SNP data of: Disease - Allergic Rhinitis (AR) and Biological sample - Nasal Mucosa

SL. No.Gene Name SNP InvolvedCommentsReference (PMID)
1GATA3rs1269486The SNP at rs1269486 of GATA3 is associated with allergic rhinitis in Chinese.18826115
2GATA3rs1269486 The frequency of the G allele of rs1269486 in the allergic rhinitis patient group was significantly higher than that in the control group, while the frequency of the A allele in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group. 18607915
3GATA3rs2229360The haplotype frequency of GC at the two loci (rs1269486 and rs2229360) in the allergic rhinitis patient group was significantly higher than that in the control group, and the haplotype frequency of AC in the patient group was significantly lower than that in the control group.18607915
4TGFB1rs1800469TGFB1 gene polymorphism -509C/T may play a potential role in the severity of persistent Allergic Rhinitis in childhood.21055322
5TGFB1rs747857rs747857 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
6TGFB1rs6508975rs6508975 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
7TGFB1rs2241715rs2241715 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
8TGFB1rs12462166rs12462166 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
9TGFB1rs12983775rs12983775 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
10TGFB1rs1800470rs1800470 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
11TGFB1rs2317130rs2317130 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
12TGFB1rs11466359rs11466359 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
13TGFB1rs12461895 rs12461895 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
14TGFB1rs7258445rs7258445 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
15TGFB1rs11466345rs11466345 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
16TGFB1rs2241717rs2241717 showed significant correlation with the efficacy of allergic rhinitis specific immune therapy.26791767
17TGFB1rs1800471The C allele and the CG genotype in rs1800471 in TGFB1 were associated with a higher susceptibility to Allergic Rhinitis.26316419
18TGFB1rs1982037C/C and T/C haplotypes (rs1982037, rs1800471) in TGFB1 gene were found with higher frequencies in allergic rhinitis patients than controls.26316419
19TGFB1rs1800469Polymorphism -509C/T (rs1800469) in TGFB1 promoter is associated with increased risk and severity of persistent Allergic Rhinitis in Chinese Population.32216462
20VEGFArs1479430148AA genotype in rs1479430148 (VEGFA) was significantly associated with allergic rhinitis in mixed (pigmented-vascular) subtype.30215845