What is PPIMdb?
How many entries have been found in the PPIMdb database?
How many attributes have been found in the PPIMdb database and how many target protein-protein interaction founds here?
How users will give inputs or search chemicals to the PPIMdb?
How users will browse the PPIMdb database?
how output of result (both search and browse) will interpret to the users?
How many tools have been added to the database?
Are there any suggested readings/query related to the contents of this PPIMdb?
Can Users download the database?
What are useful links in PPIMdb?
What is PPIMdb?
PPIMdb is a database of small molecule PPIMs that inhibit the Protein-Protein Interactions at their hotspot area. The database contains experimentally verified as well as predicted small molecules.
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How many entries have been found in the PPIMdb database?
The PPIMdb database contains 2719 entries of small molecules.
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How many attributes have been found in the PPIMdb database and how many target protein-protein interaction founds here?
The database contains of 25 attributes (fields) for each entries of small molecules. In the database, small molecules for three target PPIs , namely Mdm2/P53, Bc2/Bak, and c-Myc/Max are described.
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How users will give inputs or search chemicals to the PPIMdb?
Users may give the chemical id (choose any one id among three, namely PubChem CID, NSC and ChEMBL) and select one target PPI 'radio' among three PPIs and click the 'submit' button.
Users search Page
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How users will browse the PPIMdb database?
Users may browse the PPIMdb database, on the basis of three different target PPIs, including Mdm2/P53, Bcl2/Bak and c-Myc/Max.
Browse page
Browse page of Mdm2/P53
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how output of result (both search and browse) will interpret to the users?
After providing chemical id and target PPI, users may get the result of desired molecules, stored in PPIDb database. 25 different information with structure image of desired molecule, will be displayed.
The browsing of small molecules for different target PPIs will be also displayed in same manner.
Search Result page
Browse result page of Mdm2/P53 Experimentally verified
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How many tools have been added to the database?
There are two important tools have been added to the database. such i). PPIMpred and ii). PPIM-IC50pred. For more information users may visit the 'tools' page.
Tools Page
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Are there any suggested readings/query related to the contents of this PPIMdb?
For queries and suggestion please contact Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in) (ssaha4@gmail.com)
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Can Users download the database?
Users may download conents of the database in Excel format file. The file will be available soon.
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What are useful links in PPIMdb?
Users may also visit the useful links for developing this database.
NCBI PubChem |
2P2I Database |
RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) |
SVMlight Support Vector Machine |
Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java |
NCI Open Database |
© 2018 Bose Institute, Kolkata. All rights reserved
For queries please contact Dr. Sudipto Saha (ssaha4@jcbose.ac.in, ssaha4@gmail.com)
Last updated on 19th January, 2018
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