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Total number of records for Allergic Rhinitis in Nasal Fluid of Human in DAAB (Version-2) database: 22


Record noDiseaseOrganismSampleGene NameTechniquesOmicsStudyCommentsPubmed ID
1Allergic RhinitisHumanNasal FluidALBLC-MS/MS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputThis protein is identified as s potential markers for treatment response to Glucocorticoids in allergic rhinitis. It is a component of acute phase response pathway. Its expression decrease following GC treatment as estimated in LC-MS/MS but not significantly in ELISA assay.21887273
2Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidORM1Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputORM is a serum protein which is synthesised by the liver as well as Epithelial Cells and macrophages. It exerts immunomodulatory action during acute phase immune response and is significantly decreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
3Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidORM2Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputORM is a serum protein which is synthesised by the liver as well as Epithelial Cells and macrophages. It exerts immunomodulatory action during acute phase immune response and is significantly decreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
4Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidFGAQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPart of the acute phase response pathway and significantly decreased after Glucocorticoid treatment21887273
5Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidAPOHQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputPart of the acute phase response pathway and significantly decreased after Glucocorticoid treatment21887273
6Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidSERPINB3Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputUpregulated in Bronchial Epithelial Cells in asthma patients and significantly decreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
7Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidA2MQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputDecreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
8Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidAPOA1Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
9Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidC4BQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
10Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidC5Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
11Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidC3Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
12Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidCPQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
13Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidSCGB1D2Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputDecreased after Glucocorticoid treatment21887273
14Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidFN1Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
15Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidHPXQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
16Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidHRGQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputDecreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
17Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidITIH2Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
18Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidSERPINA1Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
19Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidSERPING1Quantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
20Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidTFQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh ThroughputEnriched in acute phase response pathway21887273
21Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis patients treated with glucocorticoids for biomarker identification.HumanNasal FluidCTSDQuantitative proteomic analysis through LC/MSMS and ELISAProteomicsHigh Throughput and Low ThroughputSignificantly decreased after glucocorticoid treatment21887273
22Seasonal Allergic RhinitisHumanNasal Biopsy, Nasal FluidVEGFAMicroarray, ELISAGenomics, OthersHigh Throughput, Low ThroughputVEGFA was up regulated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to healthy controls. VEGFA level in nasal fluid was found to increase upon allergen challenge. Oligonucleotide microarray analysis of nasal biopsies and protein analyses of nasal fluids indicate that VEGFA may be an important mediator in Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis.12633568