1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1462Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDock2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDock2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1463Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDscamRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDscam was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1464Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEfnb3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEfnb3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1465Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEgr1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEgr1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1466Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesElaneRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputElane was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1467Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesElf1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputElf1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1468Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesElf4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputElf4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1469Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEts2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEts2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1470Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFermt3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFermt3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1471Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgd3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFgd3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1472Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxm1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFoxm1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1473Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFybRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFyb was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1474Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGata3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1475Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGfi1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGfi1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1476Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGpa33RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGpa33 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1477Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHes5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHes5 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1478Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHmgb2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHmgb2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1479Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHrh3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHrh3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1480Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIfng was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1481Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkzf1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIkzf1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1482Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl10RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl10 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1483Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12bRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12b was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1484Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12rb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12rb1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1485Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12rb2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12rb2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1486Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1487Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl16RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl16 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1488Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl20rbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl20rb was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1489Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl22ra2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl22ra2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1490Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl23rRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl23r was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1491Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl27raRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl27ra was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1492Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl2raRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl2ra was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1493Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl2rgRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl2rg was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1494Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1495Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItgalRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgal was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1496Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJarid2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputJarid2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1497Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKcnn4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKcnn4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1498Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKpna2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKpna2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1499Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLckRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLck was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1500Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLef1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLef1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1501Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLtaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLta was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1502Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLtbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLtb was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1503Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLy75RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLy75 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1504Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLy9RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLy9 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1505Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLystRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLyst was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1506Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMed14RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMed14 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1507Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMycRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMyc was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1508Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNeflRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNefl was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1509Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfatc3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNfatc3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1510Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPatz1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPatz1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1511Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPou2f2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPou2f2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1512Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrex1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrex1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1513Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrkcqRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrkcq was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1514Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtk2bRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtk2b was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1515Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtprcRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtprc was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1516Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPycardRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPycard was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1517Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorcRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRorc was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1518Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRpa2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRpa2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1519Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRpgrip1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRpgrip1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1520Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRps6ka5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRps6ka5 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1521Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRunx3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRunx3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1522Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSatb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSatb1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1523Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSh2d1aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSh2d1a was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1524Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSla2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSla2 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1525Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmarca4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSmarca4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1526Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSocs1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSocs1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1527Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSpibRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSpib was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1528Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat4 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1529Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat5aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat5a was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1530Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStmn1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputStmn1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1531Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSyt1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSyt1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1532Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTacc3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTacc3 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1533Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesThy1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputThy1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1534Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1535Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnf was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1536Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfrsf13bRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfrsf13b was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1537Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfrsf13cRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfrsf13c was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1538Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfrsf8RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfrsf8 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1539Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVav1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputVav1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1540Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWasRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputWas was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1541Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesXcl1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputXcl1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1542Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAbi3bpRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAbi3bp was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1543Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAcvr1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAcvr1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1544Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAcvr2aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAcvr2a was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1545Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdamts2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAdamts2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1546Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAgerRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAger was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1547Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAmphRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAmph was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1548Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAngpt1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAngpt1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1549Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesApbb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputApbb1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1550Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesApoc1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputApoc1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1551Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArap3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputArap3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1552Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAregRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputAreg was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1553Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArhgef19RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputArhgef19 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1554Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArrb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputArrb1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1555Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmp1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmp1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1556Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmperRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmper was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1557Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmpr1aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmpr1a was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1558Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmpr1bRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmpr1b was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1559Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmpr2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmpr2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1560Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBmxRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputBmx was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1561Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC1qtnf5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputC1qtnf5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1562Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC1qtnf7RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputC1qtnf7 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1563Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC1rlRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputC1rl was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1564Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputC2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1565Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesC6RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputC6 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1566Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCadm1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCadm1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1567Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCav1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCav1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1568Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcnd1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcnd1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1569Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCd55RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCd55 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1570Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCdh1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1571Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCebpaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCebpa was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1572Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCebpbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCebpb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1573Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCfhRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCfh was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1574Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChrnb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputChrnb1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1575Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCnr1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCnr1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1576Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCntfrRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCntfr was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1577Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCntn4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCntn4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1578Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol4a2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol4a2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1579Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol4a3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol4a3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1580Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol4a4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol4a4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1581Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol4a5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol4a5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1582Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol4a6RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol4a6 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1583Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol5a1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol5a1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1584Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol8a2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCol8a2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1585Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxadrRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxadr was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1586Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcr1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcr1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1587Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCyr61RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputCyr61 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1588Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDag1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDag1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1589Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDcbld2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDcbld2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1590Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDdr2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDdr2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1591Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDlc1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDlc1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1592Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDmdRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDmd was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1593Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDusp1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputDusp1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1594Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEcm2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEcm2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1595Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEda2rRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEda2r was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1596Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEdnraRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEdnra was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1597Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEfnb2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEfnb2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1598Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEgflamRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEgflam was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1599Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEgfrRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEgfr was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1600Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesElf3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputElf3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1601Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEmbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEmb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1602Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEpas1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEpas1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1603Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEpha1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEpha1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1604Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEpha2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEpha2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1605Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErbb2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputErbb2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1606Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEsrrgRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputEsrrg was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1607Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesF11rRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputF11r was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1608Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFarp1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFarp1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1609Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFga was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1610Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgf10RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFgf10 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1611Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgf7RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFgf7 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1612Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgfr4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFgfr4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1613Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFndc1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputFndc1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1614Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata6RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGata6 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1615Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGhrRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGhr was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1616Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGrb10RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGrb10 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1617Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGrb14RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGrb14 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1618Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGsnRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputGsn was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1619Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHapln3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHapln3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1620Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHbegfRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHbegf was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1621Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHes1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHes1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1622Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHgfRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHgf was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1623Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHoxa5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHoxa5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1624Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHoxb3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHoxb3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1625Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHspg2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHspg2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1626Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHtr1bRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputHtr1b was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1627Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIcam1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIcam1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1628Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIgfbp2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIgfbp2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1629Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIgfbp5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIgfbp5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1630Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ra1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl13ra1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1631Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl18RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl18 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1632Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl18r1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl18r1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1633Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl22ra1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl22ra1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1634Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIrak2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIrak2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1635Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIrs1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIrs1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1636Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIrx5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputIrx5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1637Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItga1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputItga1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1638Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItga2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputItga2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1639Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItgb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1640Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItsn1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputItsn1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1641Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJag1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputJag1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1642Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJunRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputJun was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1643Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKdrRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKdr was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1644Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKiss1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKiss1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1645Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKlk14RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKlk14 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1646Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKlkb1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputKlkb1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1647Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLama4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLama4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1648Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLbpRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLbp was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1649Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLrp2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLrp2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1650Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLrrn4clRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLrrn4cl was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1651Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLtbp2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputLtbp2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1652Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk15RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk15 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1653Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMeox2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMeox2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1654Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp11RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMmp11 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1655Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp15RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMmp15 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1656Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMogRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMog was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1657Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMpzl1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputMpzl1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1658Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNedd4lRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNedd4l was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1659Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNesRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNes was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1660Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNphp1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNphp1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1661Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNr1i2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNr1i2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1662Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNr1i3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNr1i3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1663Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNr2f2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNr2f2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1664Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNr3c2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNr3c2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1665Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrcamRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNrcam was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1666Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrp1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNrp1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1667Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNumblRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputNumbl was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1668Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPark2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPark2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1669Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPbx1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPbx1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1670Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPcdh12RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPcdh12 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1671Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPdgfaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPdgfa was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1672Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPdgfbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPdgfb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1673Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPdgfraRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPdgfra was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1674Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPdgfrbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPdgfrb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1675Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPilraRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPilra was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1676Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPla2g4aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPla2g4a was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1677Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPlce1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPlce1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1678Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPparaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPpara was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1679Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPpbpRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPpbp was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1680Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrex2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrex2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1681Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrkceRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrkce was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1682Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrkciRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrkci was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1683Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtk2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtk2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1684Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtprdRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtprd was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1685Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtprmRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtprm was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1686Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPtpruRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputPtpru was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1687Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRab11fip1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRab11fip1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1688Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRarbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRarb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1689Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRargRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRarg was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1690Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesReckRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputReck was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1691Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRobo2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRobo2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1692Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRobo4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRobo4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1693Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRor2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRor2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1694Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRos1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRos1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1695Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRph3alRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputRph3al was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1696Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesScgb1a1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputScgb1a1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1697Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesScube1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputScube1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1698Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSdc1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSdc1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1699Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSlit2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSlit2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1700Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSmad7RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSmad7 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1701Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSox17RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSox17 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1702Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSox18RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSox18 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1703Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSpock2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSpock2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1704Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSytl4RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputSytl4 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1705Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbx2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTbx2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1706Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbx3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTbx3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1707Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTcf15RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTcf15 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1708Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTfpiRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTfpi was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1709Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1i1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTgfb1i1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1710Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTgfb2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1711Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesThbdRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputThbd was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1712Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTimp2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTimp2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1713Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTjp2RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTjp2 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1714Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr5RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr5 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1715Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfsf10RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfsf10 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1716Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfsf12RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfsf12 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1717Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnnRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnn was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1718Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTns3RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTns3 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1719Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnxbRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnxb was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1720Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrim16RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTrim16 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1721Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrip10RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTrip10 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1722Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTspan12RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputTspan12 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1723Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfaRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputVegfa was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1724Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWnt5aRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputWnt5a was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30415587
1725Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWwc1RNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputWwc1 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1726Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesZanRNA SequencingGenomicsHigh ThroughputZan was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415587
1727Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and eNos-/- C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Tissue HomogenateeNosHistology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputDecreased bronchial eosinophilic inflammation and mucus hypersecretion was noted in asthmatic mice lacking eNos, suggesting an important role of eNos in accelerating eosinophilic asthma pathophysiology.26685897
1728Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesClca3 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputClca3 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1729Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEar11 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputEar11 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1730Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5ac qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMuc5ac was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1731Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEpx qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputEpx was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1732Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ra2 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl13ra2 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1733Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl11 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1734Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPrg2 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPrg2 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1735Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl13 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1736Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArg1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputArg1 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1737Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl24 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl24 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1738Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPdcd1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPdcd1 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1739Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChia1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputChia1 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1740Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl21 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl21 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1741Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl17 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl17 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1742Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfsf4 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTnfsf4 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1743Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl12qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl12 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1744Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl22qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl22 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1745Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR Array, Multiplex Cytokine AssayGenomics, OthersHigh ThroughputIl4 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues and BALF of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1746Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcr3qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr3 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1747Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRetnlgqRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputRetnlg was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1748Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcr4qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr4 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1749Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcr8qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr8 was significantly over expressed in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1750Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl2ra qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl2ra was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1751Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChil1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputChil1 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1752Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl4 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl4 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1753Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5ra qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl5ra was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1754Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1rl1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl1rl1 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1755Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputFoxp3 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1756Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMrc1 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMrc1 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1757Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIcos qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIcos was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1758Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl33 qRT-PCR Array, ELISAGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputIl33 was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1759Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdrb2 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAdrb2 was significantly down regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1760Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAreg qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAreg was significantly down regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1761Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl18 qRT-PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl18 was significantly down regulated in lung tissues of HDM challenged mice compared to allergen naive mice.26740570
1762Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il1bMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl1b was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1763Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il5Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1764Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il6Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl6 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1765Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il10Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl10 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1766Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)IfngMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIfng was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1767Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMdcELISAOthersLow ThroughputMdc was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1768Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTarcELISAOthersLow ThroughputTarc was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1769Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tnfalpha Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1770Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)KcMultiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputKc was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1771Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13Multiplex Cytokine AssayOthersHigh ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26740570
1772Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Stat6-/- mice)Lung TissuesStat6qRT-PCR, Histology, Western BlottingGenomics, Others, ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 signaling in the lung is required for the development of Th2/Th17-induced tissue related airway hyperresponsiveness and mucus metaplasia in asthma.26729801
1773Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl13qRT-PCR, Histology, Western BlottingGenomics, Others, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl13 drives Airway Hyperresponsiveness and mucus metaplasia in a Stat6 dependent manner, without directly contributing to airway or tissue inflammation in asthma. 26729801
1774Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl17aqRT-PCR, Histology, Western BlottingGenomics, Others, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl17a independently contributes to Airway hyperresponsiveness, but it only partially mediates inflammation and mucus metaplasia in a mixed Th2/Th17 model of steroid-resistant asthma.26729801
1775Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly up regulated in HDM exposed asthma mice as compared to control mice. dsRNA induced exacerbation markedly and dose dependently exaggerated the effect. 26879906
1776Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33 qRT-PCR, ELISA, ImmunohistochemistryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was significantly up regulated in HDM exposed asthma mice as compared to control mice. dsRNA induced exacerbation markedly and dose dependently exaggerated the effect. 26879906
1777Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTslpqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly up regulated in HDM exposed asthma mice as compared to control mice. dsRNA induced exacerbation markedly and dose dependently exaggerated the effect. 26879906
1778Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl2 expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1779Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl5 expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1780Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1781Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, followed by viral exacerbation)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl25qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl25 expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1782Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateRig-IELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRig-I expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1783Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMda5ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMda5 expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1784Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTlr3ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr3 expression was significantly increased at asthma exacerbations induced by dsRNA rhinoviral mimic.26879906
1785Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgb4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb4 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1786Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItga8MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItga8 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1787Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgb3MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb3 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1788Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgb7MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb7 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1789Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItga4MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItga4 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1790Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCmklr1MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCmklr1 was down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1791Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgam MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgam was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1792Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsSiglec5 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputSiglec5 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1793Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgb5 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb5 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1794Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgae MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgae was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1795Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgax MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgax was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1796Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsItgb1 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItgb1 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1797Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCxcr2 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcr2 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1798Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCxcr4 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCxcr4 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1799Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCcr1 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr1 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1800Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCcr2 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr2 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1801Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCcrl2 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcrl2 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1802Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue EosinophilsCcr5 MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcr5 was up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.26414117
1803Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesOx40qRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Flow CytometryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased expression of Ox40 as compared with the saline group.26467500
1804Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesOx40lqRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Flow CytometryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased expression of Ox40l as compared with the saline group.26467500
1805Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western Blotting ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe OVA induced group showed a significantly increased phosphorylation of p38 compared with the saline group.26467500
1806Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateMuc5acqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe secretion of Muc5ac was significantly increased in DRA challenged mice as compared to normal mice.29991449
1807Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 level was markedly increased in DRA challenged asthma mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1808Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 level was markedly increased in DRA challenged asthma mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1809Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 level was markedly increased in DRA challenged asthma mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1810Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 level was markedly increased in DRA challenged asthma mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1811Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateArg1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputArg1 mRNA expression was significantly elevated (70 fold) in DRA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1812Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateFizz1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFizz1 mRNA expression was significantly elevated (30 fold) in DRA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1813Asthma (Triple Allergen (DRA) Induced asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateYm1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputYm1 mRNA expression was significantly elevated (6 fold) in DRA challenged mice as compared to control mice.29991449
1814Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)Mouse Lung Tissues, Peripheral BloodIl31qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il31 was elevated in asthma model mice as compared to control group. Il31 play dual roles, first as an early inflammatory mediator promoting the secretion of chemokines to recruit inflammatory cells, and subsequently as a late inflammatory suppressor, limiting Th2 cytokine responses in allergic asthma.30647024
1815Asthma (OVA Induced asthma)MouseLung TissuesIl31rqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il31r was elevated in asthma model mice as compared to control group.30647024
1816Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il4 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
1817Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il5 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
1818Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of Il13 in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
1819Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11Luminex xMap TechnologyOthersHigh ThroughputOVA challenge increased the levels of eotaxin in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30481497
1820Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMbpImmunofluorescence StainingOthersLow ThroughputMbp expression in lung tissues was increased in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control group. Further increase was noted in OVA + LPS treated group, suggesting an increased infiltration of eosinophils in lungs near bronchioles and the peribronchiolar space.30470954
1821Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Gelatin zymography, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 activity in lung tissues was increased in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control group. Significant increase in Mmp9 expression and activity was noted in OVA + LPS treated group.30470954
1822Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputEotaxin expression in lung tissues was increased in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control group. Marked increase in eotaxin expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1823Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCox2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMarked increase in Cox2 expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1824Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr4 expression in lung tissues was increased in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control group. Marked increase in Tlr4 expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1825Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMarked increase in p-Jnk expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1826Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMarked increase in p-Erk expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1827Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p38 expression in lung tissues was increased in OVA treated asthma mice as compared to control group. Marked increase in p-p38 expression was noted in OVA + LPS treated group as compared to only OVA treated group and control group.30470954
1828Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM+ Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateCxcl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIn the HDM and Aspergillus versicolor co-exposure group, Cxcl2 level was significantly increased. Exposure to curdlan alone induced Cxcl2 expression. Exposure to curdlan along with HDM induced greater Cxcl2 expression as compared to mice treated with HDM alone.27221135
1829Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM+ Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIn the HDM and Aspergillus versicolor co-exposure group, Il5 level was significantly increased. Exposure to curdlan along with HDM induced greater Il5 expression as compared to mice treated with HDM alone.27221135
1830Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM+ Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateCcl11qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIn the HDM and Aspergillus versicolor co-exposure group, Ccl11 level was significantly increased. Exposure to curdlan along with HDM induced greater Ccl11 expression as compared to mice treated with HDM alone.27221135
1831Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM+ Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl17aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExposure to Aspergillus versicolor induced a strong TH17 response including Il17a, while HDM exposure did not induce Il17a response. Exposure to curdlan alone or along with HDM induced Il17a expression.27221135
1832Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl17fqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExposure to Aspergillus versicolor induced a strong TH17 response including Il17f, while HDM exposure did not induce Il17f response. 27221135
1833Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM+ Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl22qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExposure to Aspergillus versicolor induced a strong TH17 response including Il22. Exposure to curdlan along with HDM induced Il22 expression.27221135
1834Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl6qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il6 was strongly induced by Aspergillus versicolor, but not by HDM.27221135
1835Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl23qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExpression of Il23 was strongly induced by Aspergillus versicolor, but not by HDM.27221135
1836Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly increased following exposure to HDM or Aspergillus versicolor alone. 27221135
1837Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma, HDM + Aspergillus versicolor Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly increased following exposure to HDM or Aspergillus versicolor alone. 27221135
1838Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma, Curdlan Induced Asthma, HDM + Curdlan Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateCxcl1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputExposure to curdlan alone induced Cxcl1 expression. Exposure to curdlan along with HDM induced greater Cxcl1 expression as compared to mice treated with HDM alone.27221135
1839Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Mouse Lung epithelial cell line (MLE-12) stimulated by Der pIl23Western Blotting, ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence StainingProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputExpression of Il23 was increased in lung epithelium in Der p exposed mice during sensitization period as compared to control mice. Mouse epithelial cell line stimulated by Der p exhibited significant increase in Il23 expression as compared to unstimulated cell.27864285
1840Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Mouse Lung epithelial cell line (MLE-12) stimulated by Der pIl1aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1a level was significantly increased in Der p induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Il1a expression was also increased in mouse tracheal epithelial cell line stimulated by Der p.27864285
1841Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue Homogenate, Mouse Lung epithelial cell line (MLE-12) stimulated by Der pIl33ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl33 level was significantly increased in Der p induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Il33 expression was also increased in mouse tracheal epithelial cell line stimulated by Der p.27864285
1842Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly down regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1843Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1844Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1845Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1846Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl8qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl8 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1847Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13raWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIl13ra expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1848Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17raWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIl17ra expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group. 27645929
1849Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl5 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1850Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl10qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl10 expression was significantly down regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1851Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl20qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl20 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1852Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1853Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl17 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1854Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl10qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1855Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly up regulated in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1856Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChopqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputProtein expression of Chop was significantly elevated in lung tissues of athma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1857Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBipqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputProtein expression of Bip was significantly elevated in lung tissues of athma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1858Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPerkqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputExpression and phosphorylation of Perk was significantly elevated in lung tissues of athma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1859Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAtf6qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAtf6 expression was significantly reduced in the lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to the control group. Significant increase in nuclear fraction and decrease in cytosolic fraction of Atf6 was noted in asthma model as compared to control group.27645929
1860Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAtf4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputAtf4 expression was significantly elevated in lung tissues of athma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1861Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIre1aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIre1a expression was significantly reduced in the lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to the control group.27645929
1862Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissueseif2aWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputeif2a expression was significantly elevated in lung tissues of athma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1863Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmClca3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputmClca3 was significantly elevated in lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1864Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIreb1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIreb1 was significantly elevated in lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1865Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArg2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputArg2 was significantly elevated in lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1866Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSpdefqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSpdef was significantly elevated in lung tissues of asthma model group as compared to control group.27645929
1867Asthma (OVA + LPS Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputBoth cytosolic and nuclear Nfkb-p65 level was significantly elevated in asthma model as compared to control group.27645929
1868Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl25qRT-PCR, ELISA, Western BlottingGenomics, Others, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe mice sensitized and challenged with OVA showed a high expression of Il25 in both the mRNA and protein levels in lungs.27617447
1869Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 Wild Type and P2y6-deficient mice)Lung TissuesP2y6qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputOverexpression of P2y6 was demonstrated in lung tissues in ovalbumin-induced wild type asthmatic mice. P2y6 deficiency reduced these asthmatic pathogenetic symptoms markedly in a mouse model. P2y6 contributes to allergic airway inflammation and remodeling by enhancing the functions of mast cells in ovalbumin-induced asthmatic mice.27590515
1870Asthma (OVA and HDM Induced Asthma)MouseBroncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesLxrELISA, Histology, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputAirway inflammation, airway hyper-reactivity and goblet cell hyperplasia were reduced in mice deficient for both LXRα and LXRβ isoforms (LXRα(-/-)β(-/-)) as compared to wild-type mice. The cholesterol regulator LXR acts as a positive regulator of eosinophilic asthma in mice, contributing to airway inflammation through regulation of type 2 cytokine production.27621817
1871Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrpv1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTrpv1 expression was elevated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to the control group.27655547
1872Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Epo Knock out mice)Lung TissuesEpoqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Tunel AssayGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputEpo mediated protein carbamylation is promoted during allergen induced asthma exacerbation and can both modulate immune responses and trigger a cascade of many of the inflammatory signals present in asthma.27587397
1873Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Clec7a-/- mice)Mediastinal Lymph Nodes, Lung TissuesClec7aELISA, Flow Cytometry, Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputDectin-1 expressed on CD11b+ Dendritic Cells senses some molecule(s) in HDM extract and plays a critical role in the induction of HDM induced allergic airway inflammation by inducing the expression of chemokine/chemokine receptors in Dendritic cells.27852745
1874Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpWestern Blotting, Immunofluorescence Staining, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTwo distinct roles for the long and short Tslp isoforms was noted. lfTSLP contributes to HDM induced airway epithelial dysfunction, whereas synthetic sfTSLP exerts protective effects in HDM induced airway inflammation and in the asthmatic mouse model.27996052
1875Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTrem2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCompared with the control group, the asthma group showed significant reductions in the mRNA and protein expression of Trem2.27655548
1876Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp2 expression was significantly increased in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27655548
1877Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27655548
1878Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdam33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAdam33 expression was significantly increased in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27655548
1879Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdam8qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAdam8 expression was significantly increased in asthma model group as compared to the control group.27655548
1880Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Lgals1−/− mice)Lung TissuesGal1Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputAllergen exposure resulted in airway recruitment of Gal1 expressing inflammatory cells, including eosinophils, as well as increased Gal1 in extracellular spaces in the lungs. Gal1 can limit eosinophil recruitment to allergic airways and suppresses airway inflammation by inhibiting cell migration and promoting eosinophil apoptosis.27457925
1881Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Pla2r1–/– mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesPla2r1Flow Cytometry, ELISA, Histology, ImmunostainingOthersLow ThroughputAfter OVA sensitization and challenge, Pla2r1-/- mice had increased airway hyperresponsiveness, an increase in cellular trafficking of eosinophils to the peribronchial space and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and an increase in airway permeability. Pla2r1-/- mice had more dendritic cells in the lung, higher levels of OVA-specific IgG and increased production of both type-1 and type-2 cytokines by lung leukocytes. Pla2r1 is involved in asthma pathogenesis.27448109
1882Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Anxa1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputAnxa1 protein levels in lung tissue and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were significantly higher in OVA-OVA mice compared with control mice.29301525
1883Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFpr2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputFpr2 protein levels in lung tissue were significantly higher in OVA-OVA mice compared with control mice.29301525
1884Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesFlt3lqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFlt3l expression was elevated 16 hrs after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Flt3l expression was significantly higher in females as compared to males.29288569
1885Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl2 expression was elevated 3 hrs after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 29288569
1886Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl7qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl7 expression was elevated 3 hrs after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 29288569
1887Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl19qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCcl19 expression was elevated 3 hrs and 16 hrs after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 29288569
1888Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCcl20qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl20 expression was elevated after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Ccl20 expression was significantly higher in females as compared to males.29288569
1889Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was elevated after OVA induction in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Il33 expression was significantly higher in females as compared to males.29288569
1890Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male and Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Bronchial Lymph Node (BLN)Cd103Flow CytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe number of Cd103+ DCs in the lung and bronchial lymph node (BLN) was increased to a greater extent in female mice than in male mice at 16 to 20 hours after ovalbumin (OVA) inhalation. 17β-oestradiol mediated Th2 oriented Cd103+ DCs in the BLN may contribute to increased Th2 cytokine production in female asthmatics.29288569
1891Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCk2αImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe second airway challenge with OVA increased Ck2α phosphorylation and protein expression in airway epithelial cells of asthmatic mice. Ck2α phosphorylation and protein expression were significantly impaired in NOX2 –/– mice. Fcγ receptor/reactive oxygen species/Ck2α is a key inducer of Nfkbactivation in airway epithelial cells in a murine model of asthma. 29339659
1892Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesNfkb-p50Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIncreased activation and nuclear translocation of the p50 subunit of Nfkb was noted in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29339659
1893Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputIncreased activation and nuclear translocation of the p65 subunit of Nfkb was noted in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29339659
1894Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Peripheral Blood, Lung TissuesIl9ELISA, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputIl9 expression was significantly increased in peripheral blood and lung tissues of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29456652
1895Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acImmunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29680833
1896Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29680833
1897Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputpStat6 expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29680833
1898Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxa2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxa2 expression was significantly reduced in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29680833
1899Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29763661
1900Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl10qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl10 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29763661
1901Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in HDM induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29763661
1902Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAlox12qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputAlox12 was significantly down regulated in HDM induced asthma mice as compared to control mice.29763661
1903Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)TslpqRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunofluorescence Staining, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly up regulated in lung tissues and BALF of OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1904Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Tgfb1Immunohistochemistry, ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb1 expression was significantly up regulated in lung tissues and BALF of OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1905Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAlpha Sma expression was significantly up regulated in lung tissues of OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1906Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1907Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl5qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1908Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIl13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly up regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1909Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Dendritic Cell SupernatantIfngqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly down regulated in OVA exposed CARAS mice as compared to control mice. 29654433
1910Allergic Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Pin1 Knockout mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Pin1Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputOVA challenged Pin1 knockout mice showed reduced lung inflammation, reduced TH2 cytokine levels in BALF and reduced BALF total cell count compared to challenged Wild Type mice, suggesting a broad role of Pin1 in allergic asthma.29686383
1911Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWnt3aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWnt3a expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1912Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWnt10bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputWnt10b expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1913Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBeta catenin expression was significantly increased in lung tissues of TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1914Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRageWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputRage expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1915Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLrp6Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputLrp6 phosphorylation and expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1916Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1917Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTgfb1 was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1918Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputVegf was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29656209
1919Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr4 expression in lung tissues was significantly elevated in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
1920Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNfkb expression and phosphorylation in lung tissues was significantly elevated in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
1921Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression in lung tissues was significantly reduced in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
1922Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression in lung tissues was significantly elevated in OVA group and PM2.5 group as compared to the control group.30124206
1923Asthma (Der p Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbEMSA, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputNfkb expression in lung tissues was significantly increased in Der p group as compared to the control group.30172058
1924Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesH2axImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputH2ax was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
1925Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKu70Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputKu70 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
1926Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRad51Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputRad51 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
1927Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesParp1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputParp1 was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233855
1928Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-155-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-155-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure. miR-155-5p was also highly correlated with pro-asthmatic Th2 cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. 26859758
1929Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-541-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-541-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1930Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-511-3p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-511-3p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1931Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-21-3p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-21-3p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure. miR-21-3p was also highly correlated with pro-asthmatic Th2 cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. 26859758
1932Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-298-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-298-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1933Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-341-3p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-341-3p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1934Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-501-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-501-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1935Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-18a-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-18a-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure. miR-18a-5p was also highly correlated with pro-asthmatic Th2 cytokine levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. 26859758
1936Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-18b-5p MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-18b-5p was up-regulated following Second Hand Smoke exposure.26859758
1937Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl3MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCcl3 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1938Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIl4 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1939Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCcl11 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1940Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIl5 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1941Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl22MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCcl22 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1942Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIl10 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1943Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIl13 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1944Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnfMicroarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputTnf was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1945Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateChi3l1Microarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputChi3l1 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1946Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnfrsf4Microarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputTnfrsf4 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1947Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIcosMicroarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputIcos was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1948Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33Microarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputIl33 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1949Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateNos2Microarray, qRT-PCRTranscriptomics, GenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputNos2 was up regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1950Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateApcMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputApc was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1951Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateApc2MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputApc2 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1952Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateCav2MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCav2 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1953Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateCrebl2MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputCrebl2 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1954Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateGrlf1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputGrlf1 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1955Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl17rdMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputIl17rd was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1956Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateKif1bMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputKif1b was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1957Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateLats2MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputLats2 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1958Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateMtus1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputMtus1 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1959Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateNotch1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputNotch1 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1960Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenatePlce1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputPlce1 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1961Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateReckMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputReck was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1962Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateThrbMicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputThrb was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1963Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateTimp3MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputTimp3 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1964Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateWif1MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputWif1 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1965Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma in Offsprings of Second Hand Smoke Exposed Pregnant mice)Mouse (Pregnant BALB/c mice and offsprings)Lung Tissue HomogenateZfhx3MicroarrayTranscriptomicsHigh ThroughputZfhx3 was down regulated in Second hand Smoke-OVA exposed group as compared to control group.26859758
1966Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEgfrImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputEgfr expression was more apparent in the OVA challenged mice (1.56-fold) than in the na€ıve mice, which suggests epithelial injury in the airways of the OVA challenged mice.26399569
1967Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Ikbns-deficient (Nfkbid -/-) mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Cell SuspensionIkbnsHistology, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIkbns is involved in inducing Muc5ac expression in lung epithelial cells and causing airway hyperresponsiveness in HDM-induced asthma models.27878831
1968Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Blood, Lung TissuesmiR-3162-3pqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe endogenous miR-3162-3p level is upregulated in asthma mouse model as compared to control mice.26959414
1969Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe mRNA and protein expression levels of β-catenin are reduced in asthma mouse model as compared to control mice.26959414
1970Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs), Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Rac1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow Throughput The expression of Rac1 was significantly decreased in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, lung tissues and broncho alveolar lavage fluid of asthmatic mice as compared to normal control mice. Down regulation of Rac1 in asthma may contribute to the apoptosis of airway epithelial cells and affect the clearance of apoptotic cells, which lead to the aggregation of the apoptotic cells in the respiratory tract and participate in Airway Hyperresponsiveness.30681176
1971Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Peripheral BloodIl33qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow Throughput The expression of Il33 in peripheral blood and lung tissues was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. 30681176
1972Allergic Eosinophilic Asthma (Triple Antigen (DRA) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Sirt2-Tg and Sirt2-KO mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesSirt2Cell Counting, ELISA, Histology, Flow Cytometry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputSirtuin 2 enhances allergic asthmatic inflammation. Sirt2 could be developed as a therapeutic target for eosinophilic asthma.30668546
1973Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung TissuesCysLtr1Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, Flow CytometryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputCysLtr1 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
1974Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung TissuesCysLtr2Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, Flow CytometryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputCysLtr2 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
1975Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung TissuesP2y12rWestern Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunocytochemistry, Flow CytometryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputP2y12r was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30661601
1976Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1977Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1978Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1979Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1980Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl17a was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1981Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow Throughputp-Stat6 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1982Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4raWestern Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4ra was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1983Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJak1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow Throughputp-Jak1 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30660871
1984Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1985Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1986Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1987Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1988Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17aELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17a was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1989Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17fELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17f was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1990Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1991Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1992Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl1 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1993Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCxcl3 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1994Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCsf3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCsf3 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1995Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI)Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesClca3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputClca3 was significantly up regulated in TDI induced asthma group as compared to control mice.30655284
1996Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErgImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputErg was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
1997Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAngImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAng was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
1998Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEgfImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputEgf was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
1999Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIgf1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIgf1 was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
2000Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAregImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputAreg was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
2001Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEdn1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputEdn1 was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compred to control mice.27035894
2002Asthma (Cl2 Irritant Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesFlapqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFlap was significantly increased in Cl2 exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27226094
2003Asthma (Cl2 Irritant Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesBlt1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputBlt1 was significantly increased in Cl2 exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27226094
2004Asthma (Cl2 Irritant Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesCysltr1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCysltr1 was significantly increased in Cl2 exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Cyslt1 Receptor is protective against oxidative stress in a model of irritant-induced Asthma.27226094
2005AsthmaMouseLung TissuesNos2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputNos2 was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
2006AsthmaMouseLung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
2007AsthmaMouseLung TissuesClca1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputClca1 was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
2008AsthmaMouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Ccl11qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputCcl11 was significantly increased in asthma model as compared to naïve control.30463918
2009Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Ikba expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2010Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNuclear translocation of Nfkb was significantly increased in asthma group as compared to control group.30415164
2011Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Erk expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2012Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p38 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2013Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Jnk expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2014Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrf2Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputNrf2 expression in cytosol was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice. Nuclear translocation of Nrf2 was enhanced significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2015Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHo-1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputHo-1 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30415164
2016Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNA2310035C23RikRNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh Throughput2310035C23Rik was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2017Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNADlg3RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputDlg3 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2018Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAErrfi1RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputErrfi1 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2019Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAHopxRNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputHopx was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2020Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAGpr155RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputGpr155 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2021Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAGtf2e2RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputGtf2e2 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2022Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAKitRNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputKit was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2023Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNANdel1RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputNdel1 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2024Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAKat6aRNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputKat6a was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2025Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNARps24RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputRps24 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2026Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAShroom2RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputShroom2 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2027Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAZfp568RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputZfp568 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2028Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNASppl3RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputSppl3 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2029Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAAcsl4RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputAcsl4 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2030Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAClec4dRNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputClec4d was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2031Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAInts6RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputInts6 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2032Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Genomic DNAPcmtd1RNA Sequencing, Methyl SequencingGenomics, EpigeneticsHigh ThroughputPcmtd1 was hypermethylated and its expression was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30400597
2033Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue LysateGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
2034Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue LysateRorγtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
2035Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue LysateTbetqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
2036Asthma (HDM and OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue LysateFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30392943
2037Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Homogenate, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, Morphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2038Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosMorphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA group exhibited increased iNOS in both aiways and alveolar walls as compared to that in the control group.30364003
2039Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13Morphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2040Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17Morphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIl17 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2041Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Morphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2042Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTimp1Morphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTimp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2043Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTgfbMorphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2044Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbMorphometry, ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputNfkb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30364003
2045Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesStat1Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Stat1 expression was decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control ,mice.30367458
2046Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesStat4Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Stat4 expression was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control ,mice.30367458
2047Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesStat6Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Stat6 expression was increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control ,mice.30367458
2048Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmiR-448qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-448 was significantly down regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30362537
2049Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSix1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputSix1 was significantly up regulated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30362537
2050Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2051Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2052Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2053Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2054Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2055Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2056Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Erk expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2057Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateAChEAcetylcholinesterase AssayOthersLow ThroughputAChE activity was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2058Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMlcWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Mlc expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2059Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGα expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2060Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPkcWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Pkc expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2061Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPI3kWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-PI3k expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2062Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAChrm3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputAChrm3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30360392
2063Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and IL10 and TGFB1 Coexpressed Mice)Lung TissuesIl10qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Measurement of Airway ReactivityGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl10 with Tgfb1 cooperatively protected the respiratory system in response to antigenic stimulus. The activation of Il10 and Tgfb1 protected the host from antigen induced asthma.27696149
2064Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and IL10 and TGFB1 Coexpressed Mice)Lung TissuesTgfb1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Measurement of Airway ReactivityGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl10 with Tgfb1 cooperatively protected the respiratory system in response to antigenic stimulus. The activation of Il10 and Tgfb1 protected the host from antigen induced asthma.27696149
2065Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2066Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2067Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2068Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVcam1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputVcam1 expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2069Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputiNos expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2070Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSocs1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSocs expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2071Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputStat6 expression and phosphorylation was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28093225
2072Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Usp38-/- mice)Lung TissuesUsp38Histology, ELISA, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCR, Western BlottingOthers, Genomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputUsp38 critically promotes asthmatic pathogenesis by stabilizing JunB protein. Usp38 represents the first identified deubiquitinase specifically for Th2 immunity and the associated asthma.30224386
2073Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Lung TissuesiNosWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputiNos expression was significantly elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
2074Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
2075Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
2076Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Lung TissuesIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Ikba expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
2077Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (P2 mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Nfkb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30181695
2078Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and March1-/- mice)Lung TissuesMarch1Histology,Flow Cytometry, Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputMarch1 E3 Ubiquitin Ligase modulates features of Allergic Asthma in an Ovalbumin Induced Mouse Model of lung inflammation.29854835
2079Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesiNosWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe iNOS expression in lung tissue was higher in obese asthmatic mice as compared with lean mice.30015241
2080Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Blood Plasma B7H3Histology, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputB7H3 aggravates asthmatic syndromes in mouse model. B7H3 promotes the infiltration of inflammatory cell in lung. B7H3 promotes Th1 and and Th2 cytokine production in BALF and plasma. B7H3 promotes OVA-specific immunoglobulin (Ig) E (OVA-IgE) production.28094276
2081Virus Induced Paucigranulocytic AsthmaMouseLung TissuesRageqRT-PCR, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputRage deficiency predisposes mice to virus induced paucigranulocytic asthma.28099113
2082Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-155Microarray, qRT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputSignificant miR-155 upregulation was observed in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2083Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-46-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-46-3p was down regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2084Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-669-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-669-3p was down regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2085Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-466f-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-466f-3p was down regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2086Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-874MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-874 was down regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2087Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-669c-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-669c-3p was down regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2088Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-193MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-193 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2089Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-3087-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-3087-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2090Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-135aMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-135a was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2091Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-346-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-346-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2092Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-213MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-213 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2093Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1224-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1224-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2094Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-957MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-957 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2095Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-149-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-149-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2096Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-700-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-700-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2097Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-125a-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-125a-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2098Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-5113MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-5113 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2099Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-5122MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-5122 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2100Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-30c-1-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-30c-1-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2101Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-2861MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-2861 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2102Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-320-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-320-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2103Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-190MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-190 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2104Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-744-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-744-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2105Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-5627-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-5627-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2106Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-92a-2-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-92a-2-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2107Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1231-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1231-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2108Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-365-1-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-365-1-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2109Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1940MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1940 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2110Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-510MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-510 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2111Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1943-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1943-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2112Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-691MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-691 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2113Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1946aMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1946a was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2114Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-513MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-513 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2115Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-300-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-300-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2116Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue Homogenatelet-7e-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh Throughputlet-7e-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2117Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-5105MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-5105 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2118Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-222-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-222-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2119Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-124-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-124-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2120Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-1938MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-1938 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2121Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-189MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-189 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2122Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-45MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-45 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2123Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-208a-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-208a-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2124Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-347MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-347 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2125Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-5621-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-5621-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2126Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-690MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-690 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2127Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-883a-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-883a-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2128Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-310MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-310 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2129Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-363-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-363-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2130Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-396MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-396 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2131Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-146b-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-146b-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2132Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-717MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-717 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2133Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-652-5pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-652-5p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2134Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-711MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-711 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2135Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-3471MicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-3471 was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2136Asthma (Df1 Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c (H-2d) mice)Lung Tissue HomogenatemiR-665-3pMicroarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputmiR-665-3p was up regulated in Df1-induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28110885
2137Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRageImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRage expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2138Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHmgb1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHmgb1 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2139Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesS100a12Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputS100a12 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2140Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesS100bImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputS100b expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2141Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHsp70Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHsp70 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2142Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesβCatImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputβCat expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2143Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAktImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Akt expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2144Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGsk3bImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Gsk3b expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2145Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfImmunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2146Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2147Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMmp2 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2148Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp7qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMmp7 expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2149Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcnd1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCyclin D expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2150Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFn1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFibronectin expression was significantly elevated in TDI Induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.27332707
2151Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Tlr2-/- mice)Lung TissuesTlr2Histology, Immunohistochemistry, ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputTlr2 regulates allergic airway inflammation through Nfkb and Mapk signaling pathways in asthmatic mice.29863259
2152Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAktWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Akt expression was significantly increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28400057
2153Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdhe Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputE-Cadherin expression was significantly decreased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28400057
2154Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputBeta Catenin expression was significantly decreased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28400057
2155Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30146725
2156Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmiR-133aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-133a expression was significantly reduced in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30146725
2157Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesMbd14Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMbd14 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28437599
2158Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputSod activity was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28472780
2159Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPi3kImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Pi3k expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
2160Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAktImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Akt expression was significantly elevated in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
2161Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmTorImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-mTor expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
2162Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp70S6kImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-p70S6k expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28674387
2163Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCol1a1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2164Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFn1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputFn1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2165Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtgfImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCtgf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2166Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFgfr4ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputFgfr4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2167Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMmp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2168Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMmp9 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2169Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMmp2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2170Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTimp1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTimp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29455466
2171Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and St2-/- mice)Lung TissuesSt2ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputKnockdown of St2 significantly attenuated the effects of OVA challenge as compared to OVA challenged wild type mice.29455466
2172Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
2173Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Peritoneal macrophages, SerumPon1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Colorimetric AssayGenomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputPon1 expression and activity was significantly reduced in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28657647
2174Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)mMcp1ELISAOthersLow ThroughputmMcp1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice upon exposure to Il33.28652606
2175Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male C57BL/6 mice)Serum, Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung HomogenateIl33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 exacerbates antigen driven airway hyperresponsiveness, inflammation and remodeling in a mouse model of asthma.28652606
2176Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Ask1-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesAsk1Cell Counting, Histology, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputAsk1 is involved in mediating allergic airway inflammation and mucus hyperproduction in HDM induced allergic asthma mice model.28624251
2177Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 level was increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28365872
2178Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b level was increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28365872
2179Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMip2ELISAOthersLow ThroughputMip2 level was increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Mip2 level was further increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice fed on a high fat diet or palmitic acid as compared to HDM induced asthmatic mice fed on normal diet.28365872
2180Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a level was increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Il17a level was further increased in HDM induced asthmatic mice fed on a high fat diet as compared to HDM induced asthmatic mice fed on normal diet.28365872
2181Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
2182Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl17fELISA, CHIP assay, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl17f expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
2183Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl10CHIP assay, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
2184Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
2185Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30089474
2186Asthma (HDM + OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Mbd2 knockout mice)Spleen, Lung Tissues, SerumMbd2Western Blotting, qRT-PCR, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, ELISAProteomics, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputMbd2 might facilitate Th17 cell differentiation via down-regulating Socs3 expression in severe asthma.30098334
2187Asthma (HDM + OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Spleen CD4 TcellsMbd2Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCROthers, Proteomics, GenomicsLow ThroughputMbd2 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30098334
2188Asthma (HDM + OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Spleen CD4 TcellsSocs3Immunohistochemistry, Western Blotting, qRT-PCRLow ThroughputSocs3 expression was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30098334
2189Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMfg-E8qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Mfg‐E8 is significantly decreased after OVA sensitization and challenge in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
2190Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
2191Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItgb3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputItgb3 expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
2192Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesVegfELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30076648
2193Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdam8Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputAdam8 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.30076648
2194Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesMuc5acELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
2195Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAp-1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputAp-1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
2196Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p65 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30135657
2197Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2198Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4raWestern Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4ra expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2199Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat3Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputStat3 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2200Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJak1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputJak1 expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2201Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJag2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputJag2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2202Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJag1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputJag1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2203Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNicd1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputNicd1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2204Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNicd2Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputNicd2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30137697
2205Asthma (Diesel Exhaust Particles (DEP) + HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCombined exposure to DEP+HDM increased Il33 expression in lung, elevated inflammatory responses and bronchial hyperresponsiveness compared to saline, sole DEP or sole HDM exposure. 30159930
2206Asthma (Diesel Exhaust Particles (DEP) + HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6J mice)Lung TissuesSt2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCombined exposure to DEP+HDM increased St2 expression in lung, elevated inflammatory responses and bronchial hyperresponsiveness compared to saline, sole DEP or sole HDM exposure. 30159930
2207Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSykWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputSyk expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
2208Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkbImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIkb expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
2209Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkbImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputNfkb expression and phosphorylation was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29552299
2210Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung TissuesTslpELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512368
2211Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Serum, Lung TissuesNfkbELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNfkb expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29512368
2212Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesArg1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputArg1 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233389
2213Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVaChTqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputVaChT expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30233389
2214Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluif (BALF)Il4qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
2215Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
2216Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cells, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluif (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
2217Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIfngqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIfng expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
2218Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) cellsIl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl2 expression was increased significantly in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29665659
2219Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1Sircol AssayOthersLow ThroughputCol1a1 expression was significantly increased in lungs of asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30335467
2220Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
2221Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
2222Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
2223Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng level was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
2224Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCol1a1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCollagen expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to acetone olive oil (AOO) treated control mice.30244166
2225Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTDI particularly triggered cytoplasmic diffusion of E-cadherin in airway epithelial cells. 30244166
2226Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputTDI particularly triggered downregulation of beta catenin in airway epithelial cells. 30244166
2227Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHo1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTDI exposure upregulated pulmonary Ho-1 level.30244166
2228Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNrf2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTDI exposure induced only a slight increase in total Nrf2 level.30244166
2229Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTDI exposure induced mild reduction in p38 phosphorylation.30244166
2230Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHmox1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTDI exposure resulted in slight reduction in Hmox1 expression.30244166
2231Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesDuox1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Duox1 was mildly increased in TDI exposed animals.30244166
2232Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSerpinb2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputSerpinb2 expression was only slightly increased in TDI exposed animals.30244166
2233Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesClca3a1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputClca3a1 expression was only slightly increased in TDI exposed animals.30244166
2234Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCxcl2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTDI sensitisation and challenge significantly increased the expression of Cxcl2.30244166
2235Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTnfqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTDI sensitisation and challenge significantly increased the expression of Tnf.30244166
2236Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTDI sensitisation and challenge significantly increased the expression of Ccl5.30244166
2237Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCldn1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputCldn1 expression was only slightly downregulated by TDI exposure.30244166
2238Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMmp9qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of Mmp9 was slightly increased by TDI exposure.30244166
2239Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30244166
2240Occupational Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesChil4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputChil4 expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30244166
2241Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCtnnb1 expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30261222
2242Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSrcWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Src expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30261222
2243Asthma (Toluene Diisocyanate(TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCav1Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Cav1 expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30261222
2244Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
2245Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMyd88Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMyd88 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
2246Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesSodBiochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputLung Sod activity was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
2247Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Ikba expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
2248Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Nfkb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29532264
2249Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesNgfELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputNgf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
2250Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesTrkAELISA, Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTrkA expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthma as compared to control mice.29568869
2251AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and cockroach allergen extract (CE) exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567418
2252AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and cockroach allergen extract (CE) exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567418
2253AsthmaMouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and cockroach allergen extract (CE) exposed asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29567418
2254Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl10 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29578347
2255Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4Cytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl4 level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29578347
2256Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl17aCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputIl17a level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29578347
2257Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnfalphaCytometric Bead ArrayOthersHigh ThroughputTnfalpha level was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29578347
2258Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesP2x4rqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputP2x4r expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
2259Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
2260Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
2261Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk-p38Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p38-Mapk expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29796218
2262Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung Lavage Fluid, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2263Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung Lavage Fluid, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2264Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung TissuesIl4qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2265Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung TissuesIl25qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl25 expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2266Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung TissuesIl33qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIl33 expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2267Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung TissuesTslpqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTslp expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2268Asthma (Der p1 HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57Bl/6J mice)Lung TissuesTnfalphaqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was elevated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30188746
2269Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesBrg1Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, ChIP assayProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputBrg1 expression was significantly increased in lungs of HDM induced asthmatic mice as compared to that in control mice. Brg1 interacts with Pi3k and mediates aggravation of airway inflammation in asthma via inhibition of the Pi3k/Akt/mTor pathway.30149919
2270Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesPi3kWestern Blotting, Immunofluorescence StainingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Pi3k expression was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30149919
2271Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesAktWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Akt expression was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30149919
2272Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesmTorWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-mTor expression was significantly reduced in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30149919
2273Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and CD4+ CYLDex7/8 mice)Serum, Lung TissuesCyldELISA, HistologyOthersLow ThroughputCompared with their wildtype littermates, mice bearing the T cell-specific mutation (CD4+CYLDex7/8) display stronger eosinophilia and mucus production in the lungs and higher IgE serum levels. Blockade of IL9 in CD4+CYLDex7/8 mice alleviates the development of disease symptoms. Thus, by polarization of the T cell cytokine response, sCYLD can favor the development of allergic airway disease. 27372382
2274Asthma (HDM or OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesScd1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputScd1 expression was significantly decreased in HDM induced asthmatic mice and OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28397284
2275Asthma (HDM or OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesScd2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputScd2 expression was significantly decreased in HDM induced asthmatic mice and OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28397284
2276Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBaxWestern Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputBax expression was significantly increased in OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to OVA induced asthmatic mice, PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice and control mice.30334531
2277Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesBcl2Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputBcl2 expression was significantly decreased in OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to OVA induced asthmatic mice, PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice and control mice.30334531
2278Asthma (OVA + PM2.5 Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTim-1Western Blotting, ImmunohistochemistryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTim-1 expression was significantly increased in OVA + PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice as compared to OVA induced asthmatic mice, PM2.5 induced asthmatic mice and control mice.30334531
2279Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma with mixed Inflammation)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesα-SmaImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputα-Sma was significantly increased in asthmatic mice with mixed inflammation as compared to control mice.30171733
2280Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma with mixed Inflammation)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtnnb1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputBeta Catenin was significantly increased in asthmatic mice with mixed inflammation as compared to control mice.30171733
2281Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma with mixed Inflammation)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCdh1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputE-Cadherin was significantly decreased in asthmatic mice with mixed inflammation as compared to control mice.30171733
2282Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesErk1/2Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Erk1/2 expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Erk1/2 signaling pathway was activated in asthmatic mice.29747318
2283Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissuesp38-MapkImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-p38-Mapk expression was increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. p38 Mapk signaling pathway was activated in asthmatic mice.29747318
2284Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesα-Sma ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputIncreased α-Sma expression was observed in HDM exposed lungs compared to controls.30122959
2285Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs, Stimulated by OVA)Nlrp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNlrp3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs) stimulated by OVA showed increased Nlrp3 expression as compared to PBS treated pAECs.30333233
2286Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs, Stimulated by OVA)Rxrα/β/γWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputRxrα/β/γ expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs) stimulated by OVA showed increased Rxrα/β/γ expression as compared to PBS treated pAECs.30333233
2287Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs, Stimulated by OVA)Bcl-xlWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputBcl-xl expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Primary Airway Epithelial Cells (pAECs) stimulated by OVA showed reduced Bcl-xl expression as comapred to PBS treated pAECs.30333233
2288Asthma (Neutrophil Dominant Asthma and Conventional Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in neutrophil dominant and conventional asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Gata3 expression was also increased in neutrophil dominant asthmatic mice as compared to conventional asthmatic mice.30150897
2289Asthma (Neutrophil Dominant Asthma and Conventional Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly increased in neutrophil dominant and conventional asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Rorγt expression was also significantly increased in neutrophil dominant asthmatic mice as compared to conventional asthmatic mice.30150897
2290Asthma (Neutrophil Dominant Asthma and Conventional Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, SplenocytesMbd2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputMbd2 expression was significantly increased in neutrophil dominant and conventional asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Mbd2 expression was also significantly increased in neutrophil dominant asthmatic mice as compared to conventional asthmatic mice.30150897
2291Asthma (Neutrophil Dominant Asthma and Conventional Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, SplenocytesHif-1αqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHif-1α expression was significantly increased in neutrophil dominant and conventional asthmatic mice as compared to control mice. Hif-1α expression was also significantly increased in neutrophil dominant asthmatic mice as compared to conventional asthmatic mice.30150897
2292Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p65 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30184256
2293Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesJnkWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Jnk expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30184256
2294Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesIkbaWestern BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-Ikba expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.30184256
2295Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Tlr2-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Lung Homogenate, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLNs)Tlr2Western Blotting, Histology, ELISA, Flow CytometryProteomics, OthersLow ThroughputTlr2 deficiency impaired secretion of Tslp and Ccl2, decreased infiltration of lung basophils, and increased resistance to Th2 response. The pro-inflammatory role of airway epithelial cells occurs through a Tlr2-dependent Tslp production, which may have implication for treating allergic asthma.30184256
2296Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTgfbELISAOthersLow ThroughputTgfb expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28249921
2297Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and GFP-C5aR1 knock-in mouse mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesC5aR1Cell Counting, Histology, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputA complex regulation pattern of C5aR1 was observed in the airways, lung tissue and mLN of mice, suggesting that the C5a/C5aR1 axis controls airway constriction and inflammation through activation of myeloid cells in all three compartments in an experimental model of allergic asthma.28231307
2298Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateLepELISAOthersLow ThroughputLeptin expression was significantly increased in obese mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and asthmatic mice.28263381
2299Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateEpo Biochemical TestOthersLow ThroughputEpo expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2300Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateCcl11ELISAOthersLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2301Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl25ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl25 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2302Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl33ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl33 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2303Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTslpELISAOthersLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2304Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl1bELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl1b expression was significantly increased in obese mice, asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28263381
2305Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl6ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2306Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateTnfalpha ELISAOthersLow ThroughputTnfalpha expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2307Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2308Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2309Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and obese mice.28263381
2310Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl9ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl9 expression was significantly increased in obese mice, asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28263381
2311Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl17aELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl17a expression was significantly increased in obese mice, asthmatic mice and obese asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28263381
2312Obese Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIfngELISAOthersLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly increased in obese asthmatic mice (48 hrs after OVA challenge) as compared to control mice, obese mice and asthmatic mice.28263381
2313Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, HDM Induced Asthma), Atopic Dermatitis (MC903 Induced Atopic Dermatitis)Mouse (Wild Type and Itln-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Ear Tissues, SerumItlnELISA, Flow Cytometry, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, ELISAOthers, Genomics, OthersLow ThroughputItln knockdown reduced allergen-induced increases in Il25, Il33 and Tslp and development of type 2 response, eosinophilic inflammation, mucus overproduction and airway hyperresponsiveness. Itln contributes to allergen induced Il25, Il33 and Tslp expression in asthma and atopic dermatitis.28224996
2314Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Bcl2L12-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Bcl2L12Histology, ELISA, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputMice with Bcl2L12 deficiency do not have asthma. Bcl2-like protein 12 plays a critical role in development of airway allergy through inducing aberrant TH2 polarization.30227178
2315Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl4ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl4 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2316Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl5ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2317Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl6ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl6 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2318Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Serum, Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2319Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl11ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl11 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2320Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesCcl24ELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputCcl24 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2321Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIfngELISA, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputIfng expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2322Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesiNosqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputiNos expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2323Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCox2qRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCox2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2324Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIcam1qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputIcam1 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2325Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGob5qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGob5 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2326Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMuc5acqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputMuc5ac expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29962952
2327Asthma (Cockroach Allergen (CRE) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and miR-155-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesmiR-155ELISA, Histology, Immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-155-/- mice also showed reduced lung inflammation and Th2/Th17 cytokines. miR-155 modulates cockroach allergen And oxidative stress induced Cox2 expression levels in Asthma.29967100
2328Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCtgfWestern BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputThe expression of the Ctgf protein was significantly higher in the OVA-challenged mice as compared to control mice. 28507585
2329Asthma (OVA + Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Induced Asthmatic mice and OVA+ Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Induced Asthmatic mice as compared to control mice and OVA induced asthmatic mice.28330430
2330Asthma (OVA + Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung Tissue HomogenateIl10ELISAOthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was significantly decreased in Waterpipe Tobacco Smoking Induced Asthmatic mice as compared to control mice, OVA induced asthmatic mice and OVA + Waterpipe Tobaaco Smoking induced asthmatic mice.28330430
2331Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl13ELISA, mRNA PCR ArrayOthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in BALF of OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to that of control mice.29407576
2332Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesEar11mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputEar11 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2333Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl33mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl33 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2334Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl11mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl11 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2335Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl24mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl24 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2336Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr1 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2337Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRelmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputRel was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2338Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr6mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr6 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2339Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat1 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2340Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGsk3bmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputGsk3b was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2341Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk1 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2342Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr2mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr2 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2343Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr7mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr7 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2344Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr4mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr4 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2345Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesJak3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputJak3 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2346Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesLtb4r1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputLtb4r1 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2347Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCpa3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCpa3 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2348Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCcl22mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCcl22 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2349Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl10mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl10 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2350Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12bmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12b was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2351Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputFoxp3 was over expressed in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2352Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat6mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat6 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2353Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr9mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr9 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2354Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorcmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputRorc was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2355Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTslp was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2356Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk9mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk9 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2357Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat5bmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat5b was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2358Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNotch1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputNotch1 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2359Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk14mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk14 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2360Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIfngmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIfng was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2361Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr3 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2362Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat4mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputStat4 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2363Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdrb2mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAdrb2 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2364Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIl12amRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIl12a was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2365Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesCma1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputCma1 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2366Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesMapk3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputMapk3 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2367Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTlr5mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTlr5 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2368Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPostnmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPostn was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2369Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputGata3 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2370Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesItga4mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputItga4 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2371Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAdam33mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAdam33 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2372Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesIrs1mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputIrs1 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2373Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesKitmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputKit was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2374Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesB2mmRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputB2m was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2375Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbx21mRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputTbx21 was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2376Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesAcvr2amRNA PCR ArrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputAcvr2a was down regulated in asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29407576
2377Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Il25-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il25Histology, Immunohistochemistry, Inflammatory Index Measurement, Cell CountingOthersLow ThroughputIn OVA-sensitized mice, knocking out Il25 signifcantly alleviated OVA induced eosinophil infiltration in the airway and newly formed eosinophils were reduced in the lung. Il25 plays a potential role in allergen-induced trafficking of EoP to the airways and local diferentiation promoting tissue eosiniophilia in asthmatic responses.29456832
2378Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Aspergillus fumigatus Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesmiR-200bqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-200b expression was significantly reduced in allergen induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29778524
2379Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma, Aspergillus fumigatus Induced Asthma)MouseLung TissuesmiR-200cqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-200c expression was significantly reduced in allergen induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29778524
2380Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Cse-/- mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissues, Mediastinal Lymph Nodes, SplenocytesCseCell Counting, Histology, ELISA, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputCse expression and H2S production were lower in immune cells of young Wild type (WT) mice than in those of old WT mice. More severe asthmatic symptoms with a greater type-2 immunoreaction were found in young WT mice than old WT mice. The age-dependent asthma propensity vanished in Cse-Knock Out mice, but these mice developed more severe asthma than WT mice. More splenocytes were differentiated to type-2 cytokine-generating cells in young WT mice and in CSE-KO mice at all ages. 28253731
2381Asthma (Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp1ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCasp1 expression was significantly increased in DINP induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28300662
2382Asthma (Diisononyl Phthalate (DINP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesCasp3ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow ThroughputCasp3 expression was significantly increased in DINP induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28300662
2383Asthma (Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRageImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputRage expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28329851
2384Asthma (Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTslpImmunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputTslp expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28329851
2385Asthma (Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHmgb1Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow ThroughputHmgb1 expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28329851
2386Asthma (Toluene diisocyanate (TDI) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Male BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesStat5Immunohistochemistry, Western BlottingOthers, ProteomicsLow Throughputp-Stat5 expression was significantly increased in TDI induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.28329851
2387Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2388Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2389Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesVegfr2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputVegfr2 expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2390Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesNfkb-p65ImmunohistochemistryOthersLow Throughputp-p65 expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2391Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRunx3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRunx3 expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2392Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmiR-16qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-16 expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2393Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmiR-221qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-221 expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2394Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesmiR-130aqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputmiR-130a expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2395Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesHif-1αImmunofluorescent StainingOthersLow ThroughputHif-1α expression was significantly decreased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2396Allergic Asthma and Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (Gestational Exposure to Sidestream (Secondhand) Cigarette Smoke)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesPpargqRT-PCR, Western BlottingGenomics, ProteomicsLow ThroughputPparg expression was significantly increased in first and second generation after gestational exposure to second hand smoke.28381639
2397Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue HomogenateBlt2qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputBlt2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic wild type mice as compared to normal control wild type mice. Blt2 is critical for the synthesis of Vegf in allergen stimulated mast cells.27489284
2398Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)VegfqRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputVegf expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic wild type mice as compared to normal control wild type mice.27489284
2399Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)MouseLung Tissue Homogenate, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Il13qRT-PCR, ELISAGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputIl13 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic wild type mice as compared to normal control wild type mice.27489284
2400Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesIl10ELISA, qRT-PCROthersLow ThroughputIl10 expression was decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
2401Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesGata3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputGata3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
2402Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesTbetqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputTbet expression was significantly decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
2403Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesFoxp3qRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputFoxp3 expression was decreased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
2404Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (BALB/c mice)Lung TissuesRorγtqRT-PCRGenomicsLow ThroughputRorγt expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29768397
2405Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesNlrp3Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputNlrp3 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
2406Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung TissuesTlr2Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr2 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
2407Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Female C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissuesp65Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp-p65 expression was significantly increased in OVA induced asthmatic mice as compared to control mice.29609129
2408Severe Asthma (HDM + cyclic diguanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Irf5-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung Tissue HomogenateIrf5qRT-PCR, Histology, Cell Counting, Luminex Multiplex AssayGenomics, OthersLow Throughput, High ThroughputLack of Irf5 in lymph node migratory Dendritic cells severely limits their ability to stimulate the generation of Ifng and Il17 producing CD4 T cells and Irf5-/- mice subjected to the Severe Asthma model displayed significantly lower Ifng and Il17 responses, albeit showing a reciprocal increase in Th2 response. The absence of Irf5 rendered the mice responsive to Corticosteroid with suppression of the heightened Th2 response.28515358
2409Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Airway Epithelial Cells (AECs)P2ry13qRT-PCR, Flow CytometryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputP2ry13 expression was significantly higher in AECs and lung tissues of HDM sensitized mice as compared to those mice challenged with saline.27554816
2410Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (C57BL/6 mice)Lung Tissues, Airway Epithelial Cells (AECs)P2ry14qRT-PCR, Flow CytometryGenomics, OthersLow ThroughputP2ry14 expression was significantly higher in AECs and lung tissues of HDM sensitized mice as compared to those mice challenged with saline.27554816
2411Asthma (Alternaria alternata Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild Type and Stat6-/- mice)Lung TissuesStat6Histology, Flow Cytometry, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow ThroughputWild type mice develop an eosinophilic Th2 airway disease in response to Alternaria alternata exposure, whereas Stat6 deficient mice exhibit a primarily neutrophilic response. Neutrophilic asthma in Stat6-/- mice was accompanied by elevated lung levels of Tnfalpha, Cxcl1, Cxcl2, and Cxcl5 and was steroid resistant. 27815425
2412Asthma (OVA Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and FcγRIIIA-/- mice)Serum, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF), Lung TissuesFcγRIIIAELISA, Cell Counting, Cytomteric Bead Array, qRT-PCROthers, GenomicsLow Throughput, High Throughput, Low ThroughputEnhanced humoral immune responses typically represented by augmented OVA specific IgG and IgE levels in serum were observed in the absence of FcγRIIIA in the mouse asthma model. FcγRIIIA negatively impacts humoral immune responses but not overall lung Inflammation in OVA induced allergic asthma mouse model.29597194
2413Asthma (HDM Induced Asthma)Mouse (Wild type and Duox-/- mice)Lung Tissues, Broncho Alveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF)Duox1qRT-PCR, Western Blotting, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence Staining, Flow Cytometry, Cell Counting, ELISA, Genomics, Proteomics, OthersLow ThroughputDuox1 level was significantly elevated in HDM induced asthma in wild type mice. Duox1 deficiency attenuated Egfr activation and several Egfr dependent features of HDM induced allergic airway inflammation, including neutrophilic inflammation, type 2 cytokine production (Il13, Il33), mucous metaplasia, subepithelial fibrosis, and central airway resistance. Duox1 plays an important function in allergic inflammation related to persistent Egfr activation and suggest that Duox1 targeting may represent an attractive strategy in asthma management.27812543
2414Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Nasal Mucosa, Lung TissuesCcl2 Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputCcl2 expression was increased in mice with CARAS as compared to control mice.31121415
2415Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Nasal Mucosa, Lung TissuesTlr4Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputTlr4 expression was increased in mice with CARAS as compared to control mice.31121415
2416Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Nasal Mucosa, Lung TissuesHmgb1Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputHmgb1 expression was increased in mice with CARAS as compared to control mice.31121415
2417Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Nasal Mucosa, Lung TissuesMyd88Western BlottingProteomicsLow ThroughputMyd88 expression was increased in mice with CARAS as compared to control mice.31121415
2418Combined Allergic Rhinitis and Asthma Syndrome (OVA Induced CARAS)Mouse (Female BALB/c mice)Nasal Mucosa, Lung Tissuesp56Western BlottingProteomicsLow Throughputp56 expression was increased in mice with CARAS as compared to control mice.31121415