Browse Result

Total number of records for Food Allergy in Mesenteric Lymph Node of Mouse in DAAB (Version-2) database: 37


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeC3cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputHelps in the induction of Th2 response and plays a pivotal role as mediator of airway hyperresponsiveness. Upregulated in all three food allergen sensitization.21211037
2Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodefcERIcDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputExpressed on the surface of mast cells and helps in its degranulation leading to production of cytokines prostaglandins. Upregulated in all three food allergen sensitization21211037
3Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeIgh6cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in humoral immune response.21211037
4Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeIgjcDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputInvolved in humoral immune response. Downregulated in all three food allergen sensitization21211037
5Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeKrt8cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputPresent in cytokine and chemokine mediated signalling pathway.21211037
6Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeScincDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputActin filament depolymerization regulation and is activated by calcium.21211037
7Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeStat3cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputInvolved in production of IL21 mediated IgE production.21211037
8Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeSvilcDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputRegulate actin filament depolymerization21211037
9Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeVil1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputActin binding protein involved in IgE binding and IgE cross reactivity.21211037
10Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeStard4cDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputInvolved in binding and directional transport of cholesterol in liver for bile acid synthesis. Downregulated in all three food allergen sensitization.21211037
11Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeTimp1cDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPlays a pivotal role in degradation of extracellular matrix and tissue remodelling during inflammation. Highly upregulated in all three food allergen challenge.21211037
12Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeCd79acDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated in beta lactoglobulin sensitization21211037
13Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeItgb1cDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated after beta lactoglobulin induction. Expressed on lymphocytes monocytes eosinophils21211037
14Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodePex13cDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDownregulated in ovalbumin sensitized patients21211037
15Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeSyt4cDNA microarray and RT-PCRGenomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in Ovalbumin sensitized patients21211037
16Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodePrrg4cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
17Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeMeg3cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with all three food allergens21211037
18Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeTpm2cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
19Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeFlnacDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
20Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeGas1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
21Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeTmem16acDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
22Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeAnkrd10cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
23Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeHba-a1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
24Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeRgs5cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputUpregulated after induction with food allergens21211037
25Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeOvgp1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
26Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeMgamcDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
27Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeCar4cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
28Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeApoa4cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
29Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeCar2cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
30Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeLgals4cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
31Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeAgr2cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
32Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeGpc1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
33Food Allergy caused by Beta lactoglobulin Ovalbumin and peanut agglutininMouse (BALB/c )Mesenteric Lymph NodeCar1cDNA microarrayGenomicsHigh ThroughputDownregulated after induction with food allergen challenge21211037
34Food AllergyMouse (BALB/c mice)Spleen, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLNs)Il4ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced food allergy model showed increased production of Il4 in spleen and MLN, compared to those of control group.31061279
35Food AllergyMouse (BALB/c mice)Spleen, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLNs)Il5ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced food allergy model showed increased production of Il5 in spleen and MLN, compared to those of control group.31061279
36Food AllergyMouse (BALB/c mice)Spleen, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLNs)Il13ELISAOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced food allergy model showed increased production of Il13 in spleen and MLN, compared to those of control group.31061279
37Food AllergyMouse (BALB/c mice)Spleen, Mesenteric Lymph Nodes (MLNs)Cd69Flow cytometryOthersLow ThroughputThe OVA induced food allergy model showed increased population of Cd69+ Cd4+ T cells in spleen and MLN, as compared to those of control group.31061279