Browse Result
Total number of records for Asthma in Right Cranial Lung Lobe of Rat in DAAB (Version-2) database: 8
Record no | Disease | Organism | Sample | Gene Name | Techniques | Omics | Study | Comments | Pubmed ID |
1 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Fbn1 | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput | This gene is involved involved in lung/respiratory tube development. | 19176365 |
2 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Tpm3 | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput | Overexpression of this gene in asthmatic lungs result in an increase in the proliferation rate of airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells. It is a feature of remodeling that causes the thickening of airway walls. | 19176365 |
3 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Cdh11 | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput | This gene is responsible for both inflammation and remodeling | 19176365 |
4 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Vegfc | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | Role of this gene is important for airway remodeling and inflammation. | 19176365 |
5 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Cnn1 | Affymetrix microarray | Genomics | High Throughput | This gene is related to smooth muscle and/or the cytoskeleton. Altered expression in asthmatic lungs results in an increase in the proliferation rate of airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells. | 19176365 |
6 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Tgfb3 | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | It can increase the proliferation of smooth muscle cells and the deposition of ECM protein. | 19176365 |
7 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | C4bpa | Affymetrix microarray + quantitative PCR(real time) | Genomics | High Throughput and Low Throughput | C4BP was reduced in Caps-Ova treated group as compared to Caps-Saline treated group. | 19176365 |
8 | Allergic Asthma | Rat (Norway brown rat) | Right Cranial Lung Lobe | Scd1 | Affymetrix microarray | Genomics | High Throughput | This gene shows greatest increase in expression level. | 19176365 |