Expression data of: Disease - Asthma and Biological sample - Airway Epithelial Cells

SL. No.Gene Name DAAB-V2 IDExpression Pattern Reference (PMID)
1ATF6BD114174ATF6B was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
2FOXO3D107247Significantly decreased expression levels of FOXO3 was noted primary bronchial epthelial cells in asthmatics and COPD patients as compared to healthy subjects.30696075
3HPND113844HPN was down regulated in severe asthma. 27984699
4miR-197-3pD113984miR-197-3p was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29769273
5miR-342-3pD113981miR-342-3p was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29769273
6miR-10a-5pD107245Increased miR-10a-5p level was noted in primary bronchial epithelial cells and serum of patients with asthma and COPD as compared with normal control subjects.30696075
7miR-574-3pD113730miR-574-3p expression was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29769273
8COL5A1D100209This is a cell communication protein significantly down regulated in asthma.17919147
9SPATS2LD114070SPATS2L was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
10NOTCH2D112787NOTCH2 was significantly down regulated in peripheral airways of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28045928
11miR-543D113972miR-543 was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29769273
12miR-146a-5pD107246Increased miR-146a-5p level was noted in primary bronchial epithelial cells and serum of patients with asthma as compared with normal control subjects.30696075
13TLL1D106800TLL1 was significantly down regulated in asthmatic subjects as compared to healthy control.29064281
14FOSL2D114165FOSL2 was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
15SIRT1D107680The level of SIRT1 mRNA was reduced in the bronchial epithelial cells from asthma patients as compared to healthy subjects.30654657
16ZNF548D114155ZNF548 was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
17CLN8D101995Downregulated in the upper airways in patients with allergic asthma.24475887
18CREBBPD111222CREBBP expression was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.28137284
19miR-99b-5pD113978miR-99b-5p was significantly increased in severe asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.29769273
20MYLKD102014Downregulated in the lower airways in both allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma patients as compared to controls.24475887
21PPM1LD114146PPM1L was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
22EP300D111223EP300 expression was down regulated in asthmatics as compared to healthy controls.28137284
23CYP4F11D114101CYP4F11 was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
24METTL7AD100260This gene is significantly down regulated in asthma.17919147
25TGFB1D104320TGFB1 gene and protein expression were significantly downregulated in asthmatic primary airway epithelial cells (pAECs) over the course of repair, compared with cells from non-asthmatic children. 27221564
26PLA2G4FD114175PLA2G4F was significantly decreased in severe asthmatics as compared to control subjects.29769273
27DUSP1D102016Dowregulated in upper airways.24282527
28EPHA4D100207This is a cell communication protein significantly down regulated in asthma.17919147
29CCL5D112814CCL5 was significantly down regulated in central airways of severe asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects.28045928