Expression data of: Disease - Atopic Dermatitis (AD) and Biological sample - Blood

SL. No.Gene Name DAAB-V2 IDExpression Pattern Reference (PMID)
1STAT1D114522STAT1 was found to be down regulated in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from atopic dermatitis subjects as compared to control subjects.12372999
2HMGB1D112674HMGB1 levels were significantly higher in Atopic Eczema/Dermatitis Syndrome (AEDS) patient group than in a healthy control group.26388323
3CCL5D114478Level of RANTES was higher in the Atopic Dermatitis group than in the Healthy Control group and the pollinosis group.10608293
4CCL5D114511CCL5 level was higher in the infantile Atopic Dermatitis patients with the systemic skin lesion compared with controls.10944824
5CCL5D114513Serum levels of CCL5 was increased in Atopic Dermatitis patients as compared with normal controls.11550808
6CCL5D114517The mean plasma level of RANTES in patients with atopic dermatitis was significantly higher than that of normal control subjects.16296266
7TSLPD102196Serum TSLP levels were significantly higher in the both adult and childhood Atopic Dermatitis as compared to healthy controls but, no differences were seen in TSLP level between children and adults with Atopic Dermatitis.27152943
8TSLPD114500The serum level of TSLP was higher in patients with Atopic Dermatitis than in the healthy children.31888784
9GATA3D114496GATA3 was elevated in atopic dermatitis as compared to healthy controls.15008986
10IL6D110152Patients with severe AD had significantly higher IL6 levels compared with healthy controls. 30236612
11IL6D114647The serum levels of IL6 was significantly elevated in Atopic Dermatitis patients in comparison with the normal values of healthy donors.1284103
12IL6D114645Peripheral blood T cells derived from patients with Atopic Dermatitis spontaneously produce increased amounts of IL6 compared to T cells from normal subjects, which may reflect the increased activation state of T cells in atopic dermatitis.8440909
13CXCL8D102220Serum concentration of IL-8 (CXCL8) were significantly higher at atopic dermatitis exacerbation in patients than in healthy controls.26411782
14CXCL8D114510IL-8 (CXCL8) concentrations were significantly higher in severe than in mild or moderate atopic dermatitis.8129432
15IL13D110474IL13 was upregulated in adult atopic dermatitis patients as compared to control subjects.31009665
16IL13D110601IL13 was significantly up regulated in blood plasma of Atopic Dermatitis patients30132823
17IL13D110758IL13 was up-regulated in early pediatric Atopic Dermatitis blood.30508584
18IL10D102217Serum concentration of IL-10 were lower at atopic dermatitis exacerbation in patients than in healthy controls.26411782