1173 predicted and 1546 experimentally verified small molecules from publicly available literatures and databases for three well-known target PPIs (Mdm2/P53, Bcl2/Bak and c-Myc/Max) had been curated a database, named as PPIMdb, a database of small molecules that inhibit orthosteric Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs).

The database has 2719 small molecules PPIMs with 25 different attributes for three target PPIs namely, Mdm2/P53, Bcl2/Bak and c-Myc/Max. The attribute named, 'DB_ACCESS_NUMBER' is primary key of the database. There are two important tools have been included in the database, such as PPIMpred (Prediction of novel PPIMs) and PPIM-IC50Pred (IC50 value prediction of PPIMs). The block diagram represents overall architecture of the database.

Figure. Block-diagram of PPIM-db (Protein-Protein Interaction Modulators Database)

Information regarding attributes of PPIM-db

PPIM_SVM_SCORE (Protein-Protein Interaction Modulator SVM score)

Datasets Good SVM score (PPIMpred)
Mdm2/P53 SVM score > 0.00 (Threshold value)
Bcl2/Bak SVM score > - 0.40 (Threshold value)
c-Myc/Max SVM score > - 0.50 (Threshold value)

IC50_PREDICTION_VALUE (Log 10 (IC50) values)

Datasets Log 10 (IC50) values (PPIM-IC50pred)
Mdm2/P53 and Bcl2/Bak
  • -2.0 < Predicted Log 10 (IC50) value < 0.0 Very high
  • 0.0 < Predicted Log 10 (IC50) value < 3.0 High
  • 3.0< Predicted Log 10 (IC50) value < 4.0 Medium
  • 4.0 < Predicted Log 10 (IC50) value < 6.0 Low


© 2018 Bose Institute, Kolkata. All rights reserved

For queries please contact Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in, ssaha4@gmail.com)

Last updated on 19th January, 2018

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