Expression data of: Disease - Asthma and Biological sample - Sputum

SL. No.Gene Name DAAB-V2 IDExpression Pattern Reference (PMID)
1RAB1AD105510RAB1A was significantly up regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
2PHF21AD105380PHF21A was significantly up regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
3SOCS1D106962SOCS1 gene expression was up regulated in atopic asthma and downregulated by fluticasone treatment.27421833
4HIST1H2ACD104711HIST1H2AC level was significantly elevated in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.28528200
5BNIP3LD105327BNIP3L was significantly up regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
6miR-221-3pD106511Epithelial, sputum, and plasma miR-221-3p expression was significantly decreased in subjects with asthma. 29644894
7miR-142-3pD104446miR-142-3p was significantly upregulated in sputum of patients with severe asthma compared with that in healthy control subjects and was highest in patients with neutrophilic asthma. 27155035
8EIF4G3D105359EIF4G3 was significantly up regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
9miR-629-3pD104444miR-629-3p was significantly upregulated in sputum of patients with severe asthma compared with that in healthy control subjects and was highest in patients with neutrophilic asthma.27155035
10C3orf36D105519C3ORF36 was significantly down regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
11IPO11D105412IPO11 was significantly down regulated in the sputum of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28933920
12miR-199a-5pD107993The miRNA-199a-5p levels in plasma and sputum were increased significantly in patients with neutrophilic asthma compared to healthy subjects. Plasma miR-199a-5p was negatively correlated with pulmonary function.29505605
13TGFBR1D108039TGFBR1 was significantly down regulated gene in obese asthmatics.29857009