Expression data of: Disease - Allergic Rhinitis (AR) and Biological sample - Nasal Tissues

SL. No.Gene Name DAAB-V2 IDExpression Pattern Reference (PMID)
1JAK2D102034Highly expressed in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma.24282527
2CXCL8D114562IL8 was increased in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis as compared to healthy controls.25505260
3CXCL8D114471IL8 level in Allergic Rhinitis was significantly elevated compared with normal group.17628972
4IL6D114561IL6 was increased in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis as compared to healthy controls.25505260
5IL6D114486Allergic Rhinitis patients showed significant up-regulation in the release of IL6 in comparison with normal controls.25910474
6IL6D114470IL6 level in Allergic Rhinitis group was significantly elevated compared with normal group.17628972
7CCL5D100874Was upregulated in Allergic Rhinitis.17982926
8CCL5D114474The levels of CCL5 were higher in patients with perennial allergic rhinitis (PAR) as compared to healthy controls.28587510
9STAT3D114417STAT3 expression was elevated in the allergic rhinitis patients as compared to healthy volunteers.27228572
10TGFB1D114441The expressions of TGFB1 in Allergic Rhinitis tissues were significant increased as compared to that of healthy subjects.22667130
11miR-126D114402miR-126-5p was significantly elevated in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to normal controls. 31938286
12HMGB1D114327Significantly higher concentrations of HMGB1 were found in nasal secretions from patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyp or allergic rhinitis compared with the control subjects.27216346
13HMGB1D114326The level of HMGB1 was significantly increased in nasal fluids of patients with allergic rhinitis, patients with NARES (nonallergic rhinitis with eosinophiliac syndrome), as well as patients with polyps as compared to healthy subjects.26045910
14HMGB1D114320HMGB1 levels in nasal lavage fluid were higher in Allergic Rhinitis children than in the control group.23343652
15HMGB1D114335High expression of HMGB1 was observed in the nasal brushing samples from Allergic Rhinitis patients as compared to healthy controls.31739216
16STAT1D114266STAT1 was down-regulated in allergic rhinitis. STAT1 may be involved in the pathogenesis of Allergic Rhinitis.30368403
17IL10D114332IL10 was significantly lower in the nasal lavage fluid samples from Allergic Rhinitis patients as compared with the control subjects.31739216
18IL10D114634IL10 was significantly reduced in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to healthy subjects.22793523
19IL10D114665Nasal IL10 was lower in Allergic Rhinitis subjects compared to control group.31993765
20IL13D114658IL13 expression was increased in nasal mucosa of moderate/severe persistent allergic rhinitis patients as compared to healthy controls.22487676
21IL13D114374Nasal lavage level of IL13 was significantly higher in allergic rhinitis patients (seasonal and perennial) as compared to healthy controls.26378625
22IL13D114330IL13 was significantly higher in the nasal lavage fluid samples from Allergic Rhinitis patients as compared with the control subjects.31739216
23GATA3D114584The percentage of GATA3+ T cells are significantly higher in allergic nasal mucosa than those in nonallergic nasal mucosa.22164170
24GATA3D114609GATA3 expression was significantly increased in patients with persistent allergic rhinitis compared to normal controls20192943
25GATA3D114597GATA3 was overexpressed in allergic rhinitis patients as compared to healthy subjects.15563083
26GATA3D114590GATA3 expression was significantly increased in Allergic Rhinitis patients as compared to healthy controls.23956965
27GATA3D114473The level of GATA3 mRNA and protein in Allergic Rhinitis group was higher than that in Non Allergic Rhinitis group and control group.17628972
28GATA3D114600The expression of the transcription factor GATA3 was increased after allergen challenge in allergic rhinitis patients.10856149
29GATA3D114603The expression of GATA3 in patients with Allergic Rhinitis was significantly higher than that in the control group.22123238
30GATA3D114601The number of GATA3+ cells was significantly higher in Allergic Rhinitis patients vs controls.17686103
31TSLPD114483There was a higher production profile of TSLP in nasal secretion in the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis.29109963
32TSLPD114484The mRNA level of TSLP was significantly increased in NECs of patients with Allergic Rhinitis group compared with the nonallergic control group.20079130
33TSLPD114492TSLP was significantly elevated in patients with Allergic Rhinitis as compared to healthy control.19968632
34TSLPD114493The mRNA and protein expression of TSLP is increased significantly in Allergic Rhinitis nasal mucosa compared with normal control.18720075
35TSLPD114485Allergic Rhinitis patients showed significant up-regulation in the release of TSLP in comparison with normal controls.25910474