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Total number of records for in G of in DAAB (Version-2) database: 57


2GSDMBrs8069176A/G/TG-Childhood AsthmaNon-Hispanic white (NHW) population, African American (AA) population30373671The variant (rs8069176) showed association with childhood asthma in NHWs population.
3GLCCI1rs11976862A/C/GAIntron VariantAsthmaHan Chinese population27133712rs11976862 homozygote mutant genotype GG was nominally associated with increased asthma risk. Changes of GLCCI1 mRNA expression were significantly related with rs11976862 in a recessive model.
4GLCCI1rs37972A/C/TC2KB Upstream VariantAsthmaHan Chinese population27133712rs37972 showed marginal association with asthma susceptibility after adjusting for covariates. Significant correlations of change in FEV1 after corticosterois treatment were observed for rs37972.
5GLCCI1rs37973A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantAsthmaHan Chinese population27133712Changes of GLCCI1 mRNA expression and FEV1 after corticosteroid treatment were significantly related with rs37973 in a recessive model.
6GLCCI1rs58272960-/TT3 Prime UTR VariantAsthmaHan Chinese population27133712rs58272960 showed marginal association with asthma susceptibility after adjusting for covariates.
7GLT1D1rs517020 A/G/TGIntron VariantAsthma-26031901rs517020 in GLT1D1 was associated with worsening responses to both montelukast and zileuton in asthma patients.
8GLCCI1rs37972A/C/TC2KB Upstream VariantBronchial AsthmaJapanese population28488322TT of rs37972 was associated with a higher number of asthma treatment steps. The amount of GLCCI1 protein that cultured epithelial cells harboring GLCCI1 variants produced was less than the GLCCI1 wild type in the presence of a corticosteroid.
9GLCCI1rs37973A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantBronchial AsthmaJapanese population28488322GG of rs37973 was associated with a higher number of asthma treatment steps. The amount of GLCCI1 protein that cultured epithelial cells harboring GLCCI1 variants produced was less than the GLCCI1 wild type in the presence of a corticosteroid.
10GSDMBrs2305480C/TCMissense VariantChildhood AsthmaChinese population26534891Childhood asthma was associated with GSDMB rs2305480. GSDMB rs2305480 was only associated with early-onset asthma. rs2305480 of GSDMB is also associated with low FEV1, FVC and FEV1 /FVC among asthmatics. Moreover, SLC22A5, IL13, SMAD3, and GSDMB interact to modulate spirometric indices.
11GCrs7041A/G/TTMissense VariantChildhood Bronchial AsthmaChinese Han ethnicity28590769Significant associations was found between rs7041 of GC and susceptibility to and prognosis of childhood bronchial asthma, providing novel target for treating the disorder. The haplotype analysis suggested that TA of rs7041 was correlated with levels of VD, IL-4, and IL-5.
12GCrs4588A/C/TCMissense VariantChildhood Bronchial AsthmaChinese Han ethnicity28590769Significant associations was found between rs4588 of GC and susceptibility to and prognosis of childhood bronchial asthma, providing novel target for treating the disorder. The haplotype analysis suggested that CG of rs4588 was correlated with levels of VD, IL-4, and IL-5.
13GSDMBrs7216389C/TTIntron VariantChildhood AsthmaJordanian population26886240An association between the GSDMB T/C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype and the incidence of childhood asthma was found. At the haplotype level, GC haplotype was found to be associated with the risk of asthma in children.
14GSDMBrs2305480C/TCMissense VariantChildhood AsthmaSwedish population26786172rs2305480 in GSDMB is a high-risk genetic variant associated specifically with childhood asthma.
15GSDMBrs7216389C/TTIntron VariantChildhood AsthmaSwedish population26786172rs7216389 in GSDMB is a high-risk genetic variant associated specifically with childhood asthma.
16GSDMBrs11078927C/TCIntron VariantChildhood AsthmaSwedish population26786172rs11078927 in GSDMB is a high-risk genetic variant associated specifically with childhood asthma.
17GSDMArs3894194C/TCMissense VariantChildhood AsthmaSwedish population26786172rs3894194 in GSDMA is a high-risk genetic variant associated specifically with childhood asthma.
18GSDMBrs2305480G/AGMissense VariantAsthmaAmerican Indian population28668238rs2305480 was suggestive of case control status considering the major allele in a dominant model. This SNP was associated with asthma.
19GSDMBrs7216389C/TTIntron VariantAsthmaAmerican Indian population28668238rs7216389 was suggestive of case control status considering the major allele in a dominant model. This SNP was associated with asthma.
20GLCCI1 rs37973 A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantAsthmaSlovenian population29345236rs37973 in GLCCI1 is associated with treatment response in asthma; however, this association is highly modified by smoking status and atopy.
21GLCCI1 rs37973 A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantAsthmaChinese population29384926The genetic variant rs37973 in GLCCI1 is associated with poorer clinical therapeutic response to inhaled glucocorticoids in Chinese asthma population.
22GSTP1 rs1695A/GGMissense VariantChildhood AsthmaAsian population29411558GSTP1 AA genotype was associated with higher risk of asthma compared with the GG genotype. Compared to the GG genotype, children with a GSTP1 AA genotype had higher urine Bisphenol A glucuronide (BPAG) concentrations. In children with high BPAG, the GSTP1 AA genotype was related to a higher odds of asthma than the GG genotype.
23GSDMArs3859192C/T CIntron VariantAsthmaEuropean Ancestry27130862Secondary signals were associated with time to asthma onset (TAO) after stepwise conditional analysis in rs3859192 in 17q12-q21 region.
24GSDMBrs2305480 C/T (REV)CMissense VariantAsthmaSlovenian population27163155rs2305480 was associated with childhood asthma.
25GLCCI1rs37973 A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantAsthmaChinese Han population30937140The serum levels of epinephrine and cortisol was significantly higher in GLCCI1 rs37973 GG genotype group than those in AA + GG gentotype group. The poor ICS response in GLCCI1 rs37973 mutant genotype might be related to the less increased amplitudes of plasma epinephrine and cortisol in asthmatic patients.
26GSDMArs3859192C/TCIntron VariantAsthma, Rhino ConjunctivitisSicilian children30646946Rhino Conjunctivitis was modestly associated with rs3859192. rs3859192 had high frequencies of the minor allele homozygote genotypes in Rhino Conjunctivitis as compared with controls, in which genotypes are characterized by the presence of the major allele.
27GSDMArs3894194C/T (REV)CMissense VariantAsthma, Rhino ConjunctivitisSicilian children30646946Rhino Conjunctivitis was modestly associated with rs3894194. rs3894194 showed high frequencies of heterozygote genotypes in Rhino Conjunctivitis patients as compared with control subjects, which are frequently homozygous.
28GSDMArs7212938A/C/G/TTMissense VariantAsthma, Rhino ConjunctivitisSicilian children30646946Rhino Conjunctivitis was modestly associated with rs7212938. rs7212938 had high frequencies of the minor allele homozygote genotypes in Rhino Conjunctivitis as compared with controls, in which genotypes are characterized by the presence of the major allele.
29GSDMB rs870830C/G/T (REV)CIntron VariantAspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) Korean population28052796rs870830 showed significant associations with AERD.
30GSDMB rs7216389C/TTIntron VariantAspirin Exacerbated Respiratory Disease (AERD) Korean population28052796rs7216389 showed significant associations with AERD.
31GSDMB rs7216389 C/TTIntron VariantPediatric AsthmaCaucasian population, Asian population2800689517q21 locus rs7216389 polymorphism was significantly associated with paediatric asthma risk.
32GSTP1 rs1695A/GGMissense VariantAsthmaPortuguese population27561723Comparing to controls, significant association with asthma was observed for GSTP1 rs1695 AA genotype.
33GSDMBrs2305480 C/TCMissense VariantAsthma-29330013rs2305480 of the gasdermin B (GSDMB) gene in the 17q21 locus were associated with lower asthma risk.
34GSDMBrs11078928A/C/TTSplice Acceptor VariantAsthma-29330013rs11078928 of the gasdermin B (GSDMB) gene in the 17q21 locus were associated with lower asthma risk. The splice variant rs11078928 deletes the entire exon 6, which encodes 13 amino acids in the critical N-terminus and abolishes the pyroptotic activity of the GSDMB protein.
35GLI2 rs11684871 A/GGIntron VariantAsthmaEuropean population27387956The interaction of rs910652 and rs11684871 was associated with asthma susceptibility.
36GSTM1----Allergic AsthmaPakistani population30258913No association of GSTM1 and GSTT1 in pathogenesis of asthma was noted. However, combined GSTM1+ and GSTT- genotype could be a possible candidate for development of allergic asthma beside family history.
37GSTT1----Allergic AsthmaPakistani population30258913No association of GSTM1 and GSTT1 in pathogenesis of asthma was noted. However, combined GSTM1+ and GSTT- genotype could be a possible candidate for development of allergic asthma beside family history.
38GSTP1 rs1695A/GGMissense VariantAsthmaTurkish population27385593GSTP1 Ile105Val (rs1695) polymorphism may be linked to the severeness of airway dysfunction in asthmatic patients.
39GSDMBrs2305480 C/TCMissense VariantAsthmaPuerto Rican population28461288rs2305480 was associated with asthma.
40GSDMBrs11078927C/TCIntron VariantAsthmaPuerto Rican population28461288rs11078927 was found to be associated with asthma.
41GSDMBrs2305480C/T (REV)CMissense VariantAsthmaDutch population27439200The risk allele G of rs2305480 was significantly associated with asthma. The risk allele G of rs2305480 on chromosome 17q12 was associated with a higher level of CD4 T cells in asthma airway wall biopsies of asthmatics. The G allele of rs2305480 was associated with a higher number eosinophils in airway wall biopsies of asthmatics.
42GSDMBrs11078927C/TCIntron VariantAsthmaDutch population27439200The risk allele C of rs11078927 was significantly associated with asthma.
43GSDMArs3894194C/T (REV)CMissense VariantAsthmaDutch population27439200The risk allele A of rs3894194 was significantly associated with asthma.
44GSDMB rs2290400A/G (REV)GIntron VariantAsthmaDutch population27439200The risk allele T of rs2290400 on chromosome 17q12 was associated with a higher level of CD4 T cells in asthma airway wall biopsies of asthmatics.
45GSDMB rs8067378A/GG-AsthmaDutch population27439200rs8067378 was significantly associated with asthma.
46GSDMB rs7216389C/TTIntron VariantAsthmaDutch population27439200rs7216389 was significantly associated with asthma.
47GLDC, IL33, TPD52L3, UHRF2rs9775039 A/GG-Asthma, Allergic DiseasesEuropean population29785011rs9775039 was associated with asthma and allergic diseases.
48GSDMB rs869402 A/C/T TIntron VariantAsthma, Allergic DiseasesEuropean population29785011rs869402 was associated with asthma and allergic diseases.
49GLDC, UHRF2rs2169282 A/GA-Asthma, Allergic DiseasesEuropean population29785011rs2169282 was associated with asthma and allergic diseases.
50GATA3rs10795656 A/G/TG-Asthma, Allergic DiseasesEuropean population29785011rs10795656 was associated with asthma and allergic diseases.
51GSDMArs7212938A/C/G/T TMissense VariantAsthma with Hay FeverEuropean population, American population, Australian population24388013The rs7212938:G allele was associated with increased asthma with hay fever risk.
52GLCCI1rs37973A/C/GA2KB Upstream VariantSeasonal Allergic Rhinitis (SAR)Chinese Han population29981236The GLCCI1 rs37973 variant is a risk factor for glucocorticoid resistance in Chinese patients with SAR who receive short-term INCS (Intranasal Corticosteroids) treatment.
53GATA3rs1269486A/G GIntron VariantAllergic RhinitisChinese population18826115The SNP at rs1269486 of GATA3 is associated with allergic rhinitis in Chinese.
54GATA3rs1269486A/G GIntron VariantAllergic RhinitisChinese population18607915The frequency of the G allele of rs1269486 in the patient group was significantly higher than that in the control group, while the frequency of the A allele in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group. The haplotype frequency of GC at the two loci (rs1269486 and rs2229360) in the patient group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the haplotype frequency of AC in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group.
55GATA3rs2229360A/C/T C3 Prime UTR VariantAllergic RhinitisChinese population18607915The haplotype frequency of GC at the two loci (rs1269486 and rs2229360) in the patient group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the haplotype frequency of AC in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group.
56GATA3rs422628C/TTIntron VariantAsthmaUK population25250096cg17124583 modified the association of SNP rs422628 with asthma risk at the age of 18 years. Subjects with genotype AG showed an increase in average risk ratio from 0.31 to 11.65 when methylation level increased from 0.02 to 0.12, relative to genotype AA.
57GATA3rs1269486 A/G GIntron VariantAsthmaUK population25250096The interaction between Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) use and SNP rs1269486 was found to be associated with the methylation level of cg17124583 in asthma.